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JayZee_007 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Main Charactor - Male Lead: Jay

Male Lead: Jay

Race: Human

Height: 185cm

Age: 25 (2100AD)

Unlike these raiders, amidst the chaos and dangers, other survivors didn't give up their humanity, compassion and empathy, extending helping hands to those in need, including strangers they encountered along their journey. Although some of them have paid a great price, even their lives, for mistrusting strangers, these survivors still try to maintain a moral compass in a world of violence and chaos, striving to achieve justice, fairness and the greater good. These resilient individuals struggle daily to survive, proving their perseverance amid the ruins of the city. I, just one of them.

Same as other survivors, I cautiously traverse the dangerous remnants of civilization, and fight for the meager resources that left in the chaos. No one remembers my name in this unforgiving world anymore. I have also mistrusted some villains who pretended to be good, but I am still standing and they have turned to the dust of the history. Fortunately, unlike other survivors, my journey was never alone, because Alisa, the last artificially intelligent humanoid created before the cataclysmic war, is always by my side.