
34. Chapter 34

Waverly’s POVFor the past month, Waverly’s routine has been the same. She would wake to the feel of her son’s patting her face, alerting her to the fact that they were awake, and another day had past, with Nicole still in a coma. After changing her sons out of their pyjama’s, the little family then would say hello to Nicole, by giving her kisses and cuddles. Nicolas and Alberto would sit on either side of their Mummy and talk to her, while playing with their toys, every now and again Alberto would move closer to Nicole and place his teddy next to her face and say, “Teddy keep you safe. He the Sheriff now.”

Waverly would sit next on Nicole’s left side of the bed, so that she could hold her hand and every now and again, she would run a finger over the gold wedding band on Nicole’s ring finger. Waverly thinks about the day when she placed that ring onto Nicole’s finger and promised to love her till death separated them, which seemed at that moment more like an eternity ago, rather than only a couple of years. Nicolas then would move to be closer to his Ma and caress the side of her cheek, which would bring her back to reality, then he would say, “Albto me hungry. Ma.” Waverly would smile back at the dimple smiling at her from the bed.

Waverly would then scoop both her sons up and set them onto the floor, so that they could then walk down to the cafeteria. Before leaving the room, Waverly would tell Nicole that they would be back later after getting some breakfast and when the boys finished playing in the park. Waverly was now in her fourth month of pregnancy and when she had to leave Nicole, she would become teary as she cupped her wife’s face as she leant in to kiss her with all her love.

Nicolas and Alberto had become very popular with all the staff in the hospital and Waverly felt touched, as a child growing up in Purgatory, she never felt this kind of affection. She always felt like people only treated her nicely because of who her father was, the Sheriff. The look and affection that the staff showed her sons, was different, it was like her and Nicole’s boys had an ability to make people fall in love with them. Waverly put it all down to them being Nicole’s sons, with her red hair, sparkling brown eyes and dimples to die for.

Nicolas, Alberto and Waverly would sit in the cafeteria, the boys would sit and eat either pancakes or fruit, while Waverly watched. Nicolas starts to stand up in his seat and reach over to his Ma, either a piece of pancake or fruit, while saying, “Ma eat, babies eat.” Waverly smiles back at her son and takes the food being offered to her and eats. She knows that if it wasn’t for her sons, she would be still sitting next to her wife feeling lost and alone.

By the time the boys and Waverly had finished their breakfast and Waverly had checked her phone for the 20th time. They would venture out to the little park across the road from the Hospital, allowing the boys and Waverly sometime to breathe in fresh air and for the boys to work off some of their energy. Waverly knew that being stuck in a hospital room was hard on her boys, so this time outside, helped them all. Waverly then would be visited by Wynonna who was now five months and Waverly was four months along in their pregnancies. Alice now almost 2 years old was playing on the slippery slide with her cousins.

“How is Nicole? How are you?” Wynonna would always ask the same question and her baby sister would answer the same, “Still the same, in a coma. I’m just holding on, mostly for Nicole, Nicolas, Alberto and these little ones.” As she rubbed her small baby bump.

The sisters would sit and talk about their children and how much they wished their own Mama was there to share in the joy of the laughter coming from the children as they played on the climbing gym. After being outside for about an hour, the boys and Alice would run over to their Ma’s and ask if they could get something to drink or eat. Normally Waverly would join Wynonna and the children by heading off to get something to eat.

But for today Waverly felt a need to head back to Nicole, so she asked Wynonna to take the boys and Alice with her to the local doughnut shop for a shake and then join her later. When she enters the hospital room, Waverly found the nurses beginning to get things ready to give Nicole a bed bath. They ask if she would like to help, which she jumps at the chance to assist and to touch her wife’s naked body. Hoping that her touches would be what Nicole needed to pull her out of the coma.

While bathing her wife, Waverly told Nicole about how much the boys have grown and miss her. Then she told her about the ultrasound, which showed that they were expecting another set of twins. Waverly the pulled out the photo of their pups and showed Nicole.

“Look, Nicole. See this pup has its arm stretched out and the other pup is laying on its side facing us. (Sob) Nicole I need you to wake …. I can’t do this without you…… (Sob) I need you …. Our pups need their Mummy…. Come back to me.” Waverly would say as she lay her head against Nicole’s chest as she clung to her wife, she didn’t care that her tears would wet Nicole’s clean and dry pyjama top.

Nicole’s POVNicole sat in the middle of a canoe in the middle of a lake, she thought to herself, ‘I’ve been here before.’ She looked around in the canoe for a paddle and once she had it in her hands, she knew that she needed to reach the bank that was the furthest away from where she was. As she approached the bank, she could feel that she was destined to be there, like she had some unfinished business to complete. As she stepped out of the canoe, there came a sound that sent a shiver down her spine, a blood curdling laugh which came from deep within the thick line of trees, which stood in front of her, blocking her view from seeing who or what made that dreadful sound.

As Nicole ventured further through the trees, she could make out a familiar smell, one she hoped to never experience again in her life. She made her way out of the last row of trees and stumbled upon a horrible sight. Bodies, lots of mutilated bodies set out in a design on the floor of what was a camp site. Nicole quickly pulled her hands up to cover her mouth, as she felt deep within her stomach, a sense that she was about to puck. An old memory came to the fore front of her mind, a memory where she had experienced this before when she was much younger, where she was the only survivor of that massacre.

Nicole looked around at the dead bodies and noticed that they had all been cut across their abdomen, and the cuts formed the same design that the bodies had been placed on the forest ground. Just as she was about to leave the site and head back to her canoe, she heard giggles coming from the other side of the camping ground, from within a tent. She knew that sound, it was the same giggling that her sons, Nicolas and Alberto made, when she tickled them as they played in the bath or in the lake behind their house in Purgatory.

Before she knew what, she was doing, Nicole ran so fast towards the tent, but every time she got closer, the further away the tent moved. Then from behind her came a voice that said, “You don’t think I was going to let you win so easily.”

With a chill running down her spine, Nicole knew right at that moment, who exactly who was talking to her, so she turned around slowly to face Bulshar. “I chewed your head off.” Was all Nicole could say before her eyes fell on Bulshar holding Waverly by the throat.

Waverly said to Nicole, “Don’t let him fool you. Your so much stronger than him. I love you Nicole Earp Haught.” Bulshar grew angrier with Waverly and threw her against a nearby tree, knocking the brunette out cold.That was all it took for Nicole to lose it with Bulshar, as she begun to shift into her wolf form, but this time she felt so much stronger and larger than before. Bulshar shifted as well and beared his fangs at Nicole, who now was standing in front of Waverly’s body, protecting her mate from this maniac. Bulshar lunged at Nicole and she was ready for him, as she flipped him over her shoulder, like a throwing a grain of salt. Bulshar landed with a thud on the harden ground, he was now even angrier with Nicole. He was out for revenge, were as Nicole was there to protect and defend her family.

From Nicole’s upbringing she remembered hearing coming from the church she smoked behind on a Sunday morning, ‘And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.’ Nicole knew that she loved her family and that if need be, she would die for them. From her police training, she remembered that everyone has a weakness and she knew that Bulshar’s was his hunger for revenge. Nicole put all her instincts into practice as she took her time, causing Bulshar to become frustrated and make mistakes.

Bulshar would take misguided swipes at Nicole and fall over as he lost his balance. Nicole then would slip out of the way when he lunged at her. This went on for days, Nicole had the strength to last the distance, where as Bulshar showed signs of struggle as he took longer to get up off the ground. When Nicole knew she had Bulshar right where she wanted him, she pounced and took Bulshar down in one swift move and pinned him to the ground. As Nicole sat on top of Bulshar’s weak body, for the first time during the battle, she beared her fangs at Bulshar. She could see the fear in his eyes as she growled at him, causing him to shift back into human form, but this time of flesh covering his body, there were scales much like that of a snake.

Bulshar tried to move from under Nicole, but she dug her claws through the scales, causing blood to seep out onto the ground. Bulshar made one more attempt to push Nicole off him, but as he did, he felt a tight grip around his throat and then the sound of bones breaking. Nicole had placed her jaw over Bulshar’s throat and as he moved, she snapped her jaw shut, breaking from the scales and breaking the veins and bones. Nicole held her bite so that she knew that he was dead for good, that his reign of terror was over and done with.

Once Nicole was satisfied that Bulshar was well and truly dead, was when she let go and moved off the lifeless body, to sit and take one last look at the man who terrorised her family. Turning around she could see Waverly, now with a small baby bump and their boys, one resting on each of her hips. Nicole walked over towards them, but something was stopping her, no matter how hard to tried to reach Waverly, the further they got.

That was when Nicole heard, “Nicole I need you to wake …. I can’t do this without you…… (Sob) I need you …. Our pups need their Mummy…. Come back to me.” And suddenly, she could feel a heaviness on her chest and a need to open her eyes.

Waverly’s POVWaverly lay on Nicole’s chest and started to feel herself being lulled to sleep, but before she could, she felt a hand touching the top of her head and then having it being stroked. Waverly sat bolt upright on the side of the bed and looked directly at the most beautiful brown eyes, staring back at her.

“I didn’t know that Shorty’s had a wet t-shirt competition. Hello there beautiful.” Nicole said with a grin on her face as she looked at the most beautiful sparkling eyes.

“Your awake. I’ve missed you. Where did you go?” Waverly asks as she captured Nicole’s lips in the most and tender kiss.

“How long have I been out to it. Waves?” Nicole asks as she runs her hands up and down Waverly’s arms.

“You’ve been in a coma for just over a month. You sustained a extremely bad wound to your abdomen and they operated on you, but you didn’t wake after the surgery. Nicolas, Alberto and I have been sleeping with you.” Waverly points out to Nicole the pull-out bed.

“I missed you too, I think my mind had some unfinished business that it had to deal with. I dreamed that I was back in that canoe in the middle of the lake, but this time I was an adult and not a 6-year-old scared little girl. I rowed over to the bank and I stumbled onto the camp site with all the dead bodies. There was a tent and I could hear Nicolas and Alberto laughing and giggling from inside. Then I saw that Bulshar had you by your throat and before I could stop him, he threw you against a tree, which knocked you out cold. For what felt like a couple of days, but in appears it was longer, Bulshar and my wolf form battled it out. I let him use up all his anger and then when he was weakened, I was able to pin him down. But he would not accept defeat and to make a longer story shorter, I bite his head off and then I heard you telling me that I had to come back to you. So here I am.” Nicole looked into Waverly’s eyes before pulling her into another kiss.

Nicole looked around the room for her sons and when she could not see them, she asked. “Where are Nicolas and Alberto?”

“They’re with Wynonna. Knowing her she is not doubt filling them up on doughnuts and milkshakes. We have been spending our mornings with you, before grabbing some breakfast in the cafeteria before heading over to the park across the street. Nicolas and Alberto have been having so much fun, playing in the sand pit, I never knew that they could collect so much sand in their clothes. (laugh) Then Wynonna and Alice met us, and Alice shows them how to use the see saw. Normally we all go and grabbing a drink, but today I knew I had to be here with you. (Kiss) You should see how tired they get after playing on the monkey bars and go up and down the slippery slide. Nicolas wanted to climb on the kid’s climbing wall, but I wouldn’t let him, not until he has his Mummy to show him how to do it right.” Waverly smiles at Nicole, who is looking at her as if she had hung the moon and the stars in the sky.

“I am so glad that you’re awake. I just didn’t you to miss out on watching our pup’s grow. You’ve already missed out on their first ultrasound. The doctor says, they are growing just fine, considering.” Waverly slides off the bed and walks over to where she had placed her handbag. Opening her handbag, she pulls out what looks like to Nicole an envelope, before returning to Nicole’s bedside. Waverly helps to adjust Nicole’s bed, so that she is now sitting up comfortably.

“Nicole, I’d like to introduce you to your, sorry OUR pup’s.” Waverly hands Nicole the ultrasound which clearly showed two little pups. As soon as Nicole hears the word PUPS, tears form in her eyes and fall down the sides of her cheeks, while she stares at the two little beings.

“We’re having two more. I love you so much Waverly Earp Haught.” Using a finger, Nicole draws outlines around the little beings on the photo.

“Come here and let me say hello to our pups.” Nicole tries to move closer to Waverly, but because she had been in the bed for so long, her muscles were stiff and weak. Waverly sits on the side of the bed, so that Nicole could place her hand on her bump and rub it softly.

After Nicole gets the all clear from her doctor, she becomes antsy to see her sons. And it was not long before the door to her room flings open and two little red headed boys with the cutest smiles and dimples come rushing in to see their Mummy. As soon as they see that Nicole is awake and sitting up in her bed, Nicolas and Alberto start jumping up and down crying out, “Mummy, Mummy, awake.”

“Haught damn you made it.” Wynonna says as she wraps her arms around Nicole’s neck and hugs her tightly. Waverly moves around the bed and lifts first Nicolas and then Alberto onto the bed. Both boys crawl up their Mummy’s body and once they are in front of her, they pepper her face with tiny kisses and hugs that melt both Nicole and Waverly’s heart.

Nicole stays in the hospital for another couple of days, before she can go home to her family. Waverly spends the time, making changes to their house, so that Nicole can get around with ease. The doctor had given Waverly a run down on the type of physio Nicole would be required to do, so that she can strengthen the muscles in her legs. Doc helps by setting up some rails in the bathroom, which Nicole can hold onto when she gets in and out of the shower. Waverly makes sure that she has Nicole’s favourite foods and drinks stocked up, so that she can pamper Nicole, like she pampers Waverly.

The day that Nicole came home, she thought that Waverly was so scared that if she drove over a bump in the road, that it would cause Nicole pain. So, Waverly drove the slowest she has ever driven in her life, until when Nicole said. “Baby, I appreciate that your driving slow for my benefit, but I think you can drive at the speed limit.”

Once Waverly had Nicole back in their house, she started to relax. Waverly felt like she had been holding her breathe for so long, that it was only when she saw Nicole giving their son’s the biggest pup cuddle, was when she knew, she could breathe. She knew that Nicole had fulfilled the promise, she had made the day they married. That she would keep Waverly safe and that she would never have to question as to what lengths Nicole would go to maintain her promise. From within the Earp Haught household that night, all that could be heard was the sounds of children’s laughter and giggles, as they played with their parents. Max and Calamity Jane joined the family as they all slept that night in Nicole and Waverly’s bed, with two very tired pups sleeping tucked in between their parents.