
54. Chapter 54

3 Months laterWaverly was in the middle of researching with Louise on the types of clothing that would have been worn for a community dance in the time of Wyatt Earp. Nicolas and Alberto were being Nicole’s assistant Deputies for the day at the station, and Aunt Gus was minding the triplets. Padma and Jagna were sleeping in their pram, while their Ma and Aunt Louise scanned through several webpages, Waverly jotted down in her book, the names and styles of the women and men’s outfits, for Louise to reference when she ordered the patterns.

Just before the birth of her daughters, Waverly came up with the idea of holding an annual Wyatt Earp Charity Dance, with it being held on the site of the Museum. Now Waverly was in her element as she spent the time researching not only clothing, but also the music that would have been played at the dance. Emily had offered the services of her old band to play at the dance, free of charge as the money being raised was to go towards assisting the women that had been kidnapped by Lou, with their transition back into society.

As they shared a coffee during a break, Louise said, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, what do you want to know?” Waverly smiles at her friend over the top of her cup.

“I was just wondering as to what did you and Nicole do to get girl pups? It’s just that Emily and I weren’t trying and fell pregnant.” Louise sat back in her chair sipping her coffee.

“As I love researching, I found that both Nicole and I had to eat a diet that was higher in magnesium, calcium and acidic foods such as corn, meat, beans, fish, plums, coffee, eggs, liver and yogurt. As a Vegan, this was hard for me, but I knew that if it meant, we would have more chance of conceiving girl pups, it would be worth it. We also had to avoid alkaline foods such as bananas, orange, potatoes, and watermelon. We also had to take supplements such as calcium, folic acid, magnesium, and vitamin C to help make the cervical mucus acidic.” Waverly replied.

“I bet you were glad when you found out you were pregnant. Then you could stop eating all that meat.” Louise joked.

“Not really, it seems that when I’m pregnant, I grave meat, so either way for over 10 months I ate meat. The next thing was we had to have sex two to three days before my heat, as the sperm that make girl pups are slow swimmers and need the extra time to reach the egg.” Waverly smirks as she thinks about how much sex her and Nicole had before her heat.

“Did you have to try any particular positions?” Louise looks at her friend.

“Yeah, the missionary position. But if you want to conceive boy pups, they say the ‘doggy position is the best. Are you and Emily thinking of adding to your pack?” Waverly asks.

“We would like to have a couple of boys; I might have to suggest this to Emily.” Louise wiggles her eyebrows and Waverly giggles.

Later that night after all the pups had been tucked into their beds and all the household chores had been attended to, Nicole gave Waverly a gentle pat to her ass. “Nicole!”

“I just can’t keep my hands to myself, especially when you wiggle that sexy ass in my direction.” Nicole looks at Waverly with her best sexy eyes.

Glaring at Nicole, Waverly grins, “Louise was asking about what we had to do to get our baby girls. And it got me remembering all the great love making we had, as we tried to get pregnant.”

With desire filled eyes and her nostrils flaring, Nicole meanders over to Waverly, and places a hand on one of the brunette’s hip, while the other played with the hem of Waverly’s top. “Care to remind me?” Leaning down Nicole joined her lips to Waverly’s in a passionate kiss.

“You’re not put off by my stretch marks? You still find me attractive? because I still love you.” Waverly buries her head into Nicole’s shoulder. Nicole leans back and places a finger under her wife’s chin, to lift her head so that she can look her in the eye.

“Waverly Earp-Haught, I love all of you and that means all your stretch marks. Each of those marks tell the story of our love, and the lives of all our pups that you have carried.” Nicole’s lips tickle the side of Waverly’s neck as she plants small kisses on the skin.

“You know the time we used the stairs to our balcony was spectacular and then there was t…” Before Nicole could say anymore, Waverly interrupts by pulling her wife towards the kitchen table. Waverly unbuttons Nicole’s shirt and peels it off over her shoulders and drops it onto the floor, to reveal Nicole’s purple laced bra. An item of clothing that Waverly insists on removing along with her wife’s pants and underwear. Leaving Nicole naked and pressed against the kitchen island bench.


Before going any further, Nicole asked, “Are you sure?” Waverly’s nod of her head was enough for Nicole to know that her wife was consenting. Nicole makes light work of removing Waverly’s clothing before leading her smaller wife over to the kitchen table, indicating for Waverly to lay down on her back, on top of the table.

Dropping to her knees, Nicole placed her hands-on Waverly’s knees and parted them, allowing the redhead full access of her wife’s glistering sex. Kissing her way along one of Waverly’s thighs till she reached her end zone. Using her tongue Nicole licked from the bottom of Waverly’s folds all the way up till she reached her wife’s clit. The moans coming from above her head, indicated to Nicole that Waverly was enjoying her wife’s endeavours.

Nicole continues to play her wife like a toy that she was so well accustomed to, until Waverly’s body began to stiffen and convulse and when Waverly whimpered, “Nicole, I’m coming.” Opening her mouth, Nicole lapped up all her wife’s juices, allowing it to run down her chin. Raising to her feet, Nicole lined her hard cock with Waverly’s pussy, then leaning forward to kiss her wife, as her cock slide inside and filled her wife. Moving as one, the two love birds were in sync with each other, Waverly pivoted her hips to met each of Nicole’s thrusts, until they both could feel her Alpha’s knot forming and they knew that Nicole was close to climaxing. Nicole moved her hand to Waverly’s clit and with her fingers, she flicked the sensitive bud to bring her wife to another climax before she herself reached her own. After shotting her load deep inside of her wife, Nicole dropped her head into Waverly’s neck and rested there until her knot disappeared.

3 months laterNicolas and Alberto were so excited to be starting School, as their cousin had been telling them about all the fun they will have. Alice had started the year before and she was now in first grade, which as she put it, ‘I can look after you both.’ When Nicole came home the evening before her son’s beginning School, she found two very excitable boys running around, tormenting their siblings by taking their toys and running away, while Winona sat on the floor crying. Waverly was flustered with the pair of them, yelling, “Nicolas Earp-Haught give Winona back her bear”.

So, Nicole decided that she was going to need some helpers to assist with feeding and grooming Uncle Doc’s horses.

Walking out to the paddock with both Nicolas and Alberto, Nicole carried the bale of hay, while the boys carried the brushes. Before they reached the horses, the animals ran to the humans that were coming their way, armed with food. After feeding the horses, Nicole tied the horses to the rail, so that Nicolas and Alberto could brush the horse’s manes and then with help from their Mummy, they brushed and untangled their tails.

Looking at her son’s, Nicole thought that it was time to have a talk with them, “Nicolas and Alberto, do you want to tell me why you took your brothers and sister toys?”

Looking at his Mummy, Nicolas says, “We were bored. And it’s fun.”

“Come and sit, I want to talk to you both.” Nicole sits on a bale of hay and patted next to her. Nicolas and Alberto climbed up and sat next to their Mummy.

“What have I told you about treating others?” Nicole waits for an answer.

“We are to treat others the same as we want to be treated.” Alberto replies with his head hanging down.

“It’s nice when people take things that are ours without asking. Winona was not happy that you took her bear. She was crying. Do you think you treated her with respect?” Nicole leans back against the fence railing.

“No. We were bad.” Alberto dropped his lip.

“We sorry Mummy. Ma’s not happy with us.” Nicolas and Alberto reply together.

“You need to go inside and tell Ma and your brothers and sister that your sorry. And remember not to be cruel to your brothers and sisters.” Nicole reaches out her hands and waits for her sons to grab hold of each one. The three of them walked hand in hand back into the house, where the two boys asked their Ma and brothers and sister to forgive them. For the rest of the night, Nicolas and Alberto helped their Ma with the washing up and putting away the dishes. Before climbing into their beds wearing their new pyjama’s, the two little boys hugged their Ma and told her that they loved her.

Later that night Nicole and Waverly sit on the couch in the living room. On the coffee table was an open photo album, which displayed images of Nicolas and Alberto when they were only babies. Waverly had been looking at their baby pictures when she started to become tearful.

“It’s all going too fast. It feels like it was only yesterday, that we first held them in our arms the night they were born in Nedley’s office.” Waverly sniffles as she leans into Nicole’s side. The taller woman wraps her arm around her wife’s shoulder, pulling the brunette tighter into her.

“I know Baby. Remember this photo, (Nicole points to a photo of two little chubby toddlers sitting on top of a pile of wood in a wheelbarrow) they looked like little Michelin men, after you rugged them up, before they could come and help me collect the wood.” Nicole smiles at a photo of two well rugged up little cheeky boys.

“Tomorrow’s going to be so …” Waverly fails to finish her sentence, as tears well up in her eyes and her voice begins to crack.

“I know Baby. It’s going to be hard, but we will get through it together. We’re all going to take them to School and then we’ll pick them up after School. We could then go and have some afternoon tea in the park. We’ll pack their favourite muffins and pick up along the way, grab some shakes. How does that sound?” Nicole suggests as she knows that Waverly was going to need something to plan as a way of redirecting her focus and not dwell on the fact their sons had grown up into little boys.

Nicole woke early so that she could make pancakes for her family and fresh coffee for her and Waverly. Waking her wife with a tender kiss to the lips and Max jumping on the bed, Waverly stretched her arms and brought them to rest at the back of Nicole’s neck. Pulling her wife down so that she could reciprocate the kiss, but before their lips could connect, Max stuck his wet nose in between the space, interrupting their romantic interlude.

“Max, I love you too, but I would rather kiss your Mummy.” Waverly chuckled as she hugged Max and scratched behind one of his ears.

“We had better go and wake up the pups. Get them ready for today.” Nicole holds out her hand for Waverly to take and they walk out of their bedroom hand in hand.

Waverly the night before had help Nicolas and Alberto choose their own clothes to wear on their first day at school. Nicolas and Alberto wanted to wear their best jeans, but Nicolas chose to wear his ‘Toronto Blue Jays’ shirt, while Alberto picked his ‘Purgatory Blue Devils’ shirt. Nicole helped the boys with tying up their laces on their shoes, while Waverly helped them comb their hair. After everyone in the family had been feed breakfast and Padma and Jagna were feed, burped and changed, the family piled into Waverly’s family van and made their way to Purgatory Primary School.

Once outside the School gate, Waverly took hold of Nicolas and Alberto’s hands, while Nicole pushed Padma and Jagna’s pram, with Walden, Bach, and Winona held the sides of the pram. Entering the school grounds with all the other new student parents, Nicole and Waverly listened to the Principal give the group a welcome speech.

Then the Kindergarten teachers called out the names of their students and invited them and their parents to come into the classrooms. Nicolas and Alberto were placed into the same class, on the classroom walls was painted an underwater scene and on the floor was a large blue rug for the children to sit on. Nicole and Waverly sat up the back, as Padma and Jagna had chosen that moment to begin to cry, demanding to be feed. Not wanting to draw attention to themselves, Waverly pulled out two bottles filled with breastmilk, Nicole took Padma, while Waverly attended to Jagna. Walden, Bach, and Winona sat with their older brothers and listened to the story the teacher was reading to the class.

The male teacher finished reading and explained to the students, they were going to colour while he talked with their parents. Nicolas and Alberto lead their brothers and sister over to the colouring table and handed them different colour pencils. Nicole had just placed Padma to her shoulder, so that she could burp her daughter, when the male teacher came over and introduced himself.

“Hello, my name is Robin Jett and I will be your son’s teacher for the year. Feel free to call me at any time if you have any questions or concerns about their learning. We will be having a sing-along time next, we have found that this is usually the best time to leave, as they will be busy.” Robin says as he extends his hand to Nicole, who shakes it while holding Padma over her shoulder.

“What happens if they realise that we have gone and cry for us?” Waverly enquires as she cradles Jagna in her arm.

“We let them know that everything is going to be alright, and then we give them a drink and something to eat, to calm them down. But if they are still upset, we will call you. You can trust us with them.” Robin replies in a comforting tone.

Nicole rubs her free hand along her wife’s arm, “It’ll be alright, Alice is here and look at them, they are having fun. I’ll go and get Walden, Bach, and Winona. Then we can start to leave when they start singing.” Nicole heads over to the table and tells the younger siblings that they need to come with her. Placing a kiss to the top of Nicolas and Alberto’s heads, Nicole hides the tears in her eyes, although Waverly senses her wife’s grief.

Robin calls his students back to the blue rug and picks up his ukulele and begins to sing ‘Old MacDonald had a farm.’ Waverly places Padma and Jagna into their pram, while Nicole takes the triplets hands and before leaving, Nicolas and Alberto rush over to their Ma and give her a hug and a kiss, they then return to the blue rug to join with in the singing. With tears in their eyes, Waverly and Nicole walk out of the classroom with heavy hearts.

Back at the station, Nicole and Waverly head into the Sheriff’s office and closed the door. Nicole sets up on the floor the play mat for Padma and Jagna to lay on, while their brothers and sister play with the toys that are kept in their Mummy’s office. Waverly collapses onto the couch with Nicole close behind. Knowing that they are safe in each other’s arms, the pair begin to cry the tears, which had been welling up since the leaving their sons. Bach hears his parents crying and he climbs up next to them, placing his hand on Nicole’s shoulder, “Mummy and Ma why you cry?”

“We’re just upset that Nicolas and Alberto are old enough for school. We miss them that’s all.” Nicole smiles and wipes her face. Waverly smiles at her pups and is touched that Bach was so concerned about her and Nicole.

“Why don’t we go and get us some doughnuts and shakes before heading to the park.” Waverly suggests.

“Yeah, can I have sprinkles on my doughnut?” Walden asks as he jumps with glee.“I want a blue one.” Winona says.“I want a beaver tail doughnut.” Bach smiles.

“I think we can allow that, what do you say Ma?” Nicole turns towards Waverly and smiles.

“I don’t see any reason why not. Let’s go.” Waverly stands and lifts her daughters off the mat and places them into the pram, as Nicole walks over to the door and opens it for her family to exit.

It was about 2.50pm when a van pulls up outside the Purgatory Primary School and three 3 years climbed out of the side door. Nicole and Waverly cradled their 6-month old’s in their arms and followed the triplets to join with the other waiting parents outside the school gates. Wynonna joined Waverly and Nicole and waited for the school to release the students for the day.

Right on the strike of 3pm, there was a rush of limbs scurrying through the gates and into the waiting arms of their parents, while the other students headed off towards the bus lines. Nicolas and Alberto caught sight of their Ma and Mummy and their siblings, along with Alice running with grins that stretched from ear to ear. Nicole and Waverly wrap the twins up in a tight hug, before heading back to the van, listening to all that the twins had to say about their day.

Wynonna and Alice joined the Earp-Haught family at the playground for afternoon tea for an hour before heading back to the homestead. Over dinner Nicolas and Alberto told their parents how much they loved being able to go to school, so that they could learn. That night the two boys had to be carried to bed, as they had fallen asleep halfway through dinner.

Waverly sat in bed flicking through another antique website, searching for items to purchase for the museum, while Nicole was in the bathroom seeing to her usual nightly routine.

“And you were worried that Nicolas and Alberto, took to much after me!” Nicole walked into the bedroom and smiled.

“Nicole?” Waverly looks quizzingly at her wife.

“They may like being adventurous like their Mummy, but they also love learning just like their Ma.” Dressed in a pair of Police Academy shorts and a tank top, Nicole kneels on the bottom of the bed and then crawls up Waverly’s body. Straddling the brunette’s lap, the taller woman lifts the laptop and places it on the bedside table, then leans in to kisses her wife.

“Nicole, today when you kissed Nicolas and Alberto goodbye at the school, I sensed that you were filled with grief.” Waverly stares into Nicole’s eyes, while her hands played with Nicole’s baby hairs.

Knowing that Waverly would not judge her, Nicole swallows the lump in her throat, “It’s just that I remembered how I felt when Bobo stole them, and I felt that lose once again. I know it was silly even though I didn’t want to leave them, I knew that I had to be strong for you and them.” Dropping her head to prevent Waverly from seeing the tears welling in her eyes. Waverly placed a finger under Nicole’s chin and lifted it till their eyes were connecting with each other.

“Nicole, I love you. I love how you are always thinking about others. Promise me that every now and again that you will allow yourself to be fragile, it …” Waverly couldn’t finish as Nicole interrupted.

“But you’ll think that I’m weak.” Nicole sniffles before Waverly pulls her to her chest and strokes circles on her back.

“Shhh, you are never weak. Remember that you’re my knight in shining armour, and our pups strong tall Mummy, with a big shinning badge. Rest now my love.” Waverly soothes as her fingers entice Nicole to drift off to sleep.