
You are stupid !

"Nothing is special about you ,you can't read ,you can't write you are stupid why can't you be like other kids it's a mistake that you're in this grade"

I'll try harder next time but I don't know who will help me if not Mrs Meyer ,but I do try hard by reading more books but what's the point if you can't read and write it's hopeless .But I still have dreams to achieve,all I have to do I be able to read and write and sad thing about it is that I can't even read my home language.

"I'm going to call your mother , perhaps she can teach you better"she said with a disgusted hideous face .

I waited and waited ,nothing ran through my mind it was just dark and I felt like I'm falling in a deep hole .The space was to little for me to stretch my arms I couldn't yell "mama" desperate for help .It was just too much for a little kid like me .All of a sudden the door opened and all I could see was light but...it was Mrs Meyer who came to take me to her office and discuss about "my situation".

"You can get out now I hope that being in a small room like these taught you something,follow me"she said

"Here's your daughter Ms Buys ,sit down child "Ms Meyer insisted

"Renae why couldn't you tell me that you can't read and write why did you keep that all to yourself,and you never ask for help ..why ?"

I didn't expect a question like that and I didn't know what to say ,why didn't I ask for help ?well maybe it's because I'm scared that my mama would judge which is crazy insane to think that .

"Renae answer your mother you can't just keep quite and be lost in your own thoughts"Mrs Meyer said

"Mam maybe it's because she's 7 years old ,she's just a kid just like others please be gentle and be patient towards her , she will be able how to read and write and I'll help her "she said politely

"No ! she's very different from other kids ,she's ... she's...gosh she can't read for god sake !"

"Okay Mrs Meyer I'll help her but in the meantime please be patient towards my daughter she's just a kid ,if your daughter was like mine and I was the teacher you wouldn't like it if I treated her the way you treat mine so please know how to handle a kid .If you have a child you wouldn't treat a kid like these that's very inappropriate and disgusting mam , so maybe you don't have a child ,you have a dog ?a cat ?...and if I can recall you have a whole 20 years experience and it's so stupid that

you don't know that a kid that can't read at this age can be able to read after a month or so and be able to be a top achiever I know Renae is capable of being a top achiever and I believe in her ,thank you mam for your time it was a waste but it was worth it wasn't it ?"my mom stood up ,her face was filled with anger you could tell but she managed to control herself ,she took my tiny hand and we left .

"Let me tell you something Renae I believe in you if no one can just know that momma believes in you , you're not stupid you just need time okay ?"she kissed my forehead "ek is lief vir jou" .