

In the heart of legal battles and family turmoil, "Alimonious Affair" delves into the passionate romance that blossoms between advocate Alex Chen and the granddaughter of his client, Mrs. Wong. After a bitter divorce leaves him shattered, Alex finds solace and purpose in representing Mrs. Wong in her quest to divorce her paralyzed husband and claim a rightful alimony. As they navigate the intricacies of the courtroom together, Alex and Mrs. Wong's granddaughter, Lily, find themselves drawn to each other amidst the chaos. Despite the odds stacked against them and the familial tensions that threaten to tear them apart, Alex and Lily's connection deepens, defying expectations and igniting a fiery romance. As they fight for justice and navigate the complexities of their burgeoning relationship, they discover that love knows no bounds and can triumph even in the face of the most challenging circumstances.

JOUY · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

Chapter 13

Lily approaches her father, tension lines developed across her face. Her steps are hesitant, and the cheerful air that surrounded us moments ago turns into an intense storm. The man keeps his eyes fixed on me, his gaze serious and questioning, narrowing as if trying to ask my identity.

"Papa," Lily says softly, her voice a mix of anxiety and respect.

"Lily," he responds, his tone firm. "Why are you here darling?" he asks, taking her face in his hands, his eyes still stuck on me. 

"I just came here to do some laundry," she tells, her voice shaking, "When did you come here?'

By now I could listen to their conversation by reading their mumbling lips, but addressing the situation, I get up from the chair and go back inside the laundry. From the closed glass store front, I can see them still involved in a serious conversation. 

From their actions and their expressions I can make that an unknown argument has broken out, as I am already aware of the potential reason behind it, I don't find it unexpected. 

Lily is clearly torn as to which side she should be at. The case in discussion is not even in the court yet and so many people are affected by this, I wonder how far Mrs. Lee would be able to take this. 


2 Days Later, City Hall,

In the solemn courtroom of the city hall, I, Alex, stand before the judge, representing Mrs. Lee in her desperate plea for divorce from her paralyzed husband, Mr. Jin Hak. The air is thick with tension as I prepare to present the circumstances of my client's marriage.

"Your Honor," I begin, addressing the judge with a respectful nod. "For nearly a decade, Mrs. Lee has been devoted to her husband, Mr. Jin Hak. They married when her stepson was nine years old, and for years, she cared for him lovingly, even though her stepson was hostile towards her."

I gesture towards Mrs. Lee, who sits quietly, her hands trembling slightly in her lap. Her eyes are fixed on me, a mix of determination and weariness evident in her expression.

"Nine years ago, tragedy struck their family," I continue, my voice steady, though I feel nervous. "Mr. Jin Hak was diagnosed with a debilitating nerve disease that gradually paralyzed his entire body. Since then, he has been completely reliant on the care provided by Mrs. Lee."

The judge listens intently, his brow furrowed as I slowly unfold the story for him.

"Throughout these years," I emphasize, "Mrs. Lee has been the sole caregiver. She has sacrificed her own health and well-being to tend to her husband's needs, both physical and emotional. Regrettably, her stepson, Mr. Jin Hak's own son, had abandoned his father in his time of need. He had not visited, nor had he contributed to his father's medical expenses, or the mental trauma that fell on the family in his absence."

The judge nods thoughtfully.

"Now," I continue, "Mrs. Lee finds herself in a dire situation. She herself suffers from severe vein blockage and is no longer able to provide the necessary care for her husband. Despite her unwavering dedication, she has come to the painful decision to seek a divorce, with the intention of arranging for Mr. Jin Hak's ongoing care in a nursing home facility."

I pause, allowing the weight of the emotions to settle in the courtroom.

"Furthermore, Your Honor," I assert firmly, "Mrs. Lee, who has been a devoted housewife without income or financial independence, rightfully seeks her claim on her husband's entire estate. She has devoted her life to his care and support, and it is only just that she be granted the means to sustain herself independently."

As I conclude my impassioned plea, I look to the judge, hoping to convey the urgency and fairness of Mrs. Lee's request. The courtroom remains silent, the gravity of Mrs. Lee's circumstances palpable in the air.

The judge leans forward, his expression solemn yet contemplative. "Thank you, Mr. Alex," he says finally. "Your arguments have been noted. We will now hear from the representative for Mr. Jin Hak."

I step back and let Mr. Zhang represent his father in the case, my eyes involuntarily traveling to the back of the room where Lily sits quietly listening to the proceedings, her eyes sad and fear evident in her expressions.

I sit beside Mrs. Lee, who nods looking at me, a pleasant smile on her face. I wonder why she already looks content and satisfied, "you were very good at this, you made it sound so emotional and convincing that for a minute I forgot that it was my story and not a fictional tragedy," she laughs.

"How can you be so calm, here I'm dying from the stress of this case," I say.

"You should understand that I'm not asking justice for myself, this money won't make me happier than I am right now. All I want is my revenge, to show a certain brat that he underestimated me. I may not be the stepmother of Cinderella, but I can be scary sometimes as well."

I feel his narrowed gaze on my throat, just like that day outside the laundry.

"Your Honor," he begins, his tone measured yet resolute. "I acknowledge that my father brought Mrs. Lee into our lives shortly after my mother passed away. As a child, I struggled to accept her presence and chose to live abroad to avoid conflicts that arose between us. However, my absence does not reflect a lack of care for my father."

He pauses briefly, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Throughout the years, despite geographical distance, my daughter Lily maintained regular video calls with her grandfather through Mrs. Lee's help. I ensured that he sees his most beloved granddaughter's face every now and then."

His hands slightly point towards Lily. She lowers her eyes to look down at her lap and struggles to keep the tension out of her expressions.

"I understand Mrs. Lee's decision to seek a divorce," he admits, his voice tinged with empathy. "Caring for a severely disabled spouse is undoubtedly challenging, and I respect her choice to prioritize her own well-being."

He never loses his calm during the entire argument and maintains his charming demeanor that works as a spell to enchant everyone sitting there. "However, I strongly oppose the notion of placing my father in a nursing home. I am a doctor myself, and I am fully capable and willing to provide him with the care and support he needs. It is my belief that he should remain within the family, where he can receive the love and attention that only family members can provide."

Mr. Zhang's tone becomes more assertive as he addresses Mrs. Lee's demands for alimony. "Regarding the financial aspects of this case, Your Honor, I find Mrs. Lee's request for the entire portion of my father's estate unreasonable and unjustified. Even as a nobody when it comes to knowledge about the laws, I struggle to comprehend the basis for such a demand."

He pauses, allowing his words to resonate in the courtroom before concluding with a plea to the judge. "I urge you to carefully consider all aspects of this case, particularly my father's well-being and the fairness of Mrs. Lee's financial claims. The divorce should proceed, but not at the expense of my father's dignity and security."

Mr. Zhang returns to his seat, his expression a mix of confidence and arrogance. He passes by, glaring momentarily upon us, while buttoning up his sleeves as he approaches his seat, I find Lily missing from there.