
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 116: mutated vegetables

Early the next morning, Wang Ran opened his eyes in a daze, and found that little Ada was lying beside his bed looking at him.

"Huh? Did you wake up so early?"

Wang Ran sat up.

I don't know why, but little Ada sticks to herself so much.

Could it have something to do with his peculiar physique?

"Big brother, I gave you the virus in my body yesterday."

"There's not much left now, and it has to recover slowly."

"If you want it, you'll have to wait a few days."

Little Ada said with some embarrassment.

Although she is small, she can see that Wang Ran needs the original virus in her body very much.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry."

Wang Ran rubbed little Aida's head.

With his current strength, he will be crushed by anyone he encounters.

Therefore, it is not necessary to squeeze Little Ada in order to improve her strength.

In the battle last night, the two little followers and Tang Tang were all defeated, and Wang Ran was still very satisfied with his strength.

After washing up, Wang Ran took Ada out of the villa.

Ada clapped her hands, and soon, a golden shadow appeared in front of Ada.

The mount has arrived.

Ada grabbed the hair on Xiaojin's neck, turned over and rode on it, very skilled.

Wang Ran saw that his shoelaces were loose, so he squatted down to tie them.

Xiao Jin panicked, thinking that Wang Ran would also ride it, and immediately ran away with Ada.

At this time, Tang Tang also walked out of the villa.

"Uncle...help me, my legs are weak..."

Tang Tang trembled and grabbed Wang Ran's arm with his legs.

She was the most arrogant last night, so she received the most violent education from Wang Ran.

Even walking is a little difficult now.

However, after Wang Ran improved his strength, he also improved the strength of Tang Tang and his two little followers.

Everyone's cycle is improved, very efficient...

Wang Ran helped Tang Tang to the big swimming pool.

The poolside has become a regular place for everyone to eat.

A few flight attendant girls passing by saw Tang Tang who couldn't walk, and felt envy in their hearts.

"Oh, the master is really amazing!"

"I heard movement last night, it's bigger than ever!"

"You don't need to listen. Didn't you see what Teacher Xiaoyu and Sister Momo looked like this morning? It's hard to walk."

"Hey, when will it be our turn?"

"Don't dream, our numbers are 12 and 13, and the round is the last."

"Let's work hard! I hope the master will see us doing well one day and pay attention to us."

The girls chatted in low voices.

Wang Ran supported Tang Tang, and suddenly his eyes lit up when he passed by the vegetable garden in the atrium.

"Fuck, this tomato has grown so big???"

Wang Ran picked a bright red tomato, held it in his hand and observed it.

This tomato has only been planted for a week...

Is this the size of a fist?

The growth rate and size are exaggerated!

"Uncle, let me take a bite!"

Tang Tang brought his small mouth close and took a bite.

Tender and juicy!

The juice of the tomato dripped down Wang Ran's arm.

"Ah! Don't waste it!"

Tang Tang quickly stuck out his tongue and licked the tomato juice on Wang Ran's arm.

"Uncle, this tomato is delicious!"

Tang Tang said excitedly.

Not only does it taste good, but the body also seems to have a little strength after eating it!

Seeing Tang Tang so surprised, Wang Ran also took a bite.


This tomato tastes really good, and...

Tomatoes also contain some viruses...

However, the content of the virus is very low, and it has no effect on Wang Ran.

"Could it be that plants have also begun to mutate..."

"That's kind of interesting."

Wang Ran immediately began to think.

If plants also contain viruses...

Wouldn't that also enhance the strength of the Awakened?

Or promote ordinary people to become awakened?

As long as the virus content is within the acceptable range, nothing will happen.

For example, this tomato has a very low virus content, and ordinary people will not have any problems if they eat it.

The operation of the Bloodfang Camp also proved this.

Ordinary people who can resist the virus have a certain chance of awakening if they continue to ingest the virus.

Continue to ingest it after awakening, and it is possible to increase your strength and advance.

If plants had the same effect, it wouldn't be so disgusting to eat zombie meat.

Wang Ran looked at the tomato in his hand.

Is this a tomato?

Do not! This is an important resource!

As long as a suitable cultivation method can be tested, this thing might be worth more than gold!

Of course, Wang Ran was not short of supplies, nor was he short of gold.

But if you can master this core technology, it will definitely be beneficial for future development.

For example, the girls on the island don't need to drink Wang Ran's blood to improve their strength in the future, just eat vegetables!

This can save Wang Ran a lot of blood!

After all, there are a lot of people now, and you can save if you can.

"Jiaxin, go and call Momo over here."

Wang Ran said to Wu Jiaxin, who was taking care of the vegetable garden.


Wu Jiaxin ran away immediately.

"He actually called me by my name instead of my number!"

"Did he have an idea for me?"

Wu Jiaxin was a little excited.

Soon, Wu Jiaxin helped Lin Momo over.

"Master, what's the matter with me?"

Lin Momo's legs were a little weak.

"That's it, I have an idea to try it out."

"This vegetable garden, I want to irrigate with different concentrations of viruses."

"You need to divide clear irrigation areas according to the concentration, and do a good job of isolation between areas."

"Momo, you are responsible for supplying the virus, Jiaxin, you are responsible for daily irrigation and records."

"I need to be accurate to at least 3 observations per day."

"If there is any special situation, please notify me in time."

"do you understand?"

Wang Ran asked.

Lin Momo and Wu Jiaxin are among the girls with relatively calm personalities.

This kind of thing is best for them to do.

As for the virus, let Momo provide it.

"Understood Master!"

The two nodded at the same time.

The tasks assigned by the master must be taken seriously!

"During this time, don't let everyone eat the vegetables here."

"If you want to eat vegetables, get them from the cold storage first."

Wang Ran added.

It is very dangerous if the girls in the flight attendant class accidentally eat vegetables with a high concentration of viruses.

After explaining the work, Wang Ran helped Tang Tang to the table to eat breakfast.

Fang Shutian's breakfast is getting better and better.

Wang Ran and Tang Tang were very satisfied.

Little Ada was also very happy to eat.

"That's right, Ada."

"Do you know the origin of the group of people who arrested you yesterday?"

Wang Ran asked.

That group of people injured Momo and smashed their car door into potholes. This is not a small hatred!

"I do not know!"

"It must have been found in the laboratory anyway."

Little Aida was eating the scallion pancake, which was delicious.

"Then how did they find you?"

Wang Ran continued to ask.
