
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 168: Please pay my respects!

"Don't stay?"

"Okay, we will not refund the food you brought."

"You and your children go out and survive on your own."

"It's getting dark, think about it for yourself."

Huang Rong shook his feet and touched his beer belly.

The young woman was visibly stunned.

Huang Rong said it well.

In the end times, food matters.

If you don't eat it yourself, your kids have to eat it too!

If you run out now, wait until it gets dark...

It's hard to say whether it will last until tomorrow.

As a mother, she was extremely troubled.

If you stay here, you might suffer some terrible things.

But if you leave...

She and the child may not last a night...

"In our camp, no one is forcing you to do anything."

"Everything is voluntary."

"You can also do nothing, but we don't give food to idlers."

"Think about it for yourself."

Huang Rong said coldly.

Several young women present were all nervous.

They ate and drank in Jinbao's camp before, and lived a very comfortable life.

But since yesterday's corpse tide, they all know how cruel the world is now.

"I! I can!"

"Let me do anything!"

"Please give me and the child some food!"

A young woman with short hair took the initiative to speak.

"I can too!"

"I'm amazing! I used to work in a hotel, and I've gotten better."

"I can do any trick!"

The young woman next to her hurriedly said.

There are still differences between people, and some people are particularly easy to accept the reality.

The upright young woman from before clenched her teeth and struggled violently in her heart.

If it was only herself, even if she starved to death, she would not succumb to the rules of this camp.

But she has a child.

The child is too young to survive alone.

So, both she and her children need to survive.

Just when she was struggling, Wang Ran spoke up.

"I believe in Feng Shui."

"What's your child's name, tell me."

Wang Ran said lightly.

"Zhang Jian."

"Li Xunhuan."

"He Kun."


These young women reported the names of their children.

Wang Ran looked at the mother of the child surnamed He.

It was the one who protested before.

It seems that she is likely to be He Xiang's wife.

"Xiao Rong, this mother and son stay."

"Take everyone else away, don't let anyone disturb me."

Wang Ran waved at Huang Rong.


"You guys, come with me!"

Huang Rong directly took the other couples out.

Only Wang Ran and He Kun were left in the room.

"You...what do you want me to do."

"If it's just a massage on the back, I can..."

"If you want to do something more extreme, I will fight with you."

The young woman said with red eyes.

It seemed that she still couldn't get past that level in her heart.

"Do you know He Xiang?"

Seeing that she was under so much pressure, Wang Ran went straight to the topic.


"You! Who are you!"

"How do you know Ah Xiang?"

"How is he now?"

The young woman's tears suddenly burst out.

Yesterday, when the corpse tide came, He Xiang was in charge of organizing the survivors to evacuate.

After everyone evacuated in an orderly manner, He Xiang turned around and went back to the front line to buy time for everyone.

Everyone knows that going back to face the corpse tide is basically no return.

In this young woman's heart, she didn't hold much hope at all.

Now that she heard her husband's name again, her tears couldn't hold back all of a sudden.

"He's fine, I rescued dozens of them, and they're in my camp now."

"They're out there looking for your whereabouts now."

"I came to this camp to do some business. I heard that there is a group of people with similar origins to you, so I tried this method."

"I really did find you."

As Wang Ran said that, he stuffed a few packets of snacks into the little boy's hand.

The little boy looked at his mother, and after receiving affirmation, he opened the package and ate it.

Potato chips are junk food that parents are not willing to let their children eat.

But in the end times, this is a good thing with high calories.

"Ah Xiang, he's fine..."

"It's really good!"

"Then can I find him?"

The young woman asked.

This time, there was hope in her eyes.

"I'm here to do something, and when I'm done, I'll take you back directly."

"During this period, you stay with me, and no one should bully you."

Wang Ran said.

Who would dare to rob a woman whom a Level 3 Awakener likes.

"Brother, thank you so much!"

The young woman knelt directly in front of Wang Ran.

Wang Ran not only rescued her husband, but now also provides shelter for their mother and son.

This kind of kindness, kneeling down and kowtow is not an exaggeration.

When the little boy saw his mother kneeling down, he put down the potato chips and knelt down as well.

The tutoring seems to be pretty good.

"Okay, just stay here for now."

"When I'm done, I'll take you to find He Xiang."

Wang Ran helped them up.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, Wang Ran opened the door and walked out of the room.

"Brother Wang Ran, you are done."

"How does this young woman taste?"

Huang Rong was smoking in the corridor, and when he saw Wang Ran come out, he immediately greeted him.

"not bad."

"I've spent the night with this girl, so keep it for me."

The corners of Wang Ran's mouth rose slightly.

"No problem, brother."

Seeing Wang Ran's expression, Huang Rong naturally understood.

"By the way, brother, look at this medicine..."

"is not it..."

Huang Rong hinted.

Wang Ran took out a small paper bag from his pocket, which contained the vitamin C powder he had just prepared.

"Eat one bag for a day."

"Eat it for three days to completely eliminate the virus."

Wang Ran flickered.

Huang Rong's eyes lit up, and he immediately opened the paper bag and poured the powder into his mouth.

As soon as the powder entered his mouth, Huang Rong immediately hurried himself up.

"Is your white-haired brother back yet?"

Wang Ran asked.


"I don't know if they have any difficulties."

Huang Rong was also a little puzzled.

Brother Bai Mao has always been sharp in his work, but this time, he didn't come back for so long.

At this time, Huang Rong's walkie-talkie suddenly rang.

"All Level 2 and Level 3 Awakeners who are not guarding the gate, come to me to gather!"


The voice of the camp boss Zhang Deli came from the walkie-talkie.


"Brother, let's go quickly."

Huang Rong took Wang Ran to Zhang Deli's room.

There were already more than a dozen people in the room.

One of them has yellow hair, who looks particularly arrogant, and is estimated to be a third-level awakener.

"Everyone is almost here, so I'll start talking."

"Right now we have a very serious situation in our camp."

Zhang Deli looked solemn.
