

"Raze who had always been obsessed with NUNS from little cried his heart out when he later found out that NUNS where holy creatures who couldn't marry NITHER have sex. "But little did raze knew that this was just the beginning of his life as he constantly looked back while running at full speed through the bushy forest . "As a organization named blacktower sent some group of vipers after him, vipers where a well trained killing machine they wouldn't even blink their eyes when killing their prey. "Why me? "what in the world would they want from me I don't have anything of value for them to send their ultimate killing machine after me raze tought as he stepped into mud. "But couldn't care less as he later found out that he was sinking deeply into the mud "quick sand,"that was his last words as he got completely swolled by the mud. "On waking up raze saw that he was chained both by hand and leg to a mental table as a man named kalitus came in using raze for his research while getting tortured day and night . "Which later got to a point that raze was completely immune to pain as his soul was trapped completely inside the seal dimension in his body . "After months of torture kalitus became bored and ordered two of his shadow warriors to take raze into hell gate where he would get possessed by a spirt. Where his fate would be decided. ------------------------------------- please show your support if you enjoy the story.

Demonic_prince · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


"Days after days..!! "nights after nights...!! I faced immerse torture as I began to lose my sanity at a point I practically became immune to pain, as I watched kalutus remove my heart while replacing it with the heart of green jade dragon.

"I couldn't shout NITHER could I scream or cry after what seems to be a decade kalutus finally became bored of playing with me, "as he told two of his shadow warriors to take me to hell gate .

"Where my faith would be determined as he gave then a red liquid to give me when they throw me into hell gate as I helplessly watched as I got dragged by two shadows warriors. Let me out !! let me out !! I screamed inside the unknown dimension trying to take control over my body once again .

"But no matter how hard I screamed in the dark dimension nothing changed since the sky was black skulls bones and broken rids was scattered all over the place, "as i constantly watched the river of blood which continuously flowed as if it was alive .

"Then a realization suddenly drawn on me that I was trapped inside my own conciousness.

"On reaching the hell gate the shadow warriors dropped my almost lifeless body on a bloody coloured altar, "as they started to chant and speak in some unknown languages which I couldn't even understand .


"On speaking the language a sound that resembles the cry of ten thousands spirit was heard as the alter constantly lit up, giving off the feeling of death as the air seems to have frozen at that moment .

"As a crack suddenly appeared in the air and out of it flowed thousands of thousands of vengeance spirits crying and laughing at the same time, "which could make a person die out of fright.

"As I watched all this in the sealed dimension I was as i shifted back while screaming, "SILENT not a single word one of the shadow warriors said as his eyes turned green giving out this murderous vibes.

"And once again all the vengeance spirits immediately keept quiet as they listened to what he has to say. "AS you all know it we would be choosing one of you to possess this body of this Young man so he can decend into hell gate but after two years if his conciousness can't wake up from it's slumber you can forever keep the body .

"On hearing this all the vengeance spirits once again began to cry and shout out of joy NO...!! NO...!! stay away from my body you dam ghost I shouted and shouted but all in vain, as i helpless watched one of the shadow warriors choose one Eric looking ghost to possess my body .

"Please no...!! no please..!! "but all in vain as the scary looking ghost happily possess my body but as soon as the ghost possessed my body I could feel my conciousness shaking as of now two conciousness and souls was now living inside my body and of course one was mine .

"As the ghost finally possessed my body it tired to erase my soul and conciousness out of existence but it couldn't get through the locked space I was in, "as I helplessly watched him sight as he took full control of my body.

"As I slowly stood up and dusted my cloth while looking at the shadow warriors with a smile, "remember am not more myself again I am now possessed I would now be using the general terms used to describe myself normally .

"As I slowly bowled down to the shadows warriors while showing my sincerity am very greatful for the opportunity you gave to me to possess this strong vessel, "sharma said as he gentle walked toward the gate of hell looking back one last time he jumped inside.

"And with a cr....ack.... Sound the gate firmly shut tight, "while the rest of the vengeful spirit reluctantly left, entering through hell gate sharma inhaled the deep bloody air that constantly floated around .

"As he observed his surroundings making sure it was totally safe or he wasn't being ambushed so this is what hell looks like sharma said as he continued to walk forward as he watched as people constantly killed their fellow people and as females where being raped and molested .

"Blood bones skulls organs and many more was all over the place, "plants where painted red the floor was dyed red the sky was bloody red in colour everything just gave out the feeling of death .

*Looking to his left sharma constantly laughed while looking at the demons running towards him with their weapons held high up in the air, while some began to cast their skills ready to strike him down .

"What a bunch of fools, sharma said as his eyes turned ruby red, "as he looked at the demons who where still running towards him "gravity replelious," sharma said as the pressure around those who was charging towards him increased by 200 folds, instantly crushing them into meatpaste as blood shattered everywhere.

"Fools sharma said as he began to walk towards east for some strange reason all the demons and humans he saw along the way seems to keep a safe distance away from him, "because they where scared of the entity who followed him from behinde, "only those who had already grab the true meaning of death could see it .