
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 177: worthy of being a scientist

"Stop thinking about it, change the deer's clothes."

Wang Ran ordered.

Lin Momo nodded and led Lu Shuangshuang to change clothes.

"Master, I heard that you opened a small stove for Momo in the warehouse in the afternoon!"

"I also want!"

Su Xiaoyu directly tangled up like an octopus.

"You go wash first."

"I still have something to look for Shi Yao."

Wang Ran pulled Su Xiaoyu down.


After being affirmed, Su Xiaoyu happily ran back to the villa.

Wang Ran came to Liu Shiyao's laboratory.

Liu Shiyao is immersed in research there, and she is indeed a workaholic.

She didn't react until Wang Ran pinched her ass.

"Hey, don't touch me first, I'm at a critical moment!"

Liu Shiyao was there looking at the microscope without looking back.

Wang Ran suddenly became interested.

Isn't it forbidden to touch, I just want to tease and see if you love science or sports...

Liu Shiyao insisted on not leaving the microscope.

Wang Ran was a little over the top, and directly opened the big move... LF

"A scientist is a scientist."

Twenty minutes later, Wang Ran said with admiration.

Liu Shiyao actually held it all the way!

Wang Ran had to admire it.

Liu Shiyao blushed and did not dare to answer.

When Wang Ran first started, she couldn't see any cells in her eyes.

In order to save face, she had to pretend to be still working.

Now that it was over, she could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Oops! Absorbed again..."

"How can I survive?"

Liu Shiyao felt remorse in her heart.

Is it only in the mouth? ? ?

It seems that's all it takes.

"By the way, what are you doing to toss me at night!"

Liu Shiyao asked.

Wang Ran has so many girls, it's not like they come for sports.

Wang Ran smiled and took out a tentacle from his pocket.

This is the spoils of battle in the sea before.

"This...this is..."

"Squid tentacles?"

Liu Shiyao was shocked.

She could see at a glance that the squid must have mutated.

"It's a mollusk!"

"Are mollusks affected by viruses!"

Liu Shiyao is grateful that the development of the virus has exceeded her expectations.

"I remember you said before that the virus is currently unable to directly affect non-mammalian animals."

"What if this squid mutated because it ate a mutated dolphin?"

Wang Ran thought of a possibility.

"Ah! If that's the case, it's quite possible!"

"Dolphins are mammals. If there are high concentrations of zombie viruses in the sea, dolphins are the most likely to mutate first."

"Squid eat dolphin, it is indeed possible to mutate."

"By the way, where did so many viruses come from in the sea!"

Liu Shiyao couldn't understand.

Wang Ran quickly thought that it must be the corpse tide that day. The explosion alone caused one or two thousand zombies to fall into the sea.

Later, Wu Jianguo and the others led a team to clean up the zombies. Wang Ran specially instructed that mutant zombies should not be buried directly, as it would easily attract zombies to gnaw on them.

It is estimated that they should have thrown the body into the sea.

Dozens of mutant zombies plus a red-eyed female zombie.

If it is thrown into the sea, it is indeed easy to mutate the dolphins in the coastal waters.


"The speed at which the virus mutates and spreads is beyond our imagination!"

"You must know that marine life is far more numerous than terrestrial life, both in terms of variety and quantity."

"If marine life keeps mutating and then starts to climb on land..."

There was a hint of fear in Liu Shiyao's eyes.

It really could be a catastrophe.

"So you have to develop antiviral drugs as soon as possible."

Wang Ran patted Liu Shiyao on the shoulder.

"I want it too!"

Liu Shiyao glanced down as he spoke.

Wang Ran's body fluids play an important role in the study of antiviral agents.

Gotta figure out a way to get some of it.

"Okay, you study slowly, I'll go back to rest first."

Wang Ran thought that Su Xiaoyu was still waiting for him in the villa.

Liu Shiyao looked at Wang Ran's back and sighed.

Next time, you will have to come hard and push the body fluids directly!

Lu Shuangshuang took a hot bath and put on clean pajamas.

I have to say, the environment here is really good!

Lu Shuangshuang was a little reluctant to leave.

"Ah, long-legged sister, you're done washing!"

"Want something for a late night snack or drink?"

Lin Momo asked very thoughtfully.

"Ah, no, no!"

"Also, my name is Lu Shuangshuang, you can call me Xiaolu or Shuangshuang."

"You can't be a long-legged sister."

Lu Shuangshuang was a little embarrassed.

She has seen Su Xiaoyu before, and her legs are not short.

"By the way, do you sleep by yourself or with the master tonight?"

Lin Momo continued to ask.


Lu Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment.

What does this mean?

I didn't intend to stay!

And the master...is that Wang Ran?

Who wants to sleep with him!

Is this a misunderstanding of this...

"Could it be that you haven't been with the master yet..."

Seeing that Lu Shuangshuang's reaction was a bit strange, Lin Momo asked.

"Not yet!"

Lu Shuangshuang nodded decisively.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was stunned.

not yet...

This is a bit meaningful.

"I, I, I won't do anything with him!"

Lu Shuangshuang added that at the same time, she also wanted to set up a flag.

"The last person who said that has been streaking around the island three times."

Lin Momo reminded kindly.

Lu Shuangshuang was stunned for a while, and decisively dismissed the idea of ​​standing up flag.

"Okay, okay, it's very late today, you can stay here and rest."

"Whether you leave tomorrow or leave it up to you to decide."

Lin Momo said with a smile.

"All right..."

Lu Shuangshuang was persuaded by Lin Momo.

Such a great seaside villa, she really wanted to stay for one night.

In this way, tomorrow morning you can see the rising sun by the sea.

"Then I'll go first!"

"If you need anything, just use the walkie-talkie in the room to find channel 2."

Lin Momo smiled sweetly, picked up the clothes that Lu Shuangshuang had changed, and left the villa.

Lu Shuangshuang lay down on the sun loungers by the pool, feeling very happy.

"If only I could live in a seaside villa like this every day."

Lu Shuangshuang looked at the stars and the round moon and sighed.

"Ah! Lu Shuangshuang!"

"You are the public servant of the people, how can you be corrupted by capital so easily!"

"Hold on! Just... just one night!"

Lu Shuangshuang was very struggling.

Back in the bedroom, lying on the comfortable mattress and fluffy pillows, Lu Shuangshuang began to struggle again.

It seems to be good to live here all the time...
