
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 129: That's why your name is James.

Wang Ran's face was ashen.

What kind of idea hits you?

Liu Shiyao's affairs are not important in an instant!

Now Wang Ran just wants to kill that James.

"Yo, are you still not happy?"

"Let me tell you, James wasn't very happy at first."

"But when they found out that widening the body passages can be exchanged for food, they are now actively looking for James!"

"After all... of the seven of us, only James likes men."

"More monks, less porridge...Is that what you say?"

The black man grinned, revealing a set of big white teeth.

Wang Ran had a general understanding.

None of these 7 Awakeneds are good goods.

Relying on their own strength, occupying resources and letting others exchange their bodies.

Originally, Wang Ran only wanted to kill one of them, but now it seems that it is okay to kill all of them.

Wang Ran went straight upstairs.

"Yo, can't wait to find James?"

"He's upstairs, remember to wash up before looking for him!"

Black people reminded.

Wang Ran raised his hand and tapped the black man on the skull.


The black man's brain sank into a large piece and fell to the ground cold.

On the side, Captain Fred's face turned white...even though he was originally white.

"You...you killed him?"

"Other Awakeneds won't let you go!"

"You better run away!"

Captain Fred reminded.

"take it easy."

Wang Ran walked directly to the 4th floor with the axe.

Wu Jiayi also trotted and followed behind.

As soon as you go up to the 4th floor, it is a big entertainment place.

Dice Poker Slots, everything.

Several men gathered around a pool table, and a foreign woman shivered and sat on the pool table with her legs outstretched.

A strong bald man is holding a club, aiming at the white ball and the foreign woman.

"Don't move!"

"How can I get in when I'm always moving around!"

The bald man scolded angrily.

The foreign woman was so frightened that she could only try her best to control herself.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps at the top of the stairs caught their attention.

"Oh, what's up with Robertson!"

"How can you just put people up there!"

"But... this little brother looks quite delicious."

A man with an enchanting figure walked towards Wang Ran.

"Why is your name James?"

Wang Ran took a look and found that this person's style was inconsistent with the others.

"Tsk tsk tsk, little brother, you have heard me!"

"Then you should be here specially for me?"

James looked at Wang Ran, his eyes lit up.

This figure, this appearance, is much more fun than the previous guys.

"I really came here just for you."

Wang Ran smiled and looked around.


too thin.

Wang Ran saw the fire extinguisher and his eyes lit up.

That's it!

Wang Ran walked to the side, grabbed the fire extinguisher, and walked straight to James.

"Yo, are you here to help me vent my fire?"

James licked his lips.

Wang Ran came to James and directly reached out and pressed him on the gaming table.


James suddenly felt wrong.

The opponent's strength... so great!

Is this to be **** yourself?


The role is wrong!

"Hey, I'm attacking!"

James struggled.

Wang Ran didn't speak, took a fire extinguisher, and forcibly stuffed it into James' ass...

James rolled his eyes and fainted.


The other people at the next table felt that Kikube was tight!

This is so cruel...

James looked like he was dying.

Even if he survives... Maybe he'll change his hobby.

"This friend..."

"Are you here to make trouble?"

An Awakened looked at Wang Ran with vigilance.

Being able to stop James with one hand is not to be underestimated.

"Looking for trouble?"

"No, no, I'm here to kill you."

Wang Ran picked up the Gorehowl next to him and said with a smile.

"Kill us!"

"You're too much!"

"Everyone is human, there's no need for this..."

The 5 Awakeners on the opposite side were all provoked.

"I don't really like talking too much before killing someone."

"Don't beep either."

"Hurry up in line to die, I'm in a hurry."

As Wang Ran spoke, he dragged his axe towards the awakened ones.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"This guy is for real!"

an Awakened asked softly.

"Fight first, then admit defeat if you fail."

"If he's really that good, this place can make him the boss."

"I see that the zombies on the opposite side are getting more and more powerful. We may not be able to support it."

The bald-headed man seems to be the boss of these people.

Wang Ran walked in front of a few people with a calm face, and when he swung the axe, it was a horizontal slash!


Before the two Awakeners in the front had time to react, they were cut into two sections.

When their upper bodies landed, they were still conscious, but Wang Ran directly stepped on his feet, "popping" and stomping on their heads.

3 left.


The bald-headed man knelt down without hesitation.

The two younger brothers in the back quickly reacted and knelt beside the bald head.

It can't be beat at all!

Or admit defeat as soon as possible.

"I heard that someone locked a Chinese girl in her room."

"Who did it?"

Wang Ran asked coldly.

"Yes... it's him!"

A long-haired man pointed to the Awakened who had just been cut in half on the ground.

Wang Ran looked at the long-haired man, his eyes flickered, his forehead was sweating, and he was obviously guilty.


The long-haired man's head flew into the sky.

"We all surrendered, and you still kill!"

The bald man's face twitched.

This is a bit too much!

"When did I say that you will not kill if you surrender?"

Wang Ran was an axe again, and the Awakened beside the bald strong man lost his head.

The bald-headed man knew that he was definitely going to die.

"I fought with you!"

The strong bald man suddenly burst out and punched Wang Ran in the chest.

Wang Ran was too lazy to dodge, and puffed out his chest slightly.


The bald man's wrist was broken.

"You...what kind of strength are you!"

The despair in the bald man's heart continued to spread, and he couldn't even notice the pain on his wrist.

Wang Ran didn't answer, and picked up one backhand.

The round bald head flew up and landed on the pool table.

The bald head looked at the No. 7 ball in front of him and slowly closed his eyes.

The foreign woman on the billiard table was terrified.

Pissed off a bald head.

"Come on, no one cares here."

Wang Ran said something to the foreign woman, then turned around and walked downstairs.

Soon, Wang Ran came to the door of room 3511.

That researcher named Liu Shiyao should be inside.



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