
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

One wolf

Boo-hooo-hooo, she wailed loudly, like a young scared window. Her pitiful cries were carried by the wind straight to Dex's ears, softening his hardened heart. 

"They-they-they, said you were dead," she sniveled and repeated her words. 

Dex rubbed her head gently and comforted the young girl. 

"My sweet Demi, who would make such a claim and scare you this much?" he asked her gently. 

His sister was the idol of innocent and gullible. She was soft, easily trusting and very forgiving. This large heart of hers was one of the reason why she was fooled, had her magic core stolen and killed by the Katsumi clan in his previous life. 

Her own husband had participated in this brutal betrayal. By the time Dex received news of her death, her body or what remained of it had been dumped in an ocean, never to be found.

In this life, he would kill every member of the Katsumi clan, none would live to produce a new generation. What was it that he once heard on earth.

Something about how leaving even one wolf alive would put the sheep in danger. 

"The scary Adama guild man came, he said that you offended an elder in the Tingxun sect and one of their members. They took everything in our house and said that you were dead." His sister trembled like a weak leaf fighting against harsh cold wind. 

Again, like a shadow in the dark reaching out to embrace him, the thought came to his mind. One wolf, if he left one wolf, the sheep would be in danger. 

The Adama guild in this town needed to go, and he would go after the others until he eliminated them all. 

He would become a boogeyman, scaring them in the dark, so much so that no one would ever wish to join the Adama guild again. 

"Come down Demi, let me get a look at your brother." his mother ripped his sister out of the embrace forcefully. 

Like a small spider monkey with a thousand arms, Demi refused to let go.

"I won't, I will remain like this with my brother so that he never leave home again."

Their mother rolled her eyes and then rolled up the sleeves of the long arms of her dress. Usually, this was a sign that someone was in for a beating. 

His mother, though lacking in magical talent had somewhat unnatural strength and her spanking were dreaded in the house. Dex could compare it to being beaten with a wooden board.

Their father often said that she would have made an excellent martial artist if she had the patience for it. 

"Demi Atticus, you are testing my patience." Their mother warned. 

"Let them be, the boy is home safe, his magic has increased and he looks leaner than he did when he went into the Black forest. 

He has been working hard, we should simply praise the divine ones for his safe return." Their father pulled their mother away and planted her by his side firmly. 

In this world, there was a divine god for everything and one could worship any god as they pleased. Those who could not pick a god simply referred to all the gods as divine ones. 

Dex's father was one of the undecided individuals while his mother worshipped the divine god of the harvest.

"We should bid the neighbors farewell..." he started to say and turned around. 

Their small compound has been deserted, not a single neighbor was left. Not surprisingly, the food which was meant to be funeral rations was all gone. 

This was not much of a surprise to him, times were tough on everyone, taxes were high and guilds took advantage of the greediness of the town elder to spread lawlessness. 

Dex looked at his parents and said in a serious voice, "We should go in, parents I have something that I want to discuss with you." 

His mother nodded agreeably quickly. "We have questions to ask you too." she said. 

With his sister in his arms, Dex followed his parents inside their small house. 

Upon entering, he saw what his sister meant by the Adama guild had stolen their properties. The house was scanted, not even a chair had been left behind. 

A few clothes had been dumped on the floor, they had been cut up, something unnecessary and some grains were scattered on the ground, making a trail to the door way. Even the food had been stolen, apparently. 

How did they expect his family to survive without food, money, or anything? The Adama guild, as always, left no way out for one to survive when they stole. 

He closed his eyes and visions of how he would take their lives and soak himself in their blood run through his mind. 

He felt the excitement of the flower demon, the little thing shared in his blood lust.

His lips curved upwards in a smile, not one of joy and warmth but a cold malevolent one that caused shivers and laid his intentions bare. 

For one small moment_, a flickering moment, he truly appeared to be a villain as the system wanted him to be. 

"I am thinking of going to the Northern city of Churia." His father's voice broke through his clouded thoughts. 

Dex opened his eyes and looked at his father with a harsh gaze. 

"No." he uttered strongly.

Everyone was taken back by that powerful response of his, he had even injected the power of a mage into loud. It had boomed and resounded through the entire house. 

Confused, his father went on however and said, "I have a brother there, your uncle Philemon, I know that I have not told you much about him but it's because we lost contact in our teenage years. 

Your uncle is a mage, I am not. There was no way he would stay in a small town like this forever. 

Anyway, I think he can get your sister into the all female thorn sect. It's..." 

"Father, I said no." Dex repeated, with his fists tightly clenched. "Demi will not be going to Churia and she will certainly not be moving in with uncle Philemon." 

That child trafficker would not be getting his hands on his sister in this life time. 

Demi raised her head from Dex's chest and she looked at him with a hopeful desire in her eyes. 

"Brother.." she said in a small tentative voice. 

Dex glared at her and Demi's head retreated like a snail returning to it's shell. 

Frightening, brother has become so scary, she thought. 

Dex showed his father his space ring and he dumped a thousand gold coins on the table.

His parents and sister gasped collectively, and then held in their breaths.

His father rubbed his eyes really hard, assuming that his eyes were perhaps, deceiving him. Were those gold coins? 

"This is one thousand gold." Dex said. 

One thousand gold coins was money peasant farmers like them could only dream of.