
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
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240 Chs

Chapter 155: Red-eyed zombies are angry


"Jiaxin, retreat a little bit, be careful not to be affected."

Wang Ran saw that a quarter of the corpse tide had passed the oil barrel area, so he threw two grenades at it.

The helicopter quickly gained altitude and evacuated the blast site.


A huge explosion sounded for several kilometers!

The grenade directly detonated dozens of oil barrels!

The explosion set off a huge wave of air that was clearly visible from several kilometers away!

Hundreds of zombies near the explosion point were directly blown into slag, and even tank zombies couldn't resist the power of the explosion, so they took the lunch.

Then there is a second explosion!

This road was originally a winding road dug along the mountain body. When it was bombed like this, the whole mountain was directly bombed and slipped!

Thousands of zombies were washed into the sea by landslides...

The entire corpse tide team was divided into two parts by the landslide. There were about a thousand zombies in the front and about seven thousand in the back.

This wave of explosions and landslides killed at least 2,000 zombies.

"The scene is amazing!"

"Can you come a few more times?"

The girls chatted and chatted.

"No, where did I get so many oil barrels?"

Wang Ran smiled.

The wave just now had already used up its own inventory.

In terms of effect, it's still pretty good.

The whole mountain collapsed.

It is estimated that this road will not work in the future, but fortunately the road to the north is still open, and the car can go north if it wants to go out.

In addition, I have a helicopter, so it doesn't matter if the road is blocked.

"Jiaxin, go to the front and kill the more than 1,000 zombies that came over."

Wang Ran said with a smile.

Hearing Wang Ran say this, the girls in the flight attendant class immediately became excited.

They can finally have a good shot!

Wu Jiaxin skillfully controlled the helicopter to the side of the road.

The cabin door opened, and the girls who were tied with safety ropes held rifles and started ruthless shooting.

They are all girls in the flight attendant class. They usually have the ability to train their balance. It is not difficult to aim and shoot in a helicopter.

Ten people are responsible for shooting, and two people are responsible for loading, which is very efficient to kill.

This is a one-sided massacre!

After a few minutes, the more than 1,000 zombies were all shot into a hornet's nest.

Even a tank zombie with a strong defense can't escape the sanctions of M4 and SCAR. Although his arms can hold bullets, he can't protect his eggs when he protects his head...

After killing more than 1,000 zombies, the seaside road suddenly became a lot cleaner.

The landslide blocked the corpse tide brigade, and they could not come over for a while.

However, landslides can block ordinary zombies, but not mutant zombies.

Soon, dozens of mutant zombies climbed over the obstacle, surrounded by a long-haired, red-eyed zombie.

Seeing the corpses all over the place, the long-haired zombie raised its head and screamed.

The dozens of mutant zombies beside her were trembling in fear.

Their king was really angry.

Driven by the long-haired zombies, these dozens of mutant zombies galloped on the highway.

They are the strongest fighting force in this corpse tide.

Even if ordinary zombies can't follow, these dozens of mutant zombies are enough to destroy any survivor base.

After seeing the power of bullets, these mutant zombies are smart.

The mutant zombies with the strongest strength walked on the outermost periphery with stones on their shoulders, while those with weaker defenses shrunk in the middle.

The long-haired, red-eyed zombie tried to throw a small rock at the helicopter.

Very far range!

Fortunately, Wu Jiaxin kept the helicopter in a high position, otherwise he would be hit!

"Master, what should I do?"

"If you get too close, you can easily get hit by rocks and damage the helicopter."

"If it's too far, the rifle will be useless."

Wu Jiaxin asked.

The effective range of SCAR is about 300 meters.

Keeping this distance is no problem to deal with ordinary zombies, but it is a little less powerful to deal with mutant zombies.

If it is too close, it is easy to be hit by the stone of the long-haired zombie.

"It's okay, save some bullets."

"Next is hand-to-hand combat time."

Wang Ran moved his wrist...

in the security room.

A group of people are nervously watching the seaside road around the monitor screen.

"Fuck, grenade!"

"Boss actually has such a thing!"

"It's so cool to blast zombies with grenades! One big blast!"

Zhu Ming said excitedly.

"Hey, hey, you are amazed, don't stand up!"

"The people behind can't see it!"

Jinbao said later.

He and Lu Shuangshuang were also watching, wanting to see how the legendary Wu Jianguo blocked the tide of tens of thousands of corpses.


"With this thing, we won't sacrifice so many brothers."

Lu Shuangshuang sighed.

The ammunition of their detachment was limited, and hundreds of rounds of ammunition were almost used when they usually went out. As a result, when the corpse tide came, they could only rely on hand-to-hand combat.

Of course, ordinary pistols are not very useful in the face of the corpse tide.

"It's not like that."

"Look, he threw the mine from the air. If we threw it, we wouldn't be able to throw it that far."

"Besides, our domestic weapons control, where do you get so many grenades."

Jinbao sighed.

Soon, the helicopter stopped dropping mines and retreated a distance.

"Look, I guess he's lost his grenade."

"What will you do next?"

Jinbao muttered.

"Hey, just look at it, can you stop explaining it!"

Wu Jianguo glanced back at Jinbao.

Jinbao knew that he was a guest, so he obediently shut his mouth.

At this time, the screen suddenly shook!

The two screens are directly Huaping!

"what's the situation..."

"camera is broken?"

Zhu Ming muttered.

The next second, they heard a violent explosion!

Even though it was two kilometers apart, the security room still felt a strong tremor.


"What exploded?"

Zhu Ming was taken aback.

"It seems that something blew up on the road between those two cameras."

"Judging by the power of the explosion...it feels stronger than C4."

"The boss has a lot of stock."

Wu Jianguo said in a deep voice.

No wonder Wang Ran wasn't nervous about the corpse tide at all, he was already prepared.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of zombies appeared on the screen behind.

That was more than 1,000 zombies separated by landslides.

Soon, they were swept away and turned into a hornet's nest.

The onlookers in the security room had begun to slowly get used to Wang Ran's operations.

Even if Wang Ran suddenly poured blood from the sky and tortured the zombies, they would not find it strange.

At this time, dozens of mutant zombies appeared directly on the screen.

"Hey, so many mutant zombies..."

"The red-eyed one looks terrible. Is she the leader of the zombies?"

Zhu Ming could feel a coolness across the screen.

"These zombies all look very high..."

"I don't think there are twenty Level 3 or Level 4 Awakeners, so I can't fight them recklessly."

Jinbao muttered.

As soon as the voice fell, a figure with a sledgehammer suddenly fell from the sky on the screen!
