
All the Female Zombies Are Around during the apocalypse

Kiamat, zombie merajalela! Selalu ada zombie wanita yang ingin memakanku… Punggung saya agak sakit akhir-akhir ini, apa yang harus saya lakukan? Tunggu online! mendesak!

Iriz07 · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
240 Chs

Chapter 103: Oops, it's you, boss


"This car came out of the pharmacy, shouldn't it come directly here under normal circumstances!"

"Why did you suddenly turn around!"

The Mediterranean spat on the ground.

Through the telescope, he immediately fell in love with Tang Tang.

This kind of big-breasted loli is exciting to play!

"Boss, could it be the crazy woman who just entered the pharmacy reminding them?"

A little brother reminded.

"That crazy woman..."

"How dare you ruin my good deeds..."

"Take her back!"

Mediterranean eyes said coldly.

A few younger brothers immediately ran to the pharmacy and carried the woman who had just walked out.

"What are you doing!"

The woman hugged the baby tightly, looking terrified.

Just after her child returned to normal, she was still in great joy when she was suddenly arrested.


"That little couple just now, you reminded them, right?"

"Usually you wander around here, and I don't care much about you, but today you dare to harm me!"

"Don't blame me for venting your anger on you!"

"Brothers, take her back, and take her to the fire at night!"

The Mediterranean said coldly.


"This woman is crazy, and she hasn't bathed for several days, and her body smells..."

The brothers hesitated.

After all, there are still two women locked in the camp, so it is not necessary to use this crazy woman to quench the fire.

"I'm mainly trying to exhale!"

"Can't you just catch her and wash her clean!"

Mediterranean glared at the younger brother.

The two little brothers had no choice but to drag the woman to the camp.

Mediterranean didn't know what kind of monster his actions would create in the near future...


Wang Ran drove the car and finally came to the seaside road.

It's so good to see the sea again, it's like coming home...well, it's almost home.

When he was still two kilometers away from Donghu Island, Wang Ran was stopped by a pole.

This was set by Zhao Dong and the others.

Because the stolen car did not have its license plate registered, the pole did not go up automatically.

Wang Ran had no choice but to get out of the car and lift the pole manually.

At this time, in the monitoring room of the East Lake Villa, Liu Quan suddenly stared at the screen.

"Attention all units!"

"Someone wants to forcibly lift the railing and break into our road!"

Liu Quan took out the walkie-talkie and said.

The pixel of the camera is not high enough, Liu Quan did not recognize that the person in the picture was Wang Ran.

"Brothers, work!"

Under the leadership of Wu Jianguo, a 10-man mobile team near the main entrance picked up the guy, drove three Land Rovers, and quickly drove towards the target direction.

One minute later, the three Land Rovers stopped the white Audi that broke in in the middle of the road.

"Yo, it's very efficient!"

Wang Ran opened the door and jumped out.

"Boss Wang Ran, it's you!"

"We thought someone had invaded..."

Wu Jianguo scratched his head.

It's all Liu Quan's fault, and he didn't look closely at the surveillance.

"The response is very good, and it is commendable."

"Let's go back to the villa together."

"I was just taking a look around."

Wang Ran originally planned to go to Tang Tang's villa to get the modified Hummer first, just to take a tour.

The group returned to the villa area.

Wang Ran opened the back seat and came out with two suitcases in his arms.

"Here are some conventional medicines, you can find a cool place to keep them."

Wang Ran threw the box to Wu Jianguo.

The stuff here is mainly for ordinary people.

For the Awakened, hemostatic props like bandages and Band-Aids are useful.

Like some cold medicine, antibiotics, etc., the awakened people are almost useless.

Of course, Shenbao Tablets and Liuwei Dihuang Pills are not in these two boxes.

"Come on, tell me how things are going in the base these two days."

Wang Ran parked his car at the door and walked to Villa 1 on foot.

"The planting has been advancing in an orderly manner."

"The first planted vegetables have survived, and the leeks and greens are ready to be harvested."

"For beans, it will take some time to grow."

"Oh, by the way, we found that the things we planted now seem to grow a little faster, and they are also a little big..."

"We're guessing, will it be..."

Wu Jianguo had some concerns.

"You mean the virus, right?"

"In fact, everyone already has the virus in their bodies."

"So even if it's not killed by zombies, people will become zombies when they die."

"It's normal to have a little virus in plants, soil, water."

"Humans who are still alive can basically resist these trace amounts of viruses."

"Not to mention the Awakened."

"Of course, you still have to pay attention to everyone's physical condition at all times. If there is a problem, deal with it immediately."

Wang Ran ordered.

"no problem!"

Wu Jianguo nodded neatly.

What Wang Ran instructed was definitely not wrong, just follow it.

At this time, Wang Ran saw that in the vegetable garden, the security captain Zhao Dongzheng was watering with a young woman.

Zhao Dong also found Wang Ran and Wu Jianguo, and his face immediately turned red.

"Boss, you are here!"

Zhao Dong Pidianpidian ran over.

"Oh, you're busy with your work, and I'll just go for a walk."

Wang Ran waved his hand.

How dare you interrupt people's in-depth communication.

"This is..."

"She is the female proprietor here, and her husband died in front of me. I feel guilty."

"So I took care of her a little more."

"As soon as our relationship goes away..."

Zhao Dong blushed and explained.

"It's very good, doesn't this realize your ideal in life?"

"Okay, okay, I'll continue shopping, you can go."

Wang Ran smiled and pushed Zhao Dong back.

In this kind of environment, it is not bad that the younger brothers can solve their emotional problems by themselves.

Wang Ran continued to walk in the villa area.

Suddenly, a small voice sounded.

Like... tripping.


"out of battery!"

"Except for the road monitoring system and gate access control connected to the windmill, the entire community is out of power."

Zhu Ming's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

"Boss, this..."

Wu Jianguo looked at Wang Ran sadly.

He also knew that the power system would collapse at any time, but he didn't expect that the power would be gone in just a week from the end.

Without electricity, many living facilities cannot be used.

Especially refrigerators that extend the shelf life of food.

"do not worry."

"I'll have someone bring some solar panels over later."

"Easy to install."

Wang Ran smiled.

The more than 1,000 solar panels that were pulled before are very surplus.

He had already reserved some for the villa area.

A villa with 2 pieces is 200 pieces, plus 50 pieces of public facilities, 250 pieces of solar panels can be done.

Soon, Wang Ran came to Villa No. 1.

"Boss, you are busy, I'll go first!"

Wu Jianguo looked at Wang Ran and Tang Tang again, realizing that he should be flashy.
