
All Creation: I Have A Fictional Gacha System

"Cain El Serpento "VCTR Eterna" The Seventh White Glow Le Art Immortal "Helios" Almighty" (Cain for short) is your average reincarnator. He got truck-kun into a different world. What wasn't so average was the World of Gods he got reincarnated in. In this world , trillions of gods create planets and compete with each other. As soon as you reach the rightful age of 16, you get to awaken your godly name and awaken your planet! Cain thought he was the protagonist of the world, until he awaken his planet! Luckily he also awaken his cheat! Gaia Gacha System! It can materialized all kinds of things from anime, games, books, or movies! Sadly, there's no top-up system! He needs to keep devouring worlds to gain World Origin Points to roll! Cain will devour every world! And create them new! AN: This is my take on the chinese genre of All Gods/Creation/Era Of Gods. hope you like it

cybolg · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Old Immortal Bastards And Teen God

"So this is the power of the System..."

To think I could instanty summon a god. I didn't even need to cultivate one. But the question is their loyalty...

[Are you happy Host? You should, be happy host! If it wasn't for the system this Immortal Monsters would have killed you! So thank me!]

"Eh? What do you mean? They don't have absolute loyalty?"

["Absolute Loyalty? There's no such thing Hmph! You have a long way to go kid Creator before you even get my fealty. For now you're my vacation ticket."] Mini-Zelretch said as he mockingly cover his mouth.

[What are you talking about host? This is a gacha system, So you have to farm their loyalty on your own, I just summon them and make them unable to kill you.]

So I have to farm favorability points? Can I even do that to this old and prideful bastards? How can I do that? All I can do is make things interesting for them for now... Cain thought as he bites his nails.

Stop! I need to calm down first. At the very least I know they can't kill me and they're my ticket for a better future. You can do this Cain...

["Oh, you're finally letting me out? Finally, tis cramped space is very uncomfortable. I can't wait to see that Idiot."]

"System! release Zelretch, Merlin and Brunestud!"

[Affirmative Host!]

The three cards came out of the inventory and entered reality. The card flew into a distance, then each created a unique vortex like portals. Rainbow, Flower and Blood, each releasing tremendous amount of energy. After a few seconds three figures emerges from each portals, then a strong bloodlust emitted from one of them.

Zelretch looks exactly what I expected him to look like, a fancy old bastard with shit eating grin. Merlin, looks more Beautiful than I expected, Is this the effect of incubus blood? Damn ikemen. What I least expected to look like was Brunestud, I haven't seen what he looked like before so I was kinda excited. Came out a young man with look of anger on his face, he had long blonde hair and red eyes the scream murder. He was wearing some elegant medieval noble clothes and a blood-red cape. Damn! Another ikemen! Next time, I'll have get beautiful girls!

The four men just stared at each other for a moment, the one who broke the silence was unexpectedly Brunestud.

"Why is this bastard here!?"

Brunestud said as he pointed at Zelretch. Then casting blood magecraft at Zelretch. Zelretch unfazed by the Crimson Moon attacks took out a table and chairs out of nowhere followed by a tea set as he blocks his attacks. Zelretch invited Merlin and Cain over. Merlin non-chalantly came over with a smile, Cain was too shock to respond. What the hell are these bastards doing?

"How are you Merlin?" Zelretch as he takes a sips.

"So-so Wizard Marshall. Didn't think we'd meet again under such circumstance. What's this?"

"Black tea."

Cain took a sit on the table. These bastards are having so much fun. Might as well join in.

"What about that guy?"

Cain pointed at Brunestud. Who is throwing a tantrum.

"Ignore the idiot kid. After awhile he'll calm down, unless you want to get infected by his idiocy. How's Chaldea?"

"Hm? It's fine, Master did a good job protecting humanity."

"Oi! Are you bastards ignoring me!? Grumble"

Brunestud finally calm down and took a sit angrily.

Grumbling about something being ignored. Something Cain couldn't careless, he didn't expect the Ultimate One of the Crimson Moon have a child like temperament.

"Glad the idiot could join us!" Zelretch chided

"Whadidya yaa say you bastard!? Wanna have a go at it again!?"

"Maa...Calm down. How are you anyways?"

"Wha!? Bastard, you killed me! if-If it weren't for the Lord Creator... I would have been dead!" Brunestud started sobbing then

"Let me thank you my Lord!"

"Oi! You idiot what are you trying to do!?" Cain ashenly said

Suddenly Brunestud launched himself toward Cain

and hugged him with a smooching face. Cain stopped Brunestud kissy face with all his might from contacting his face.

"Let me thank you Lord Creator!"

"Bastard! Stop! I don't need that kind of thanks! You two help me...! Ahhhhh!!!"

"Hai hai! Brunestud-chan shouldn't tease our lord like that." Merlin pulling Brunestud away.

"Now, that everything have calm down, why don't we talk about more pressing matters... Why don't you introduce yourself first our summoner." The Wizard Marshall inquired

"Hmm? I'm Cain. I'm a Creation God that just got kicked out of Creation School. Nice to meet you all three."

"This universe is kinda amazing, sighed." Merlin said.

"Oh? This universe is no different than ours I think. It's just that a lot more people have more control of the rules of the universe. If the Root was more lenient, our world will be no different." Zelretch

"Well, I'm glad you guys think so. So what kind of things you guys can do to help me? Other than causing trouble of course..."

Zelretch and Merlin looked at distance at different direction.

"It's not their, you fool!" Zelretch looked amusedly

"Ah? Sorry sorry." Merlin saind sheepishly

"Whattareya bastards doing?...sips..."

Zelretch and Merlin pointed at the skies. Cain looked at the direction of were they pointed. Cain as a Lord Creator can see a lot of things in the cosmos and analyze it. From distance of stars and planets, to their state and composition and types. Looking at the direction, he noticed a verdant planet in the same solar planet! Cain clicked his tongue.

"Just great! Another creator in our backyard! Good job system! You made the impossible! I've heard of gods sharing the same galaxy, but not gods having the same Solar System! Where are we anyway?"

[We're in the edge of the dark sectors.]

Looking at the Universe Map provided by the System, he was in the very edge of the known universe, far from the core. so far from it. It's not new for newly born gods to start at the very edge and colonized new born galaxies. Dark sectors are the name of this unmapped galaxies.

"How long before they attack us? From the looks of it, they are expending quite a lot of Time Crystals. Must be a rich chaebol?" Cain asked

"About a months time... If we don't do anything that is. What do you plan us to do? I can follow you for now... I don't want my vacation cut short after all." Zelretch said

Zelretch said, hearing it from him Cain nodded in delightly. At least they both have an agreement. Looking at the other two, they seem to agree.

"Hmm? I want to see more of this world. So count me in." Merlin casually said

"Anything for my savior!" Brunestud said happily

Cain sighed a relief. They would follow him for now. Now that problem of not working together is gone, Cain begin to think of a plan. But the crux of problem is his small world.

"if only we could do something about our small world... Guess I could buy a few world expansion cards on the market..."

Zelretch raised an eyebrow then said "How about I just lob asteroids in this world?"

A shocked looked appeared on Cain's face.

"You could do that!? Then let's do that. Brunestud, can you take out the Crimson Moon? How long can it last?"

"Yeah can do! Very easily Lord Creator! I can do it as long as I want to! I'm the Ultimate One of it after all" Brunestud puff his chest proudly

"Take it out then. I want to see it in it's full glory!"

"I am the Crimson Moon! Type-Moon comes!"

Brunestud stood up, snapped his fingers. A similar vortex as before appeared, it was much larger and made a crack in space that drips blood. suddenly a planet came put of it.

"Amazing..." Cain

"So this is the power of Type-Moon... terrifying." Merlin

"I could easily destroy it on my hayday...grumble."Zelretch

A 1,700 km planet fully manifested in space, it was blood red in color. Cain sighed.

"As expected, it's bigger than my planet. What kind of planet have a bigger moon? Scratch that, mine is merely a comet..."

[The Crimson Moon wants to sign a contract with Eden.]

[X. Accept] [Y. Reject]

Cain read the contract. Basically the Crimson Moon will protect and teach Eden inexchange for allowing it to live on it. What caught his attention was the "-Lord Creator and Brunestud are best friends forever." line. He looked at Brunestud, who looked like a lost puppy happily finding his owner. Cain shrugged and accepted.

"I'll put these things on the world first. Oh! Brunestud, I'll put the Mooncell in your Crimson Moon!"

"Wha!? My Lord Creator! We just met and you're already putting it inside of me 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘩? This is happening too fast, I'm not ready yet!"

"Don't make it sound weird! I'm getting shivers just thinking about it if you out it that way!"

After the short tsukkomi. A look of sadness lingered on Cain's face.

"You don't have to worry about us, we have lived a long life. For me, it's just a grain of sand." Zelretch assuringly

"I'm an incubus. I can hibernate." Merlin comforted

"Whattya talkin about? Hey where are you going Lord Creator?" Brunestud confused.

"I guess I have no choice..." Cain moved toward the sky and outside his planet.

Cain activated all his cards and divinity. putting in place the items he had gotten in the world and the Moon Cell on the newly contracted Crimson Moon.

Finally looking at the voucher in his hands.

"It was short but...See you guys... In a billion years."