
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 115: This virus is so powerful!

"Ada, is the fact that you release the virus through your sweat... controllable?"

Wang Ran asked quickly.

If it is out of control, Little Ada is a walking virus bank!

It's dangerous to stay in the base.

"I normally release very little virus through my breathing and sweating."

"Only if I try to control it myself, will a lot of viruses be released."

"People in the institute don't even know this secret!"

Little Ada said softly, as if she was very proud of leaving her hand undiscovered.

"That's good....."

"Ada, give me a try too."

Wang Ran stretched out his hand in front of Ada.

"Ah! Big brother, you are human!"

"If you come into contact with so many viruses, you will become a zombie!"

Little Ada was a little worried.

When she voluntarily released a high concentration of virus before, the other party turned into a zombie without exception.

Released to Wang Ran... She was a little scared.

"It's okay, you can come."

Wang Ran smiled, very calm.

The virus, how could I not be able to handle it myself.

Seeing that Wang Ran was so confident, Little Ada had no choice but to hold Wang Ran's hand.

Soon, little Ada's palms secreted sweat.

As soon as the sweat touched Wang Ran's skin, it quickly penetrated into it, and it was very aggressive!

Wang Ran only felt an incomparably hot energy pierce his skin, and the blood quickly flowed all over his body!

This power is so strong...

Much stronger than Xiaoyu and Momo!

If the energy intensity provided by Xiaoyu and Momo is beer, then what Xiao Ada provides is liquor!

No, it should be a high concentration of denatured alcohol!

It's so violent!

If it weren't for his special physique, he would definitely be dead at once.

Is this the power of the original virus?


Wang Ran felt that his strength had been greatly enhanced!

"Hey, why did it stop?"

"A little more."

Wang Ran suddenly discovered that Xiao Ada had suspended the supply of the virus.

"Big brother, if you keep going, you won't be able to stand it, right?"

Little Ada was a little worried.

"It's okay, I can stand it!"

"Come on though!"

Wang Ran was just getting excited, and it was quite uncomfortable to be gone all of a sudden.

"Big brother, then I'm here!"

Little Ada gritted her teeth and used all her strength.

A large number of viruses flowed into Wang Ran's body along the palm of his hand.


Wang Ran couldn't help but groan.

The purity of the virus is too strong! Violently rampage in Wang Ran's body!

As expected of the original virus!


Outside the fence of the villa, Lin Momo and Su Xiaoyu were confused.

That sound doesn't sound right!

"Momo, are you sure the master is really just asking questions?"

Xiaoyu's eyes were full of doubts.

"I do not know..."

"Master said so!"

Lin Momo also felt that the sound was a little...

"One cannot..."

"Hey, I can't help it, let's take a look."

Su Xiaoyu was entangled, and secretly pulled at the fence, sticking out a small head.

Lin Momo followed closely.

The two saw that Wang Ran and Xiao Aida's hands were folded together, and they did not do anything out of the ordinary.

"so far so good..."

Seeing this scene, both of them breathed a sigh of relief, their heads slowly lowered, and disappeared along the edge of the wall.

Wang Ran felt that the energy in his body had accumulated to a certain extent, and he felt like a volcano was about to erupt.

Is this going to change in quality?

Almost reached the top!

Suddenly, little Ada's hand dropped.

"Big brother..."

"I'm running out of strength..."

Little Ada said with some embarrassment.

She looked a little sluggish, and it was estimated that the release of a high concentration of the original virus was very exhausting.

"Ah! I'm sorry!"

Wang Ran was a little embarrassed.

I just patronized myself and forgot that Ada was still a child.

"If you're tired, rest first."

Wang Ran rubbed little Aida's head.

Little Ada threw herself into Wang Ran's arms at once, and hooked her small hand around Wang Ran's neck.

Wang Ran hugged little Ada, put her on the bed, and covered the quilt.

Little Ada was really tired, and fell asleep in a few minutes.

Wang Ran walked to the courtyard of the villa and stretched his hands and feet.

There was a "crackling" sound at the joints.

Those primitive viruses just now greatly improved Wang Ran's strength.

Just a little bit, Wang Ran felt that he could break through some kind of limitation.

It's a pity it's a pity, but it's not urgent.

Since little Ada lives here, there is a chance.

I wouldn't be so inhuman and desperate to squeeze a little girl.

What's the difference between doing that and those in the lab.

Wang Ran walked out of the villa and grabbed the little servant whose ears were against the wall.

"Come on and get a big bed."

"It turns out that Ada slept in that one, we can't sleep on the floor."

"Also, try to be quieter at night."

Wang Ran ordered.

"Master, in fact..."

"Tang Tang's villa is next door."

"We can all go to Tang Tang to eat, and then go back to sleep when we're done."

"That way you don't have to worry about too much movement."

Su Xiaoyu suggested.

Wang Ran thought for a while and nodded.

This suggestion is very constructive.

Now that my strength has increased a lot, even if I deal with 3 girls at the same time, it should not be too difficult.

Su Xiaoyu and Momo moved the bed, while Wang Ran went directly to Tang Tang's villa.

"Uncle, you are here!"

"Hey, it's so boring after the disconnection!"

"Only single player!"

"Uncle, why don't we be happy?"

As soon as Tang Tang caught Wang Ran, he went straight to the topic.

"Hi...is there anything else in your mind besides happiness!"

Wang Ran found that he had opened an incredible door for Tang Tang.

Momo and Xiaoyu together don't have a big demand for Tang Tang...

If it weren't for the fact that his strength had improved a little, he would not have been able to handle it.

"Oh, my strength is too weak, I need to make up more lessons!"

"Uncle, you can't take my money and do nothing~"

Tang Tang pushed Wang Ran down on the sofa, and his eyes were full of desire.

Wang Ran sighed.

If you can't resist, enjoy it.

Tang Tang smiled slightly, and the small tongue moved to Wang Ran's ear, gently holding Wang Ran's earlobe.

Immediately afterwards, her tongue began to probe into Wang Ran's ear.

The tongue penetrated into Wang Ran's ear with heat, and a numbness rushed to his brain, causing Wang Ran to tremble slightly.

Tang Tang violated Wang Ran with his tongue, and his little hands were not idle. He explored all the way down and hit Huanglong.

Wang Ran was wearing sweatpants, and Tang Tang easily broke through.

"Uncle~~~ It's already very hard~~~"

Tang Tang blew softly in Wang Ran's ear, with a hint of pride in his tone.

"Hmm, you can do it."

Wang Ran said lazily.

As for strength, I can save a little bit. There will be Su Xiaoyu and Lin Momo to deal with later.

Tang Tang's tongue slid down Wang Ran's neck, slid across his lower abdomen, and came to the dense forest.

"Bah bah bah..."

Tang Tang ate a mouthful of hair.

However, this cannot stop Tang Tang from continuing to deepen.

Soon, Tang Tang's little tongue climbed to the top of the column.

The hot and red head of the pillar made Tang Tang's mind rippling.

The little tongue wrapped up with saliva and rubbed lightly on the head.


Too much saliva, Tang Tang had to swallow some.

The pillar has become very wet under the sucking of Tang Tang, and the blue veins around the pillar have begun to burst out.

This is the signal to fight.

Tang Tang couldn't wait a bit, and while licking, he took off the **** in his short skirt.

As soon as the skirt is lifted, the smooth and hairless pink slit is displayed in front of the pillar.

The pink flesh lips opened and closed, and there was a constant flow of clear liquid inside.

It seems that Tang Tang is more thirsty than Wang Ran.

Just when Tang Tang was about to sprint forward, Su Xiaoyu and Lin Momo came in over the wall.

"Oops, has it started already!"

Lin Momo said in surprise.

"It doesn't seem like it yet, you see, the mouths haven't matched yet."

Su Xiaoyu's eyes are very sharp.

Tang Tang's face suddenly turned red.

She can only let go when Wang Ran is alone, but now there are Su Xiaoyu and Lin Momo...

A little shy to say!

"It's okay, it's all my own, there's nothing to be ashamed of."

Wang Ran opened his mouth.

Tang Tang thought about it, and it was right.

I'm not the type to be shy easily.

Isn't it a group battle, who is afraid of who!

Tang Tang aimed at the pillar, and his waist was straight!

"Pfft", the whole column was sucked in by Tang Tang!


The channel that has not been widened made Tang Tang couldn't help but let out a painful cry.

Just now, in order to perform, the force was a little fierce.

It should be done gradually.

"Ha, look at how anxious you are."

"Master's baby has grown bigger in the past few days. You have to be careful. First slowly spread it out and get used to it."

Su Xiaoyu covered her mouth and smiled.

Before, Lin Momo passed out after being stabbed, making Su Xiaoyu laugh for several days.

"Don't underestimate me, hum!"

Tang Tang got angry and quickly twisted his waist.

The thick column and the tender and tight passage of Tang Tang quickly rubbed together.

Tang Tang started rolling his eyes after a few moments.

Really got bigger!

This lady can't stand it!

But in front of Su Xiaoyu and Lin Momo, you can't lose face!

Tang Tang resisted the flood-like thrill and kept twisting at a high speed.

The sound of the movement began to change from "puff puff" to "crack clap", and more and more water flowed down the roots of Wang Ran's pillars to the sofa.

Tang Tang feels that he is about to orgasm!

"No way! It's too embarrassing to leak so quickly!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, reached out and pinched his little ass.

She wanted to suppress pleasure with pain.

Unexpectedly, the pleasure is even stronger!

"Fuck, I'm an SM physique?"

A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Tang Tang's head.

Before I had time to think about it, Tang Tang's defense suddenly collapsed.


Tang Tang suddenly raised his head and shouted.

Tang Tang's legs trembled violently, and suddenly...

Tang Tang leaned back, the pillar slipped out, and Tang Tang's mouth actually...

It spewed water like a fountain!

The water column wave after wave, accompanied by the twitching of Tang Tang's body, shot straight into the sky.

Wang Ran's chest was all wet...

Su Xiaoyu and Lin Momo on the side were dumbfounded.

"The little guy is very good at squirting..."

"It looks so cool!"

Su Xiaoyu looked envious.

"Yeah... even more squirting than me!"

"I sprayed at most two or three times, and she sprayed the master all over her body."

Lin Momo also sighed.

Tang Tang was so cool that her brain was a little dizzy. With a burst of jets, she finally fell on the sofa weakly.

"Ah, it's my time, it's my time!"

"Master, let me clean up for you first!"

Lin Momo volunteered to lie in front of Wang Ran's abdomen, opened his mouth and sucked the column, helping to clean up the liquid on the column.

Su Xiaoyu stretched out her long legs in black silk and stroked gently on Wang Ran's chest.

Wang Ran grabbed Su Xiaoyu's leg and pulled it to his side.

Su Xiaoyu took advantage of the situation and sat on Wang Ran's chest.

"Master, there are not many stockings left~~~"

Su Xiaoyu duck sitting on Wang Ran's chest, her thighs lightly clamped Wang Ran's face.

"Stockings, aren't they just for tearing?"

Wang Ran smiled and stretched out his hand to tear the black silk on Su Xiaoyu's thigh.

Bai Nen's thighs suddenly jumped out.

Wang Ran stroked the bottom of Su Xiaoyu's thigh lightly.

Su Xiaoyu closed her eyes and trembled all over.

There, it's so sensitive...

Wang Ran's hand gently stroked the bottom of Su Xiaoyu's thigh.

Xiaoyu's thighs feel very good, not only tender, but also a little meaty.

Wang Ran touched it a little and couldn't put it down.

Touching it, a thin water mark appeared on the milky white underwear between Su Xiaoyu's legs.

This is clearly the shape of Su Xiaoyu's passage opening.

Wang Ran stretched out his finger and gently touched his underwear.


Su Xiaoyu's body trembled slightly, but she quickly adjusted her state.

She didn't want to disarm and surrender as quickly as Tang Tang.

Wang Ran's fingers pressed down on the slippery cotton underwear and gently slid down along the water marks.

Under the **** are soft flesh lips, very elastic.

With such a stroke of Wang Ran, the original water mark was blurred and turned into a large area.

Su Xiaoyu's thighs began to tremble involuntarily.

I didn't expect it to get wet so soon...

The master's method is so powerful!

Su Xiaoyu felt her heartbeat start to speed up, her body started to get slightly hot, and her cheeks became extremely red.

Wang Ranguang was about to break through the defense line of her body with just one finger.

Su Xiaoyu didn't want to surrender so quickly, so she dragged her short skirt down with both hands, blocking her privacy.

At the same time, she also twisted her little face and expressed her dissatisfaction slightly.

Wang Ran smiled and pulled out his hand from between Su Xiaoyu's legs.

In addition to there, there are many places on Su Xiaoyu's body to explore.

Wang Ran's hands stretched directly to Su Xiaoyu's chest.

Su Xiaoyu was startled and immediately reached out and covered her chest.

It's also a very sensitive place! If you are broken through, you will be defeated again!

Wang Ran grabbed Su Xiaoyu's two delicate wrists and pinned them directly behind her.

"Momo, help tie it up."

Wang Ran said to Lin Momo, who was lying between his legs to clean up the pillars.

"Mmmmm...good master!"

Lin Momo reluctantly spit out the hot and stiff pillar again, took off his belt, and tied Su Xiaoyu's hands behind him.

Su Xiaoyu twisted and tried to break free, but she didn't want to break Lin Momo's belt, so she could only be tied there like this.

Without Su Xiaoyu's obstruction, Wang Ran's hands climbed onto Su Xiaoyu's chest unimpeded.

Wang Ran slowly unbuttoned the buttons of the white shirt one by one.

Su Xiaoyu's chest heaved more and more violently, and his breathing rhythm became chaotic.


As the third button was untied, Su Xiaoyu's plump **** came out, clinging to her back.

The thin vest couldn't stop the two pink bumps.

They seemed to be calling Wang Ran, shaking slightly.

Wang Ran untied Su Xiaoyu's shirt completely and put his hands on Su Xiaoyu's waist.

Xiaoyu's waist is very slender, without a trace of fat, and the lines are very perfect.

Wang Ran held Su Xiaoyu's waist and slowly climbed up with both hands.

Su Xiaoyu's nose began to exhale continuously.

She knew that Wang Ran's attack target was her pair of white rabbits.

But she was powerless to resist.

So sad...

Wang Ran's hand climbed higher and higher, and finally came to the bottom of the white rabbit.

Wang Ran gently held it up, this pair of perfect **** is very elastic.

Every time he beat, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help but want to exhale.

It's so sensitive!

Especially when the **** are beating, the pink **** are constantly rubbing against the vest...

This made Su Xiaoyu extremely sensitive!

Although the skirt covered the panties, Su Xiaoyu felt that her entire **** were completely soaked.

After Wang Ran supported the bottom of her breasts, her hands began to slide down and returned to her waist.

Su Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Does this mean to let her go?

Do not...

The reason why Wang Ran's hands are down is to...

Get into her vest!

This time, it's a real meaty feeling!

Wang Ran enjoyed Su Xiaoyu's delicate skin, and his hands kept climbing upwards.

Soon, Wang Ran came to the bottom of the mountain.

Wang Ran's fingers were like octopus, directly wrapped around the pair of perfect breasts, kneading gently.

"Um... ah... woo..."

Su Xiaoyu's body twisted slightly along with Wang Ran's kneading, and he hummed unconsciously.

so comfortable...

Kneading the chest or something is the most comfortable!

As long as it doesn't irritate the sensitive spots...

Su Xiaoyu closed her eyes, feeling the torment of Wang Ran's hands.

But soon, Su Xiaoyu suddenly opened his eyes!

Wang Ran, pinched her two extremely firm nipples!


"It can't be pinched there..."

"I...I can't take it..."

Su Xiaoyu pleaded with tears.

If this is pinched, her defense line will collapse directly!


While smiling, Wang Ran released his fingers holding the two dots.

Su Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief again.

However, things are not so simple.

Wang Ran's two thumbs pressed directly on the two pink nipples.

Just like manipulating a gamepad, Wang Ran pressed her two firm little **** and shook it gently.



Su Xiaoyu groaned and twitched slightly.

Wang Ran rubbed very lightly, making Su Xiaoyu between comfort and extreme sensitivity.

Soon, Wang Ran felt a heat flow in his chest.

At this time, Su Xiaoyu was sitting on top of Wang Ran. Needless to say, she must have released the flood below...

"Master... or else, come down below..."

"I can not stand it any more..."

Tears fell from Su Xiaoyu's eyes, she broke the belt that bound her, and lifted the skirt slowly with both hands.

The space between the legs was completely shown to Wang Ran.

Sure enough, the entire pair of underwear was soaked, and the water could be squeezed out with a slight movement.

Wang Ran smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Xiaoyu's panties, pulling it gently!

The **** were torn off.

Su Xiaoyu's pink passageway was directly displayed in front of Wang Ran.

The walls of the two pieces of meat were covered with crystal clear liquid, and a lot of them were dripping.

The passage openings are also opening and closing, as if breathing.

Wang Ran stretched out his hand and pushed Su Xiaoyu in front of him!

The entrance of the passage came directly to Wang Ran's mouth.

"Master! This way... I'll be shy!"

Su Xiaoyu directly covered her face.

Wang Ran has never observed his private place so closely!

However, Wang Ran's purpose was not to observe.

Such a beautiful pink flesh wall must be well cared for.

Wang Ran stuck out his tongue and lightly licked the small bulge above the two pieces of meat.


Su Xiaoyu trembled violently!

A flood directly broke through the direction and spewed out...

Wang Ran's entire face was soaked by Su Xiaoyu's sudden spring water.

However, this did not stop Wang Ran's tongue from continuing to wander.

The small meat **** above Su Xiaoyu's two pink meat walls were completely raised and extremely hard.

Wang Ran quickly swept back and forth on the small meat ball with his tongue.

This speed...

At least three or four back and forth every second!

Su Xiaoyu's whole body trembled violently like an electric shock in an instant!

This pleasure is too strong!

I can't help it!

If the pleasure is too strong, it is not cool, but uncomfortable!

Now Su Xiaoyu is very uncomfortable!

But her legs were tightly bound by Wang Ran's hands, and she couldn't escape at all.

Wave after wave of intense pleasure rushed straight to Su Xiaoyu's Tianling Gai.

Slowly, Su Xiaoyu began to adapt to this violent stimulation, and gradually transformed this stimulation into pleasure.


"It's there..."

"It's there..."

"Master, hurry up! Hurry up!"

Su Xiaoyu's whole body became hot, her consciousness gradually blurred, and there was only one thing left in her mind.

Wang Ran's tongue still swept across quickly.

The saliva flowed down the small meat ball and mixed with the liquid flowing from the deep slit between the two meat walls.

The two pink flesh walls were closed together, as if they were breathing.

The entrance of the passage also opened slightly, as if looking forward to something.

Su Xiaoyu's white and tender arms slowly reached out to Wang Ran's face.

No, not Wang Ran's face, but her own flesh wall!

Su Xiaoyu stretched out his hand between his legs, and used his slender fingers to gently break apart the two pieces of meat.

The deep hole was suddenly opened.

In the darkness, something seemed to be calling Wang Ran.

This irritating action made Su Xiaoyu turn her head slightly, not wanting Wang Ran to see her shy face.

Wang Ran smiled in his heart.

Xiaoyu has been following her the longest, yet she is still so shy.

Or let yourself completely tear her line of defense.

Wang Ran's tongue stopped sliding left and right, and gently stroked the small meat ball that he spat out, and then began to explore downward...

The originally slender slit was pulled open by Su Xiaoyu with both hands.

Wang Ran's tongue slid directly into the pink channel, and gently drilled...

Wang Ran's tongue drilled into a small section!

Su Xiaoyu suddenly curled up like a shrimp!

The touch of the tongue ... completely different from the post!

The tongue is soft and flexible... can explore every corner near the opening.

Su Xiaoyu has begun to have some confusion.

Her little tongue stuck out of her mouth, subconsciously imitating the movements of Wang Ran's tongue in her passage.

At the corner of her mouth, saliva flowed uncontrollably, dripping onto her firm nipples.


Wang Ran pulled out his tongue,

If you continue to lick like this, you will be sprayed by Su Xiaoyu later.

Su Xiaoyu's body shook violently with the tongue out.

Sure enough, just as Wang Ran had guessed, Su Xiaoyu couldn't hold back!

With a violent convulsion, a water arrow sprayed out against Wang Ran's cheek.

Wave after wave...

The bursts of spray seemed to drain Su Xiaoyu's strength, and she lay weakly on Wang Ran's chest.

"Master, it's already in perfect condition!"

Lin Momo, who was behind Su Xiaoyu, spoke up.

After Lin Momo's care, Wang Ran's pillar became extremely hard and steaming again.

Wang Ran grabbed Su Xiaoyu's waist, gently lifted her, and pushed her back.

Su Xiaoyu's dripping hole came to the pillar.

Su Xiaoyu realized what she was about to face, and her whole body became tense.

Bai Nen's **** trembled slightly, her thighs were tense, and her toes were hooked up nervously.

Wang Ran grabbed Su Xiaoyu's waist and pushed it back.


The top of the thick pillar directly pushed open the extremely wet hole, and rudely stabbed it in.

Su Xiaoyu was shocked and collapsed on top of Wang Ran.

damn it! Has the master become thick again!

No wonder that Tang Tang guy passed out.

Su Xiaoyu held her breath and slowly leaned back little by little.

The posts are lubricated enough, but still too thick.

The two pieces of tender meat at the mouth of Su Xiaoyu's hole were directly squeezed in.

Su Xiaoyu had to endure the strong pleasure, stretched out her hand behind her and tried to open her own passage.

"Puff, puff..."

"Crack, crackle..."

Wang Ran slowly increased his speed, and the sound of water in the sound of shoving became heavier and heavier.

Su Xiaoyu blew again.

However, this time Wang Ran didn't give her a chance to breathe.

The pillar pile driver attacked violently, pushing open the passage every time, hitting the deepest point.

Su Xiaoyu had already lost the control of her consciousness with the repeated collisions.

There was only one thick column in her mind now.

The weak waist tried hard to meet Wang Ran's every thrust.

His hands frantically rubbed his tender and tender breasts.

Wang Ran thrust Su Xiaoyu's hands near Su Xiaoyu's buttocks.

Su Xiaoyu's entire **** was completely wet with various liquids.

It feels very slippery.

Wang Ran's fingers slid directly into the middle of his butt.


A finger slid directly into Su Xiaoyu's backyard.

Wang Ran bent his fingers slightly and exerted a little force.

Su Xiaoyu's little chrysanthemum immediately shrank violently, as if responding to Wang Ran.

At the same time, Wang Ran stuck out his tongue again and got into Su Xiaoyu's mouth.

Su Xiaoyu responded unconsciously, two tongues entangled together.

Three holes, all fell...

As Wang Ran trembled for a while, a high-pressure water gun-like liquid erupted in Su Xiaoyu's body!

Wave after wave...

Su Xiaoyu also lost her eyes and trembled.

A large amount of liquid flowed out from under her, filling Wang Ran's abdomen...

The two climaxed at the same time...
