
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 164: stealing business

Wang Ran took two small attendants and swept through the waiting hall.

Most of the shops here are open, but it looks a bit chaotic.

There were also some scattered zombies in the waiting hall, all of which were controlled by Lin Momo and sat obediently on the chairs.

Although the screen looks a little weird, it is quite convenient.

"Master, I'll go over there and get some bags and clothes."

"I'm going to get some sunscreen and skincare."

Su Xiaoyu, Lin Momo and Wang Ran greeted each other and ran to the luxury counters.

Wang Ran went to the tobacco and alcohol area.

Although the scene is messy, but there is a lot of things.

Wang Ran got a few large cardboard boxes and began to pack tobacco and alcohol.

Tobacco and alcohol at the airport are not too bad, you can get as much as you can.

The younger brothers of Donghu Villa still have a little demand for cigarettes. Usually, each person can send two packs per week as a welfare.

The extra can be exchanged with the survivors outside.

At this time, on the other side of the airport terminal, a team of 4 people was advancing cautiously.

They had machetes, baseball bats, and one of them had a pistol in their hands.

"Why did the boss ask us to come to the airport to find supplies?"

"What can there be in the airport, it's not as good as a shopping mall or a supermarket."

A young man in a baseball cap muttered.

"The level of the boss is something you can figure out?"

"You don't even think about it. It's been a week, and the supermarkets and shopping malls have long been emptied!"

"It's just that this airport far from the city can have some good things."

"Let me tell you, there are foreign tobacco and wine at the airport. If you get it back, it will be a great achievement!"

"When the boss is happy, maybe he will reward you with a female survivor!"

A middle-aged man with a beer belly grinned wickedly.

"That is!"

"Among the group of people who joined the camp yesterday, there was a young woman with a child who was very beautiful."

"When the time comes, don't rob me!"

A thin man with a mouth full of yellow teeth scratched his crotch.

"It's just that you have a unique taste and like young women."

"I still like girls, haha."

The beer-bellied middle-aged man laughed out loud.

"Brother Rong, don't laugh so loudly, there must be zombies here!"

The young man in the baseball cap is very cautious.

"Young people are young people, very cowardly!"

"Our four Awakeners, I'm still a Level 2 Awakener, I'm afraid!"

"Besides, I still have a gun in my hand!"

"Zombies! I'll kill as many as you come!"

The middle-aged man with beer belly patted his stomach confidently.

Their camp was in the north of N City. They didn't encounter this corpse tide, and they didn't even encounter many mutant zombies, so they gave them the illusion that they were very powerful.

"Hey, Brother Rong, look!"

"This scene is so weird!"

The young man in the baseball cap pointed forward.

Twenty or thirty zombies are sitting on chairs, just like passengers waiting for the plane every day...

"Fuck, I haven't seen this scene before."

"Is their **** glued to 502?"

The beer-bellied middle-aged man scratched his head.

Kind of weird indeed.

However, these 4 people have a bit of strength, and they did not stop because of this.

After the 4 people walked forward for a while, the zombies did not stand up to attack them.

This made the beer-bellied middle-aged man leading the team to relax some vigilance.

"Longhair, you look at the zombies, let's go in and search for tobacco and alcohol."

The middle-aged man with beer belly ordered.

A long-haired man carried a baseball bat on his shoulders, shaking his feet and facing the zombies sitting in rows.

The other three entered the smoking hotel together.


As soon as he entered, the middle-aged man with beer belly raised his gun and aimed forward.

He saw a young man leisurely filling a cardboard box with cigarettes.

"Yo, there's someone else here."

"What a coincidence."

The young man raised his head, it was Wang Ran.

The cigarettes and most of the alcohol in the entire store have been boxed by Wang Ran.

A full 8 large boxes.

Wang Ran was too lazy to pick up some loose cigarettes scattered on the ground.

"Oh, it's all packed!"

"It's good, and it saves us from doing it ourselves."

"Young man, the loose smoke on the ground should be your reward. For the rest, we'll be welcome."

The middle-aged man with a beer belly said with a smile.

From his point of view, Wang Ran was alone and obviously could only agree to his request.

Wang Ran glanced at the middle-aged beer belly and the younger brother behind him.

It looks like an Awakener, but not very strong.

This 4-person Awakened squad is a relatively good configuration.

Small number of people, flexible and flexible.

The strength is decent, and some mutant zombies are also beaten.

After finding the supplies, 4 people and a car can just retreat safely.

In the end times, many squads have this structure.

They probably came for these tobacco and alcohol.

But unfortunately, Wang Ran was a step ahead.

No one dared to let him take out what Wang Ran put in his pocket.

Just when Wang Ran was about to start, the zombies who were sitting on the chairs outside stood up in unison.

They slowly turned to the alcohol and tobacco counter.

"Brother Rong! Zombies!"

"The zombies are standing up!"

Called the long hair of the wind from behind.

The beer-bellied middle-aged man immediately turned his head and raised the axe in his hand.

For him, more than 20 zombies are much more dangerous than one human being.

After the zombies turned around completely, it was as if the switch had been turned on, and they roared and rushed towards the team of four.

The two sides fought directly together.

Wang Ran opened a small bottle of wine and drank it while enjoying the **** scene.

"Tsk tsk tsk."

Wang Ran shook his head.

I just got rid of the corpse tide, and now it's a bit boring to see these weak chickens fighting.

This speed, this strength, is too weak.

There is no cooperation between the four people, and it is very inefficient to kill.

That is to say, these zombies are too weak. If there is one or two mutant zombies with a little IQ, they will probably have to lose several people.

After a few minutes, the four finally killed all the zombies.

Except for the middle-aged man with a beer belly, everyone else was slightly panting.

"What was it that you were there just now?"

The beer-bellied middle-aged man turned his head and pointed at Wang Ran with an axe dripping with black blood.

Wang Ran smiled and said nothing.

Originally, I didn't intend to kill someone when I went out today, but it seems that I still have to do something.

"Brother Rong is talking to you!"

"Are you so dumb?"

The yellow-toothed man picked up the wine bottle next to him and smashed it on the cabinet.

A muffled sound.

The yellow-toothed man is embarrassed.

He originally wanted to make a handsome move like smashing a beer bottle, but who knew it was a foreign wine bottle, it was sturdy!

It's a bit of a joy to hit it this time.

Wang Ran sighed.

I didn't bring a hammer this time, and if I killed someone with my bare hands, I might splatter blood on my body.

Just use a wine bottle.

Wang Ran picked up a wine bottle and smashed it directly at the man with yellow teeth!
