
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

I, Dex Atticus will remember you.

In the discipline hall of Ragor academy, teachers, students and different parties that were interested had gathered. 

In the center of the room was a young man, none other than Dex Atticus standing in the position of the accused. On his face was a smirk, as if none of the things going on would affect him in any way. 

He looked proud of what he had done, even though he had broken school rules. 

There were whispers in the hall, as people wondered what was giving him the guts to be so smug at such a time. 

"Is this really Dex Atticus? The same red haired weak boy that others call pocky? When did he become so fierce?

"Fierce is not enough to describe what went down in the dining hall. It was a one sided slaughter, he took out four fire mages and one air mage on his own." 

"Have you heard, Zeb is still unconsciousness and they are searching for the wild dandelion grass to cure him." 

"Why is he so arrogant? From the beginning he has refused to answer the questions of the discipline master. He will be expelled for sure." 

"Everyone knows that the master of the discipline hall is Zeb's uncle. Dex is surely going to be punished, he will not get away with what he has done." 

In the crowd of students, sitting on the side of witnesses was Ning Chu and her friends Bei Bei and Hana. 

Bei Bei was trembling when she looked at Dex. After what she had seen, she did not view him as a harmless weak mage anymore but a demon. 

"Is this the true face of Dex Atticus really? Was he simply hiding who he was all this time?" 

Hana, looked at Ning Chu with worry in her eyes. 

"He is a fire mage, at least we know that he is not useless anymore. Ning Chu, whatever you decide, I am going to support you." 

"Young man, you have stayed quiet in the face of your accusations, do you not plan to defend yourself?" the dean asked. 

Dex looked at the dean and then the crowd. He sneered as he watched them like weak little ants that were of no consequence to him. 

"Bring my accusers forward and I will defend myself." he answered. "They should also keep in mind that if the accusations are not proven, I will surely pay them a visit to thank them for accusing me falsely."

Gasps echoed through the room, and the few students who had witnessed the brutal fight shuffled their feet uncomfortably. Some of them had been prepared to step up and testify. 

But at this point, who would step up and testify against this mad demon that dared to stab people in the chest? 

"Is he threatening people so publicly?" 

"He is crazy, right in front of the dean he dares to say such a thing."

"What audacity?" The master of the discipline hall roared. "How dare you threaten other students in the presence of the dean? Do you have no regard for any of the high mages here?" 

"I am only saying what will happen if I am falsely accused. For all I know, someone like yourself could have bribed a few students to falsely testify against me, hall master. 

Such students should keep in mind that you will not always be around to protect them from the punishment the universe might decide to confer upon them. A very bloody punishment." 

Looking regally at the crowd, Dex declared authoritatively, "If anyone steps forward, I Dex Atticus will remember you."

Everyone knew that this was a threat, a blatant threat which had been made so publicly without an ounce of shame or fear.

They also knew from the confidence of the young man that made the threat that he would make good on it. 

"Is he a fool? He is a level two mage at best but he is threatening everyone without fear. What exactly does he have to back up his words?" A third year student asked.

"Maybe he comes from a powerful clan." the one he asked suggested.

"I like him, he has guts." a girl from among the inner mages circle said.

Dean Sam Chu laughed under his breath. How was this case supposed to be solved. He had four injured students, one unconscious and no witness to the fight apparently. 

The accusations levied against Dex had been made by the master of the discipline hall who was neither a witness nor a participant in the fight. 

He could compel the students to answer his questions with magic but he had no reason to do that really. Especially because if he did, his darling daughter would not speak to him again. 

He knew about her little crush on the young mage that was standing there with an arrogant but determined attitude as if it was him versus the rest of the world. 

Besides, this young man clearly had strength and skills. In the upcoming competitions among sects and academies, he could be one of those to raise the Ragor flag high.

He was also interested in studying the boy some more. Why is it that a high mage like himself could not probe into his magic?

Everyone was saying that he was a level two fire mage but level two fire mages could not do what he had done. The boy had a secret, whether it was a good or bad one, he could not tell for now. 

But, he intended to find out. 

"Since there are no witnesses, this inquiry is called off. Dex Atticus is free to go. However, since he has broken the school rules by engaging in an unsanctioned fight, he will have to punished.." 

Dean Sam Cho addressed Dex directly. 

"You will be punished by cleaning the magic beast housing on your own for a week." 

The dean stood up, and left. 

He was followed by other teachers and students also started to filter out of the hall slowly. 

On their lips was a discussion into the fight, skills involved, insults traded and Dex's declaration. 

Still standing in the position of the accused, Dex got a fruit from his space ring and munched on it slowly. 

In his ears, he heard a voice say, 'Dex Atticus, I will remember you."

He recognized the voice, it was the master of the discipline hall, Zeb's uncle. 

"Mmm, I have always remembered you teacher Yonah. Make sure that you remember me too because I will be the one to kill you." Dex said to himself. 

"Dex," a girl's voice called him.

He saw Ning Chu jogging to where he was. He held his arms out for a hug. 

He was only playing, he didn't expect Ning Chu to really hug him. He was caught by surprise when she did exactly the opposite of what he expected, throwing herself into his arms with a happy loud laugh. 

"So shameless." Bei Bei said as she watched them. 

"You are just jealous." Hana told her.