
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 156: Boss mighty!

"Fuck, Wu Jianguo!"

Jinbao blurted out.

The person on the screen is the "Wu Jianguo" whom he met in the Bloodfang Camp before.

"No... Who are you kidding?"

Wu Jianguo in front of the screen only felt his scalp tingle.

It doesn't sound very comfortable to hear.

"Wu Jianguo!"

"Isn't this Wu Jianguo!"

Jinbao pointed to Wang Ran on the screen.

"This is our boss Wang Ran!"

"I am Wu Jianguo!"

Wu Jianguo looked at Jinbao blankly.

Have you been replaced by your boss?

What does the boss do with his name?

The boss doesn't need his real name, he always feels that he has done something bad under his own name.

"What! Isn't his name Wu Jianguo? Is he the one who washed blood in the blood tooth camp?"

Lu Shuangshuang suddenly moved closer to the screen.

Before, she had been wanting to find this person to discuss, it can be said that she thought about it day and night.

I didn't expect that the first time I saw him would be on the surveillance screen.

Seeing Lu Shuangshuang's reaction, Wu Jianguo seemed to realize something.

Could it be that... the boss uses his own name to go outside to seduce girls?

hiss...don't think about it...

Everyone stopped murmuring and stared at the screen intently.

They all wanted to see how Wang Ran dealt with these dozens of powerful mutant zombies...

On the seaside road.

Wang Ran leaned on the hammer and looked at the team of mutant zombies in front of him.

"Silver pupil, ordinary mutation, silver pupil, golden pupil..."

"The strength is not so good..."

"Ah! There is a blood pupil!"


Wang Ran's eyes fell on the female zombie with long hair and red eyes in the middle of the zombie team.

There was an extremely dangerous aura about her.

It seems that she should be the manipulator behind this wave of corpses.

Blood pupil... never seen before.

It should be above the level of Jin Tong.

It was said in the forum before that high-level mutant zombies have appeared in Curry Country, and they have the ability to lead other zombies.

Presumably this one too.

Soon, these dozens of mutant zombies entered Wang Ran's 100-meter range.

A tank zombie directly smashed the boulder it was carrying on Wang Ran.

Wang Ran let go of the hammer and grabbed the tire-sized stone with his bare hands.

The impact of the stone was forcibly resolved by Wang Ran's strong physical fitness.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Ran threw the stone directly at the tank zombie.

The tank zombie was startled, and immediately flicked to the side.

The poor little mutant zombie in the back was directly smashed into meat patties.


The tank zombie was furious, and slammed the ground directly towards Wang Ran.

Wang Ran held the handle of the hammer very calmly with one hand.

When the tank zombie rushed in front of him, Wang Ran slammed it down with a hammer!

The head of the tank zombie was directly smashed into the ground by a hammer.

The dozen or so mutant zombies that rushed over were shocked, and they couldn't help but stop.

too terrifying!

This human is so scary!

They all know the defensive power of tank zombies, but they were easily hammered to death by him?

How to fight this!

As soon as these mutant zombies stopped, the long-haired, red-eyed zombies behind them let out a low roar.

She was urging them forward.

How could a mere human being stop her from moving forward!

Under the coercion of the long-haired, red-eyed zombies, these mutant zombies had to move on.

They cooperated with each other and surrounded Wang Ran in a semi-circular formation.

Sharp claws, venom, and fangs attacked Wang Ran together!

Wang Ran retreated, and then he swung the Doomhammer in a sweep.

"Puff puff..."

The five mutant zombies were directly stacked on top of each other and smashed onto the nearby rock wall.

They have been inseparable ever since...

A fat golden-eyed mutant zombie trembled and chose to self-destruct!

A large amount of corrosive liquid is sprayed out around without any dead ends.

Wang Ran calmly pulled a huge mutant zombie in front of him.

All the corrosive liquid greeted this man's back.

Even zombies can hardly withstand such high-intensity corrosion.

The back of this zombie elder brother soon corroded and the spine could be seen.

The other mutant zombies around were not too bad, and they were more or less stained.

While they were struggling in pain, Wang Ran stepped forward with a hammer and stabbed one of the children to make up for them all.

This first wave of more than a dozen mutant zombies was directly destroyed.

"Fuck, the boss is awesome!!"

"The boss is mighty!"

"Killing more than a dozen mutant zombies in ten seconds is too awesome!"

In front of the screen in the security room, all of them knelt down.

Kneeling and watching is not enough to express the admiration of these people. If it weren't for the high position of the screen, they would all want to lie down and watch.

Lu Shuangshuang, who was standing in the back, trembled slightly.

Is this the strong one...

Competitive spirit makes Lu Shuangshuang want to challenge Wang Ran.

However, she also knew that her strength was incomparable to others.

so tangled...

How to get stronger fast!

"Fuck, the boss on the opposite side is out!"

"King to king! So nervous and exciting!"

"I bet the boss to win!"

"Nonsense, of course the boss will win! I bet the boss will win her with about 3 moves!" Zhu Ming said while patting the table.

"Three moves? The level on the other side looks very strong. I estimate that there are more than five moves." Liu Quan thought about it and said.

"Are you looking down on the boss? I think one trick is enough!"

"Betting on a pack of Huazi!"

Wu Jianguo had the most confidence in Wang Ran.

"Then in other cases, I will win, and I will be the banker."

The security captain Zhao Dong said with a smile.

He always had a hunch that Wang Ran might be able to destroy the opponent without taking a shot.

The friends in the security room began to place bets one after another.

An onlooker became more lively because of the gambling.

Jinbao next to him sighed.

Also the boss of the camp, the gap between himself and Wang Ran is really too big.

I'm so ashamed bro...

"I press a gold ring, 3 strokes."

Jinbao couldn't help but take part in the gamble.

Lu Shuangshuang almost wanted to participate.

But after thinking about it, she didn't find anything valuable to press.

Forget it, let's watch the battle carefully...

On the seaside road, a red-eyed female zombie with fluttering hair walked towards Wang Ran.

She knew that if she didn't get out of the way, her subordinates would definitely not be able to kill him.

This human... is terrifyingly strong!

With a strong hatred for humans, the red-eyed female zombie is accumulating momentum at every step.

No one can stop her determination to kill all human beings!

When the red-eyed female zombie approached Wang Ran, she was shocked!

This person...

so familiar...
