
All Might In Marvel

A dude got reincarnated with abilities of All Might at its full potential. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Yeah, that's it.

usernameicantuse · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Fury's Urgency and Toshi's Job


General POV

The entire SHIELD is currently on high alert due to a recent detection of an unexpected surge in energy in New York. The magnitude of this energy spike is capable of causing substantial damage, at least according to their initial assessments.


In a dimly lit office, a dark-skinned bald man wore an indescribable expression, still processing the surprising events. "Where did that surge of unknown energy come from? Was it from the same place where Danvers came from? No, it can't be. The energy signature and amount are unprecedented in SHIELD's history," he pondered, attempting to calm his racing heart.

"Were those damn aliens behind this? We can't afford to be lax; any moment now, a war might erupt," he muttered. The looming threat of mutants added to his stress, although Xavier's presence kept Magneto in check. Rubbing his temples, he realized the strain these ongoing troubles were taking on his mental health.

Deciding to revisit these thoughts later, Fury focused on the current SHIELD task. He contacted his trusted agent, Hill, to check on America's War Hero, Captain America.

"Hill, what's the captain's condition?" he asked with urgency.

On the other end, Hill, standing beside the thawing chamber, turned her attention to her coms and replied with excitement, "It's miraculous. He's alive—vitals are weak but stable. The doctors are optimistic. It seems the ice preserved him perfectly."

A moment of awe-struck silence lingered between them, considering the implications of Captain America's potential return to a world that had long thought him lost.

Moments later, Fury broke the silence, sensing an impending crisis, and said urgently, "We need him now more than ever. Make it happen, Hill."


**All Might POV**

Quirk Bestowal, Gearshift, Fa Jin, Danger Sense, Blackwhip, Float, Smokescreen

Among the quirks I currently possess, the most useful one in my current situation is undoubtedly the Quirk: Smokescreen. This ability evolved after my transportation to this world.

Now, this power is not limited to creating distractions; it can produce illusions. It can alter my appearance to that of a Younger All Might with blond hair and a clean slicked-back style.

In need of a job requiring a good physique, a role as a bodyguard seems fitting. Grateful for the cosmic being taking care of my identity, I arrived at the internet shop's front desk. Activating my Smokescreen quirk, I altered my looks, maintaining a less intimidating appearance with my 6'5 height.

Sitting at the rented computer, I surfed GuardQuest, a job hunting site for bodyguards. I found a job guarding a teen named Lily Johnson, with free housing and meals. After a swift application, I got an immediate response, accepting the job. The employer needed me there at 8 in the morning.

With a little over 400 dollars or 59,000 yen from the cosmic being, I checked into a hotel, preparing for a long day ahead.

**The Next Day**

Waking up at 6 in the morning, I took a bath and made myself presentable. Taking off meant jumping from building to building, arriving swiftly at the designated location.

After an hour and a half wait, I heard an engine halt in front of me. Michael Johnson, a 6'3 man of Western heritage, and his 14-year-old daughter Lily stepped out. Lily possessed a natural charm with hazel eyes and chestnut brown hair in gentle waves.

Introducing myself with enthusiasm, "Good morning Mr. Johnson, Toshinori Yagi at your service, you can call me Toshi for convenience."

He replied with equal enthusiasm, "Likewise Toshi. Let me introduce you to my beloved daughter. Dear, introduce yourself to Toshi."

Lily turned to me and initiated a perfect 45° bow, surprising me. Seconds later, Michael explained, "Her mother is of Japanese descent; she loves her very much, that's why it's ingrained in her being."

"Is that why you chose me as her bodyguard? For familiarity?" I asked, knowing the answer. He confirmed, "Yes, so that she doesn't feel distant."

Later, a car engine roared, signaling the end of our conversation.

"Anyways, Lily, both of you go now. I still have somewhere to be. Toshi, I'll be entrusting my beloved to you. Here's the car key; make sure she's safe, or else..." Michael's demeanor changed, emphasizing the seriousness of his words.

Smiling and showing no nervousness, I replied with conviction, "Don't worry, I will."