
Chapter 52 Red Hair

For fishmen, it is much easier to cross the windless zone than other races. They can avoid many dangers by sensing the fish schools.

Although it is not as simple and effective as the navy inlaying sea floor stones on the bottom of warships, it is enough to ensure safety.

The news that Chu Yang was about to leave still caused quite a stir on the ship. Months of fighting side by side had made most of the murlocs on the ship regard Chu Yang as a companion.

Some extreme murlocs headed by Arlong did not continue to confront Chu Yang. In addition to being in awe of Chu Yang's strength, they also felt some gratitude in their hearts.

The human heart is made of flesh.

Everyone knew that if it weren't for Chu Yang, the fishmen on this ship would have died and injured many people under the relentless pursuit of the navy.

Some people don't say it, but they still think of Chu Yang in their hearts.

An inexplicable sadness began to spread on the ship.

Except for Arlong, every fish-man had a heavy expression on his face.

"Everyone still likes you very much." Jimbei still refused to give up and wanted to retain Chu Yang.

"I will come back to see you all within three years!" Chu Yang vowed to make the agreement because he knew that Tiger would be killed in three years and he wanted to change this tragedy.

It took the Sun Pirates three days to cross the windless zone.

We also encountered some sudden crises during this period, but the overall risks are still under control.

After arriving at the East Sea, Tiger took advantage of the moonlight to place Chu Yang on a small island. He left a small boat and hurriedly left with his tribe.

Chu Yang stayed overnight on the coast. Early the next morning, he inquired from local residents about the specific direction of the Kingdom of Goa, and then purchased an expensive nautical chart.

The small boat was filled with supplies left by Tiger and the others, which saved Chu Yang time to buy supplies. After he found out the information, he immediately went to Windmill Village.

The difficulty of sailing in the four seas is basically zero. Except for some islands passing by, you need to be careful of accidents. The sea is the safest.

This is exactly the opposite of the Grand Line.

Chu Yang, who had learned many steering skills from Jimbei, was able to drive a small boat with ease. The boat, which was only a few meters long, rode the wind and quickly approached its destination.

About another day later, Chu Yang successfully found the only port village in the Goa Kingdom.

Windmill Village!

Hidden dragons and crouching tigers here are not only the hometown of the naval hero Garp, but also the hometown of the leader of the revolutionary army, Long, and even the hometown of the future Pirate King.

The place where the son of Pirate King Roger and the future second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army grew up, and the Yonko Shanks also left an arm here.

Throughout the entire history of animation, is there any more famous novice village than this one?

This group of people directly raised the Kingdom of Goa to a level that did not belong to it!

Before he even approached the port, Chu Yang saw a huge pirate ship floating on the sea near the shore, with a pirate flag depicting a skull fluttering in the wind.

The structure of the pirate flag is very simple. In the center is a skull with three red scratches on its eye sockets, followed by two crossed knives.

"The Redforth!"

The moment he saw the pirate flag, Chu Yang was shocked. Before coming, he was worried that he would miss Shanks' stay at Windmill Village, but now all his worries were gone.

No other ship dared to approach the Redfors.

Chu Yang did not drive the boat over rashly, but slowly docked aside.

Chu Yang scanned the Redfors with his sense of knowledge and found that only a small number of crew members remained on the deck, so he went straight to the only tavern in Windmill Village.

Windmill Village is not big. Chu Yang casually inquired about information from the surrounding villagers and easily found the tavern run by Maginot.

"Where does this kid come from, coming out to drink at such a young age?"

"Boy, where are your adults? You can't go to the pub alone."

"There are pirates out there, you're a kid and you better stay away!"

Chu Yang threw all these well-intentioned words of advice behind him and plunged into the tavern occupied by the red-haired pirates, which was filled with laughter and laughter.

The Red Haired Pirates are like this. They have a small feast every three days and a big feast every five days. The rest of the time they are either fighting or on the way to a fight.

Fight - banquet - fight - banquet...

Infinite loop.

This tradition was inherited from One Piece Roger's ship, and later Luffy's Straw Hat Pirates also inherited the same line, except that every fight with Luffy was almost a life and death situation.

There was singing and dancing in the tavern, the atmosphere was lively, and little Luffy was playing tricks.

It made all the red-haired pirates laugh.

Most people didn't notice a young man walking in outside, except for the proprietress Maginot.

"Kid, are you in the wrong place? This is not a place to eat." Maginot reminded her kindly. Although she thought the group of pirates in front of her were not bad, she still hoped that Chu Yang could leave here quickly.

"Give me a glass of rum." Chu Yang sat at the bar calmly, his behavior vaguely showing maturity beyond his years.

Maginot was stunned for a moment, then shook his head firmly, and his tone became unusually stern, "I'm sorry, I can't provide rum to a child, even if it has the lowest alcohol content."

At this time, a crew member happened to notice Chu Yang, and immediately someone started to shout: "Lady boss, give him a glass of wine, and charge it to my account. A young man is also a man. As a man, how can you not drink?"

"How can you provide alcohol to children?" Maginot glared at the pirate angrily, "If you continue to talk nonsense, you won't have any alcohol today!"

The man had no choice but to sit down angrily, causing his companions around him to laugh loudly!

If it were another pirate group, Maginot's attitude would be enough to cause her to lose her head and body, but in the red-haired pirate group, it becomes a very interesting joke.

The laughter around him became louder and louder, and the playful glances made Chu Yang lie helplessly: "I am an adult, but I was ill before and now I can't grow taller."

This was a lame lie, and most people would not believe it, but the simple Makino believed Chu Yang.

"Really?" Makino covered her mouth and exclaimed, then quickly apologized to Chu Yang, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have spoken so hastily."

Chu Yang smiled and said, "If you can quickly put my rum on the table, I will forgive you."

"Please wait a moment." Maginot turned around and looked for wine in the cabinet behind her.

"Hey...boy, lying to adults is not a good habit!"

The red-haired man with the eye-catching scar on his left eye suddenly moved closer to Chu Yang, put an arm around Chu Yang's shoulder and said, "I was also very curious about wine at your age, so I understand, but I can't lie to you next time." people."

Chu Yang said nothing and turned his face to the other side in disgust. He didn't know if he was disgusted with the red-haired man's admonishing tone or because he was disgusted with the strong smell of alcohol on his body.