
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 143: this guy has a problem

The nuclear power plant that Liu Shiyao mentioned just now made Wang Ran a little worried.

The largest nuclear power plant in China, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, is located in J City.

If there is no maintenance of the nuclear power plant, if something happens...

"Why, are you worried about the nuclear power plant?"

Liu Shiyao smiled.

"Don't worry, our country's scientific and technological strength is very strong."

"In the process from site selection to the completion of the new phase of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, there have been three nuclear power plant accidents in the world."

"So in the process of construction, everything was taken into consideration, and even if there is no maintenance, it can be safely shut down."

Liu Shiyao explained.

"I'm not afraid of no one to protect me. What I'm afraid of is someone...or a zombie."

Wang Ran thought about it.

A nuclear power plant of this level will definitely have a set of countermeasures to deal with special circumstances.

But if there are zombies or people with bad minds to fiddle with it...

Liu Shiyao was stunned for a while, this is not wrong...

As the saying goes, the most unstable factor in a nuclear power plant is actually people.

As long as there are no problems with people, basically there will be no problems with nuclear power plants.

In this environment now, the human problem is huge!

All turned into zombies!

"Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is a second-generation nuclear power plant. Generally speaking, when the nuclear power plant encounters an external power failure, it will start the emergency diesel engine to generate electricity and start the shutdown."

"Within seven days, if there is no external interference, the reactor will automatically shut down and cool down."

"You said zombies... I'm really worried."

Liu Shiyao also frowned.

If there is a problem with a nuclear power plant, it will be affected by radiation in a radius of tens of kilometers.

Of course, Wang Ran's base was 200 kilometers away and would not be directly affected, but the survivors near J City suffered.

"N city is the power outage for the past few days, and I estimate J city is similar."

"If according to what you say, the nuclear power plant should be shutting down these days."

"It seems that J City is very dangerous now!"

"Okay, let's finish the purpose of this trip first."

"Nuclear power plants or something, we'll talk about it later."

Wang Ran said decisively.

It's no use worrying about it now, let's hurry up and work.


The elevator door opened.

Outside the elevator, there is a long passage.

"This is the disinfection channel, but I don't know if it is still in operation."

Liu Shiyao explained.

After the three entered the passage, the pipe simply sprayed the disinfectant mist twice before it got stuck.

It seems that no one maintains it, and the disinfectant has evaporated.

Wang Ran opened the door at the end of the passage and entered the basement floor of the research institute.

This floor is mainly the living and rest area of ​​the institute.

Wang Ran didn't smell any blood.

Maybe there are survivors on this floor or something.

Sure enough, the three of them didn't take a few steps before they met an uncle who had just come out of the pantry.

The uncle was stunned when he saw the three of them.

He hadn't seen a living person for a week, and the coffee in his hand was spilled all over the floor.


"Ah! You are Researcher Liu!"

"Long time no see!"

The uncle was very excited.

"Deputy Director Qian!"

"I didn't expect you to be alive, it's great!"

"What about the rest of the institute?"

Liu Shiyao asked.

"other people..."

"Hey, I'm the only human being here anyway."

"How is the situation outside?"

"I wanted to go out and have a look a few days ago, but I was scared and came back."

Deputy Director Qian sighed.

"It's bad outside."

"Our southern region is a bit more serious than the north."

"If it weren't for the awakening of human beings, the situation might have been even more tragic."

Liu Shiyao replied.

"Ah yes, you risked coming here in this environment, there must be something important, right?"

Deputy Director Qian asked.


"Actually, I want to take some experimental equipment and reagents back to do research."

"I don't know if it's inconvenient."

Liu Shiyao asked embarrassedly.

Originally, she thought that all the people here were killed, so it would be okay to sweep it by herself.

Now the deputy director is still alive, which is a bit embarrassing.

"Hi, no problem."

"As long as you can take the things here, take them."

"However, I have to remind you..."

"Except for this floor, the bottom has been occupied by those things."

Deputy Director Qian looked helpless.

Liu Shiyao's ability is very clear to him. Since she came to find equipment, there must be something important to study.

It's a pity that the research room below is full of zombies, and I can't help myself if I want to.

"Oh, it's not a problem with zombies."

Liu Shiyao looked at Wang Ran beside him.

With such a brave man, what is a zombie.

"Actually...not all zombies..."

"You know, our institute mainly studies biology."

"There are quite a few animals below for research..."

Deputy Director Qian shrugged.

Having said that, Liu Shiyao and Wang Ran understand that there are not only zombies, but also zombie animals...

"To be honest, when the virus broke out, many of the following colleagues were bitten by zombie dogs, zombie monkeys and other animals."

"They are not only flexible, but also fast, hey..."

"Director Li was down there at the time. He decisively chose to block the road and sacrificed himself, so that the zombies did not run to this floor."

Deputy Director Qian showed a trace of sadness.

"It's just a zombie animal, no different from a human zombie."

"Come on, let's fight quickly."

Wang Ran said lightly.

He always felt that there was something wrong with this Deputy Director Qian.

The entire research institute was dead, and he was the only one alive, which made Wang Ran suspect.

Of course, Wang Ran was just suspicious, and there was nothing wrong with being cautious.

Wang Ran, who has absolute strength, is not worried about what the deputy director Qian will do.

"Well, since you guys are determined to go down, I won't stop you."

"Let me open the door for you. Researcher Liu, your card is probably not authorized enough."

Deputy Director Qian walked to the door of the internal elevator and swiped his card.

The elevator rose slowly.

This is an elevator that is transparent all around.

It can be seen that there are several blood palm prints and a lot of blood marks on the transparent glass, which shows how tragic the situation on the following layers is.

Fortunately, there were no zombies following in the elevator.

"My strength is limited, so I won't accompany you."

"Wish you guys good luck."

Deputy Director Qian took a sip of the coffee left in the cup.

Wang Ran smiled and walked into the elevator.

There must be something wrong with this Deputy Director Qian.

Do you use coffee to hide your grinning mouth, hehe...
