
Chapter 54—Trolls Nest Raiders

The two chatted about the information about the nest and soon arrived at the assembly area.


The sound of the flames rang constantly, and many people stood together, mostly holding torches in their hands.

The crowd is divided into three parties. One is the female gnome caster who has received the Green Dragon corpse. The female elf ranger is standing next to the green cloak, followed by two small armored armored cavalry.

Ordinary war horses may be very inconvenient in forest terrain. After all, there are vines and vegetation everywhere, plus not very flat mud, let alone running, even if walking is a problem.

The iron cane is not only covered with hard scales, but also powerful and powerful. It can ignore vegetation and vines, so it can fight in the forest terrain.

The other side is the people of the Seven Suns Business Alliance. Those scattered businessmen can not participate in this dangerous action, so there are not many people coming. Only 20 people are less than the guards and a big belly, and the middle body is covered with a large leather armor. .

In the end, there were the German and Troll Slayer's Guards, and the three men and Luo Lin brought by the old Muller.

The number of people is similar.

But the strongest is definitely the gnome mage. After all, the two armored squad teams can swept the remaining two teams, not to mention the unknown gnome mage and the elf ranger, so the Seven Suns and the Germans stand out. near.

It can be said that the nest has not yet collapsed, and two opposing forces have been formed.

Female gnome mage, fat businessman, and German are standing in the middle of the torch at this time. The female gnome mage is the shortest, but the momentum has occupied the absolute upper hand, so she directly

said : "Well, not much nonsense, everyone has already If an agreement is reached, no one will be allowed to keep the strength, otherwise there will be no chance of success. The Shadow Army may be killed tomorrow morning, so we have no second chance!".

"Of course, if the heart of the nest falls in the hands of both of you, I am willing to pay a high price!"

The fat businessman gave a proposal with a smile on his face, as if he had quit the competition by default, but the other two did not believe it. If you really want to quit, you don't have to bring all the seven Sunshine Guards.

"If anyone retains the strength, then we will never let him go, and the heart of the nest does not matter who is in the hands, other people can not fight for force!", Gelman finally added a sentence.

If it weren't for this guarantee, he and the Seven Suns would not agree to the tripartite alliance because the guarantee used a magic contract.

So the three returned to the team.

"Depart!" After

returning to the team, Gelman's eyes swept Rolin, who was hiding on the edge of the crowd, and then set off with the team.

The Troll's Nest is not far from the road. The reason why it was not discovered before is because it is surrounded by a large number of trees and is close to the impenetrable pit.

Looking at the huge area below the slope, everyone looked to the center of the altar building with yellow light.

That is the point of energy gathering, also known as the lair.

After entering this area, there is a heavy feeling everywhere, because the earth elements are too rich.

The nest production troll is the energy of the collected earth element. When the consumption is less than the collection speed of the earth element, the nest will use the extra earth element to shape, or evolve the troll until the energy consumption and the collection are in balance.

It can be said that each nest is equivalent to an energy collector + receiver + bio-manufacturing factory, which can not only collect the same kind of energy, but also connect the element plane to obtain the corresponding elements.

A tall, khaki-colored stone pillar stands in the middle of the area. If there is a stone forest, it emits a faint yellow light, so that people can see the surroundings even in the dark.

It can be seen that these stone pillars that exude light are used to be trees, and there are even bark lines on them. However, because the earth elements have been eroded for a long time, they finally become such pillars.

And among these yellow stone pillars, there is a famous moss green skin troll wandering unconsciously.

Trees, plants... The vines are woven into a 'wall', wrapping the pits, leaving a gap in the direction of the crowd, and seeing the traces appear soon, which explains why this is so close to the road, it has not been People found out.

Rollin observed the battle trolls and the two-headed trolls with the light of the stone pillars below.

The body of the ordinary troll looks thin and fragile, and the fighting troll is very strong. Even if the height is almost the same, the body can at least be two trolls, and there is a khaki wide sword in the hand.

The double-headed troll is even taller than the fighting troll, like a little giant.

There are two heads growing on the huge neck, holding a large rock giant stick, wearing a yellow armor with a faint radiance, and it is clear that both attack and defense are equally powerful.

Because there are a large number of stone pillars, it is impossible for the armored cavalry to rush to the altar. It can only be slowly killed.


Female gnome caster ordered, two iron armored cavalry squad to push the ride slowly, ready to kill a bloody road, the female fine ranger protects her personally, did not shoot, may not feel worthy of waste Physical strength.

The leaders of German and the Seven Suns are choosing to attack from tens of meters.

It may be because they feel that the strength is not as good as the other side, so they are moving side by side, barely regarded as a 'temporary alliance'.


The weapon's squirting sound is endless.

Luo Lin is closely following the old Muller. Anyway, everyone is a paid mercenary, and they stand together naturally.


German can become a wooden belt. The deputy of Philfa, the strength is naturally unquestionable, the long sword in the hand waved, first to enter into the oblique stone pillar, shining the sword with weak ray weapon, only a sword will be the dagger beheaded.

The troll will not die if he loses his head. If he gets the head back, he can pick it up immediately. Even if it is destroyed, it can grow up in a week.

Under the constraints of the Genesis Code, the nest creatures are mostly the same as the Noon creatures.

After the dagger!

Gilman kicked the troll on the ground and kicked it, so the troll temporarily lost his combat power, at least until he returned his head.

They are coming to defeat the nest, not to clear the trolls, so they don't need to be eliminated one by one. Without the nest, the energy concentration of the soil elements will decrease, even if these nest creatures do not exist much time.

Immediately after the Troll Slayer's Guards, there is no such thing as a powerful attack and swordsmanship by German, but it has not fallen behind.

The first is to use their own speed advantage to find a chance to create a wound on the troll, so that the opponent's action is affected by the injury, and finally find a way to reinvent the troll, so even if it does not matter, the other side will need some time to repair the injury.

There are a lot of ordinary trolls in this stone column area, almost two hundred or so.

Coupled with the fighting trolls and the two-headed trolls, even if the training of thousands of people is not necessarily able to take the nest, this nest is also the lowest order white nest, showing its difficulty in the Raiders.

Ordinary adventurers destroy their nests. Most of them do not face the nest guards. They try to slowly weaken the nest guards. Finally, they win again. They have no time because they have forced the shadows. They can only take a positive attack.