Only 18+
Hungry and hung over, Maya trotted towards the fridge. Images of her weirdly intriguing dream wouldn't leave her alone. Priya had always been the one with the tentacle-fetish, not her. Maya rather fancied latex, bondage and domination. She had never understood what people could possibly find arousing about tentacles, but now she couldn't think of anything more evoking than dozens of squidgy tendrils slithering all over her naked skin. Nothing in the fridge except a plate of chicken appealed to her appetite. With greed she bit into the flesh and was surprised that she managed to devour the entire wing with one bite. The taste lasted long after she swallowed it down. Yet she couldn't be amazed for long. Her dream continued to occupy her attention. "Hey Priya You're still into tentacles and hentai and all that stuff, right?"
Priya had stripped naked and climbed out of bed. She rarely wore any clothes at all at home. Therefore Maya was tasked to open the door every time the bell rang. "Burning for it," she answered and began to cream her silky skin. "Fuck, I'd leave you for a tentacle monster which filled every hole of me simultaneously." Her words aroused Maya so much that she dropped a chicken wing.
"Aaaand... are there any good pornos to watch about that fetish? I think I'm getting the hang of it."
Priya first glanced surprised at her girlfriend, then proud and excited. "You bet there are. 'Night of the tentacle', 'Tendril apocalypse', 'Slimy Intruders'. I could binge them at once."
"I just... can't stop thinking about it," Maya said and began to nibble on her finger. "It's like I'm obsessed. All night I dreamt of snake-like, slithery tentacles. How they coil around me. Caress my skin. Turning my skin all slimy. Scurry around my breasts. Then glide deep into-"
Priya screeched. With one rash movement she stood from the bed and pointed at her girlfriend. "Maya! Watch out! YOUR FINGER!"
Maya stopped gnawing on her finger. Merely her subconsciousness had noticed that it had felt softer and squishier, but also more sensual and arousing than usual. Her tongue palpated the flabby, gelatinous thing between her teeth. Her first notion involved a slimy garden hose. Then disgusting images of snakes and snails and worms unsettled her. Maya spit it out, gazed down on her finger… and for the very first time laid eyes on one of her green, serpentine tentacles. She instantly recognized it from her dream. The tanned skin-color of her finger transitioned smoothly into a scaly-looking but slick green tendril, as if it would turn into a snake halfway through.
"Holy fuck!" Priya cried out. "What is that? Are you alright?"
Maya field of vision pulsated. Within a single moment, a wave of various emotions flooded her brain. Of course terror and surprise overshadowed any other. She didn't even perceive Priya question. That creature which sprouted from her finger would probably jump into her face any moment. Living with Priya she had seen dozens of body-horror movies, alien invasion flicks and tentacle pornos to know how those scenes ended. Those characters were always doomed.
However, beneath her intense shock and worry, Maya came upon a sensation which seemed to compensate her concerns. An awareness of whatever just extended from her finger. It eased her mind a bit to actually feel its movements, whatever it was. It meant that there was a chance to control it. Maybe even steer it. Gasping for air, Maya managed to procrastinate her panic attack and instead focused on her snaky finger. She imagined it bending away from her. Without delay, the tendril flexed to the side. The abruptness of the swift movement caused both Maya and Priya to screech. The latter jumped on her bed. "What the FUCK is that?".....
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