
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 124: Are zombies starting to adapt to the environment?

The next morning, Wang Ran woke up refreshed.

Since the strength has become stronger and stronger, it has become easier to deal with 3 girls.

A few more must be able to handle it.

After Su Xiaoyu's special care last night, she still can't get out of bed.

Tang Tang and Momo are better. After all, the number of times is small, and the road can still be moved.

After getting up, Wang Ran came to the pool and had breakfast.

Little Ada jumped and ran over.

"Good morning, big brother!"

Little Ada greeted warmly.

Wang Ran was stunned.

"Ada, have you grown taller?"

"I remember that yesterday when you wore this T-shirt it was still under your calf, and today it's over your knee."

Wang Ran asked in surprise.


"I also feel that little Ada has grown a little taller!"

Wu Jiaxin nodded aside.

Not only did the legs grow a little longer, but little Ada's hair also grew a few inches.

This growth rate... is not normal!

"Could it be my blood..."

A strange thought popped into Wang Ran's mind.


Xiao Jin seems to have drank his own blood, so he grows very fast.

Tang Tang is also, from A to D.

The girls in the flight attendant class also developed again and became a lot bigger.

It seems that my blood is effective on living things...

What the heck is oneself...

Forget it, it's not a negative effect anyway.

Wang Ran put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to eat breakfast.

After eating, Wang Ran came to the lobby and waited for Tang Tang and Wu Jiaxin.

Another outing today.

It didn't take long for the two of them to arrive at the lobby with large and small bags.

"I go..."

"Are you going on a trip?"

"Let's not talk about backpacks, what do you mean by bringing a suitcase, Tang Tang?"

Wang Ran's face twitched.

"Oh, it's too boring on the road. I brought a switch, and some swimwear and snacks."

Tang Tang stuck out his tongue.

"I...I just brought some clothes and sunscreen."

Wu Jiaxin blushed instantly.

In her backpack were several sets of bikinis that Fang Shutian helped her choose.

It is said that it can reflect the body shape.

"Get in the car, let's go!"

Wang Ran helped carry the box.

Going out this time, the car will definitely be left at the dock, so Wang Ran drove one of the off-road vehicles that Heisha drove from last night.

Although the car collided with the refrigerator, and a piece was dented in the front, it had little impact.

"Jiaxin, sit in the back!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, he immediately jumped on the co-pilot.

"Is there a difference between sitting in the front and the back?"

Wu Jiaxin was stunned for a while, wondering why Tang Tang was so active.

Soon, Wang Ran drove the two to the nearest pier.

The road to the pier does not require navigation, just drive along the seaside, which is very simple.

Tang Tang saw that Wang Rankai was so stable, and began to think carefully.

She secretly stretched out her hand in the direction of Wang Ran...

"Hey, Tang Tang, what are you doing with my stall, don't mess up the stall for me."

Wang Ran patted Tang Tang's hand.

"Oops, the touch is close, I got it wrong."

Tang Tang stuck out his tongue.

After all, they are all round, thick and long, and it is indeed easy to make mistakes.

Next, that's right.

Tang Tang directly reached out and held Wang Ran's pillar.

Across the pants, Tang Tang gently rubbed the head of the pillar.

Soon the pillars were erected and a small tent was erected.

Wu Jiaxin, who was sitting in the back seat, turned red all of a sudden.

She had heard of the relationship between Wang Ran and these girls, but she had never seen it at the scene.

Tang Tang just reached out and grabbed Wang Ran's private parts, which made Wu Jiaxin suddenly become nervous and cramped.

Just look out the window...

Wu Jiaxin turned his head.

Tang Tang glanced at Wu Jiaxin through the rearview mirror, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

It seems that this school flower is still a young child, so shy.

In this case, I have to stimulate her well.

Tang Tang stretched out his hand and directly pulled Wang Ran's pants down.

The huge pillar jumped straight out, steaming hot.

Tang Tang gently held the pillar with her white and tender hands.

It feels so good!

Tang Tang's fingertips landed on the top of the column and drew a circle gently.

Wang Ran's body trembled slightly.

The stimulation was too direct, making Wang Ran a little sensitive.

"Hee hee~"

Tang Tang secretly laughed a few times like a child who did bad things.

Under the stimulation of Tang Tang's little hands, Wang Ran's pillars soon became extremely hard, and blue veins burst out.

Tang Tang smelled the odor emanating from the pillar, and began to have a dry mouth.

"I hate it, this smell is so tempting, it makes me greedy."

Tang Tang muttered in his heart, and then leaned down.

Tang Tang's red lips were directly attached to the mouth of the pillar.

Wang Ran only felt that his pillar was wrapped in something soft and warm, very comfortable.

Soon, a nimble little snake emerged from Tang Tang's lips and swam to the head of the pillar.

The little snake was extremely slippery, covering the top of the pillar with a transparent liquid.


Wang Ran let out a long breath.

Tang Tang's technology progresses the fastest among all girls.

Just after a few licks, Wang Ran had an uncontrollable urge.

Tang Tang's eyes narrowed into a crescent moon.

Uncle really likes this.

Then go further!

Tang Tang's little tongue began to drill into the spring at the top of the pillar.

a little tight...

Tang Tang drilled for a long time and only drilled in a small section.

However, there was also a trace of clear liquid flowing out of the spring.

Tang Tang directly rolled up the liquid with his tongue, and swallowed it mixed with saliva.

"It's not enough, I want more!"

Tang Tang's little tongue continued to spin on the top of the column.

The head also began to slowly dip down.

I don't know if Wang Ran is thicker, and Tang Tang's small mouth is stretched into a circle.


Soon, Tang Tang felt that the pillar reached the depths of his throat.

But there's still a big chunk left in my mouth!

Tang Tang is not so easy to admit defeat, and directly swallowed the whole column to the end.

At this time, the pillar has been completely inserted into Tang Tang's throat.

Tang Tang's throat visibly bulged out.

Then, Tang Tang slowly raised his head and spat out half of the pillar.

"It's a little hard to breathe..."

"Uncle is too rough."

Tang Tang sighed in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang began to swallow up and down.

The mouths of Zhuzi and Tang Tang made a chirping sound.

Wu Jiaxin in the back seat was shocked.

Is this eaten?

Although she had heard of it before, seeing it with her own eyes still made her speechless...

Opening his mouth, Wu Jiaxin's small tongue couldn't help licking forward slightly, as if imitating Tang Tang's actions.

At the same time, her two long legs were tightly clamped and rubbed slightly.

Inside the black pantyhose, the goose-yellow **** were already wet.

"Ah! What am I doing!"

Wu Jiaxin woke up suddenly.


Have you become so horny?

"Sister Jiaxin, if you want to eat, you have to run around the island naked three times!"

Tang Tang flew over with a bad little look.

She caught Wu Jiaxin's intoxicated look through the rearview mirror just now.

"Who... Who said I'm going to eat!"

"I'm not interested!"

Wu Jiaxin blushed all of a sudden, the two long legs kept moving, and there was nowhere to put them.

The atmosphere in the carriage became more and more strange, and it was easy to blush just by smelling the smell.

"Hee hee~~~"

Tang Tang smiled, sat up straight, took off his shoes, and stretched a pair of long legs in white silk to the pillar.

"Some people with long legs may be better at it~"

Tang Tang glanced at Wu Jiaxin, and then clamped Wang Ran's wet pillar with his feet.

Bai Si's little feet are sandwiched between the pillars, and when they go up and down, they will rub the **** with the toes from time to time.

Wang Ran's pillar has begun to tremble slightly.

It looks like the volcano is about to erupt.

Wu Jiaxin blushed.

This kind of thing, the more restrained it is, the easier it is to inadvertently aim at it.

Especially Tang Tang mentioned his long legs.

Wu Jiaxin felt that his long black silk legs were now sandwiched between Wang Ran's pillars.

The entire pant was completely soaked, and even the seat cushion of the car was wet.

"Sister Jiaxin!"

Tang Tang suddenly shouted.


Wu Jiaxin turned his head.


A hot and rich liquid sprayed out, just shot at Wu Jiaxin.


Wu Jiaxin swallowed subconsciously, and she swallowed a thick liquid directly.

At the same time, her face was also covered with white liquid, which was slowly sliding down.


"This is..."

Wu Jiaxin quickly realized what had just happened.

I actually ate Wang Ran's food directly...

Also got shot in the face! ! !

Wu Jiaxin's whole body began to tremble!


Wu Jiaxin shivered violently!

A stream of fluid ran down her thighs...
