
All Bow Before The Magical Villain

ON HIATUS If transmigration fails, try rebirth. In a magical world where power spoke before all else he would be the most powerful of them all and with their bones he would build his throne. Dex Atticus had transmigrated from earth to a magical continent. He lived right, saved millions and became the justified magic emperor. He had been the hero, or that was how he saw himself after all, it was what transmigrators did in the books. But he was betrayed by those he saved and killed by those who wanted his power. And just when he thought that death had come calling, he returned to start over again. And this time, he had a hunting system as a cheat. All magical inheritances would be his, all the glory would be his, all the wealth in the world he would claim and the most outstanding women, he would take. All his enemies would fall on his sword and every creature on the continent would bow before him, the new reigning supreme villain emperor. He would not be the hero they rejected, he would be the villain they loved. When they asked why he was cruel to the good guys, Dex would simply say, "I am allergic to heroes." Cover picture is not mine, it belongs to Lariella. Art on Pinterest.

1cutecat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Begin The hunt____2

"Is that your priority right now?" The system responded. 

Dex shook his head like a dog shaking water off of it's body. The system was right, his priority was to hunt and get out of town before sun up. 

Dex took a long slow and measured breath, he concentrated really hard and shot the first arrow. 

Accurately, the arrow went through the heart of the first mage. They had made it so easy for him because they run of their rooms bare chested. 

Not waiting the slightest, he released more arrows, three at the same time. 

"Archers." someone shouted.

A huge ball of fire, carried by the strong winds of the night was sent towards the arrows. Dex could stop the flames from touching the arrows. 

Things given by the system were not ordinary, small flames from low level mages would not damage them in anyway. 

While those arrows successfully found their targets, Dex disappeared from the tip of the roof which had been identified as his hiding spot. 

He appeared behind another fire mage and stuck a knife in his throat. 

The warm blood of that mage spilled, some of it falling on Dex's face. Those closest to the mage whose throat had been slit gasped. 

They finally got a brief chance to see the devilish face of the terrible mage that was killing them off one by one. 

"Little thing, time to feed." 

In the midst of their heightened confusion, Dex released the flower demon.

With all the blood it had managed to suck, store and use in it's cultivation, the flower had grown a bit. It had two more vines and a whole lot of leaves. 

As soon as he released it, it's long vines stabbed the nearest mages, going through their bodies like a saw through a weak tree. 

Startled, a mage stammered, and widened his eyes. He pointed at the flower demon in disbelief. 

"D-d-de-demon!!" he gasped and walked backwards.

He stumbled over the dead body of another mage and fell down. 

"Fio, fio, fi-fi," Frightened beyond words, he tried to chant a spell but his tongue felt too heavy and the words would not come.

The flower demon did not hesitate, it's vine attacked, going through the wide frightened eyes of that mage. 

"What a ruthless little thing." Dex chuckled and teleported to the mages who were futilely trying to escape through the gates of the guild. 

They were like blind bats, stumbling around an invisible shield that kept bouncing them back. 

With them, Dex did not use his arrows, he used his sword, slicing randomly as he teleported back and forth between them. 

"It's just one mage in a shielding cloak, move I will do this myself." A loud angry roar came through the mages that were running back into the buildings in search of places to hide. 

What they did not know was that his astral clone was inside, waiting to slay them like a wolf which had moved into the lamb pen. 

He teleported to the roof again and stood still, watching the chaos which he had started. Every corner of the Adama guild was on fire, burning to the ground as he had intended.

The wind was carrying black smoke to the nearby houses and shops reporting the news of the fire to everyone that cared to know,

Cackles of fire were loud and small glowing flames travelled through the air like bright red fireflies. 

Wails inside the guild were loud, but so was the noise outside made by those who were banging on the doors or attempting to come in. 

Ding!! congratulations, the number of prey has been reached. 

So, thirty were dead, awesome, Dex thought. But, he had no plans of stopping here.

He looked down and saw Emphis that was shoving other mages aside like a bull cutting through humans in a crowded street.

"Show yourself coward." he screamed. 

Of course he would, Dex wanted Emphis to know exactly who it was would be driving a sword through his heart. 

"System, what level is he?" Dex asked.

"Level five." 

So, in terms of strength, Emphis was stronger than him. And there was another mage, one stronger than Emphis who had alerted the others to an intruder. 

He had not come out to confront him so far but Dex could sense him around. He was somewhere, watching and lurking in the shadows of the flames. At the right opportunity, he would show up and try to kill him. 

"It's fine, keep hiding, I will get rid of this one first." Dex whispered. 

Any high level mage around would hear him even if he whispered. 

He teleported down to the ground, and appeared in front of Emphis. Additionally, he lowered the hood on his head and looked him in the eyes with a smirk on his face. 

A great wave of satisfaction swept through his body when he saw the look of surprise on Emphis's face. 

The surprise turned into disdainful disbelief and them murderous rage.

"I heard that you were looking for me." Dex said slowly. 

"You have got guts boy." Emphis spat out. "You dare to attack the prestigious Adama guild. 

Do you know the kind of doom you have invited upon yourself and your family? I will crush you like a pebble and burn your body on a stake in front of the entire town. 

And when I am finished, I will drag your parents back from wherever it is that you have hidden them and do the same to them. 

I will..." 

Dex scratched the inside of his ear with his index finger and flicked it, getting rid of the wax on his nail. 

"Are we fighting or talking? he cut off Emphis. 

Emphis roared and waved his hands, "alibe fio" he said and chanted, weaving a spell.

Blasts of hot fire hurled from his hands, aiming for Dex, with the intention of roasting him until nothing but bones remained of him. 

Dex yawned, as if he was bored and he vanished, just before the flames could touch his body. 

As he was vanishing, an arrow took his place, aiming for Emphis. 

Quickly, and still chanting a different space, Emphis diverted the arrow with a huge fist of flames. 

The fist of flames beat the arrow all the way to the ground as if it was Dex's physical body. Where the fists landed, scorch marks were formed on the ground. 

Dex and Emphis entered a light dance of one weaving spells and the other teleporting before the fire could touch him. 

The more Dex dodged, the more rage filled Emphis. 

"Stand and fight, I challenge you, stand and fight."

He looked around, ready flames circling his body. He searched for traces of Dex in the air, on the roof, behind the collapsing pillars. 

As he searched, he walked cautiously, looking around and jumping at the slightest sound. 

All he could see where bodies, most of them partially burnt, ashes being carries by wind. 

The smell of smoke and charred bodies was heavy in the air, unsettling him. How in the world did one small weak mage cause all this damage and stay untouched? 

What kind of magic was he using? He had never seen a cloak that hid someone so well that no sign of their existence was left behind.

Emphis saw a green vine dragging a body away to a dark corner and he raised his arms, ready to blast it away. 

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him say, "Ding, I win, and a sword went through his heart."