
Alien Girl from Different Planet

I've always dreamed of the feeling of being suckled on like this." "To feed someone smaller, weaker to me." "Someone who could depend on me." "And find such deep, Warming comfort in a form such as mine." "That's the unfortunate thing of being a Hunter Carnivore Species like us." "We don't really get to Comfort others very much." "So...I Appreciate this a lot, Little Human~" "I really, Really do~"   "Are you still scared?" "A Little bit?" "You keep looking away from my face..." "Could it be, My Wide, Single Eye is scaring you?" "Or perhaps..." "My Sharp, Long Teeth?" "And Long, Prehensile Tongue?" "And my ravenous, Carnivorous Diet~?" "Oh, Little Human..." "Dont be scared." "In fact. . ." "This will be an experience your species couldn't comprehend in pleasure." "Just trust in me." "Let's sit you back down on the Examination table, Okay?" [He sits down.] "And let Mommy show you how nice this mouth of hers can be~"   [And a Blowjob Begins!] "Mmm..." "You seem so much less tense now." "See?" "I'm not so scary anymore, am i?" "Just a Lovely, Comforting, Tall, Dangerous Alien..." "Who wants to make you feel safe and sound." "Like any good mommy does her Sweet Little Humans" "Mmm...." "Human, What are these things called?" "Testicles?" "That's. . .A-an awfully strange name." "Oh, You call them 'Balls'?" "That's much better, Thank you~" "I will continue to Show my Comforting Love to your...Balls~"

[She Moves to the readers Balls,

Slurping on them.]

Oooh." "You're close, Little human~" "So much Throbbing..." "You must be Pent up, Hm?" " Please, Don't try to force yourself to keep going." "Let it all out for me~"   [Deep Throating Until Cumming!] "My, My!" "Little Human-- Your Seed!" "It tastes so good!" 

At least, For my tastes." "Guess we've both tasted one another's juices, huh?" "Even though we really shouldn't of." "Hahaha!" "You know..." "If this research doesn't go well, And your species is Incompatible." "You don't 'have' to go back to earth." "You'd have to be considered a 'Pet' For me." "But..."