
Alice's theater, a beautiful piece

A gentle Goddess of Evil who fulfills wishes... noble wishes and also hideous wishes, at a great price.... until she died

Ai_Reina · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Beginning of the piece

Alice's Theater: Beginning of the play.

What is your worst characteristic? I never had real friends or a boyfriend, my days were always boring, the only thing I did was to study, after a while I stopped going to school, the girls in my class always implied with me, they said that their boyfriend kept looking at me so they started bullying me so I stopped going to school. My parents own a big company and never stay at home so I never received affection from my parents. parents, I was always raised by employees from the day of my birth.

Who never thought that dying was the best answer? My whole personality is my worst characteristic, I never had friends or boyfriends because I never deserved one, I had friends when it was convenient when they weren't, I discarded them like trash. I am very pretty so it was to be expected that men would come over me, to make my colleagues angrier I would seduce their boyfriend and make them look like a mongrel looking at a bone so they would bully me. I stopped go to school because I was too lazy to leave the house and not because of being bullied, I had the best grades in school. I didn't need to go to school anymore, I had already learned everything they could to teach. I have few but I only have good memories with my parents, I am 16 years old and I think this is the number of times I have spoken to them my whole life, we always celebrate my birthday together, they never stayed at home but this it doesn't mean they didn't remember me, they always sent me gifts with a pseudonym of Alice Brightes, I told them on my birthday that someone always sent me gifts and they said it was an aunt of mine who lived abroad but I knew that it was the two of them who sent me. The employees of my house always treated me well but in their hearts they hated me, I always made absurd requests, they saw me as a rich and troubled girl who solved everything with money, because of the money I had they always gave me they treated well and didn't complain to me.

I never wanted anything real or affection or hatred, when I was crossing the street to go home a truck with no brakes approaching at high speed, I could clearly see the truck approaching, when I looked at the truck from afar I finally saw what I really wanted, what I wanted most was to rest in a deep sleep without anyone to bother me without any responsibility, I know that if I died nobody would care, maybe my parents would be sad but the only thing I can say is thanks for everything and sorry. I stood still while the truck was honking my horn, when the truck hit me I felt a very strong pain but nothing compared to the happiness I was feeling at that moment, I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance but as I couldn't resist I died in the ambulance at 9:35 pm on 7/13/2020, I couldn't see my face but I probably died with a smile on it, or so I thought.

When I opened my eyes I was in a white room lying on the floor, in front of me was a handsome man with blond hair and blue eyes wearing a white cardigan. "Is this hell?" That was the question I asked him. He answered me with "No, this is not hell, did you expect to go there?" that it". He laughed and then started to introduce himself "I am God, my hobby and looking at the lives of humans, nice to meet you". After he introduced himself I started to introduce myself "I'm sorry for the late presentation, my name is ...". Before I spoke my name he interrupted me and said "You don't need to introduce yourself, I know who you are better than anyone". My face was a little flushed when he said that, and I asked him "Where am I, I'm sure that I had died ". God made a serious expression and said "Yes you are dead, you are the first human to come to this place, my office". I swallow it deep and asked "Why am I here?". With a smile he said "Don't be afraid, you came here because you are not a normal person, you are a goddess". All my apprehension disappeared and I said "Huh? Am I a goddess? I'm sure my parents are human, there is no way I can be a goddess". God said "You are a goddess born from a human womb, you are a goddess born from evil and human sins". I sighed and said "Now I understand everything that has happened to me so far, what will happen to me now?" God smiled and said "I am happy that you are not surprised, so you make my job easier" "You are a human goddess, you cannot stay in heaven or hell, you will win a new world, a world of your own. as you please ". After saying this he gave me an egg and said "This is my gift to you, when you think you can break it, I'm sure it will fill your heart, goodbye. I gave a smile and said" Thank you, goodbye " .

When I arrived in the other world the first thing I did was open my eyes, but my eyes would be able to stay open for just 0.2 seconds, in that instant before my eyes burned all I saw was an immense sea of ​​magma, my body everything burned on the outside, on the inside I felt my organs melt, my blood came out of my mouth, eyes and ears while I was boiling but because I was a goddess I couldn't die, my immortality didn't let it kill me, and that continued for thousands of years, a real hell. After thousands of years my body started to adapt to the situation of the place where I was, my body was no longer burning as before, I was able to open my eyes without them burning. After a meteor shower and thousands of years this place was a little more like what I was used to. After seeing my world a little more stable I decided to break the egg that God gave me, when I threw it on the ground it cracked but it didn't break, I went to pick it up off the ground when it started to shake and crack more, when it finished breaking out a spider came out of it, and I said for the first time in millions of years "Huh? A spider? Why did a spider come out of that egg? ". She started walking towards me and I started to walk away from her walking on my back until I tripped on a rock and fell on my ass on the floor and I lost sight of the spider, I looked around and said "It looks like I lost mine gift". After saying this I looked at my body and the spider was on my chest between my breasts, I started screaming while trying to get it off my chest but it wouldn't come out, she made a cut between my breasts like a surgical scalpel and entered my body and lodged inside my heart, after the cut quickly closed I started to vomit blood and feel a great pain in my chest but after a few hundred years it stopped. After hundreds of years of vomiting blood I felt that my body was different and my world too, it seems that my world was beginning to come to life, I looked at the water and saw a species of fish inside it and thought about catching it, I reached out to grab it and out of nowhere spider webs came out of my fingers, after that happened I gave up on catching the fish and a part of my brain that looked like it had been sealed had been opened to chuunibyou, I started jumping out of joy and loosening webs everywhere as I shouted "I can use magic, thank you God, thank you". It seems that I can use magic of various elements, magic is something that I only saw in anime and manga I could not imagine using it because of that it fills me with so much happiness. After about 500 years that I discovered magic, trees started to grow on top of the earth and then some animals and insects started to appear on the surface, there were several carnivorous animals that came after me but with magic I was able to do something against them, but there was a very dangerous insect because they were a little more intelligent than the others, they were also able to use some magic. After billions of years awake studying and creating various things, I decided it was time to sleep, I kept all my treasures and other things inside a cave away from any sign of life, with a great magical circle of <paralysis> on the floor so things wouldn't wear out over time, I went into a coffin that I made hoping that this time would come, I put the lid on and closed my eyes wondering what I would see when I woke up.

Does the family really justify everything? After sleeping for a while something forced me to wake up, I felt something touching my chest, when I opened my eyes, I saw a man with one of his hands touching my left breast, just when I opened my eyes he took his hands away me walked away and smiled, i got up from the coffin and cut my head off with my hair before he had any reaction. There were two more men along with the one who harassed me, they were stealing my treasure but when they saw me cut off his head they took anything and ran out of the cave, I couldn't go after them, because I started crying over the bloody floor. I thought that asleep I could imagine the future, but all I could do was remember a past that never came back, I missed my parents and more and more that I remembered them I regretted having died, in despair I tried to kill myself in various ways while remembering them saying "I love you" to me. I couldn't die, being a Goddess didn't leave me without feelings but with an immortal body and full of responsibilities, so I remembered something my parents told me when I was younger "you don't have to worry, even though we is far away we will never forget you, because we love you so much ". So I said while tears were streaming down my face "Mom, dad thanks, thanks for taking care of this troubled girl, thanks for not giving up on me, thanks for having loved me, I love you so much, sorry to be away from you I never I will forget about you, thanks for everything ". Then I pulled myself together and got ready to talk to humans, I put on a short white dress with a light blue bow at the waist, beige sandals with small diamonds in front, I took a frilly umbrella like a princess and put on a pair wearing white gloves, a gold cane and finally a purse. Before leaving my sanctuary I made some preparations so that I didn't need to come back here anymore, I replaced the magic circle of <paralysis> with a magic circle of <transference> made with my blood, so I could take things out from inside of the magic circle anytime, anywhere. The person I killed apparently was an adventurer, I searched his body and found a card with his name, class and ranking and amazingly I could read what was written, he also carried a not very strong sword and also I had some of my things in your bag. When I left the cave it was such a clear day that I couldn't keep my eyes open, my hair that turned white after living a long time shone like the sun, my skin that was pale seemed to reflect the sunlight, my eyes that stayed red after many years without light were so sensitive that I could not leave them open and even my eyelashes and eyebrows reflected the light so white that they were then I opened my umbrella and leaned on my cane and headed north.

Would You Die for Something or Someone? After leaving the cave I walked 3 days without stopping to eat or sleep, while I was in the middle of a forest I was surrounded by 8 living beings a little different from the 3 I saw in the cave when I woke up , they were small and had a greenish color with an ugly smile on their face carrying pieces of wood and remnants of weapons, they came at me all at once, so I looked into the eyes of 7 of them, as they came towards me and I blew up the body of 7 of them just by looking, what I left alive tried to escape after I blew up the body of his companions, so I held him with my goddess webs, with an expression of disgust I said "So this is the type of freaks that are born when I'm not around ". I took a scalpel out of my sanctuary and said to him "I'm going to dissect you alive for biological studies, don't worry it will only hurt a little" he struggled from side to side trying to free himself from the web that was holding him. After opening his chest with the dagger it didn't take long for him to die, but I took what I wanted from him, inside his heart there was a bright blue gem like sea water, this gem is the sublimation of the mana in the air solidifying in their hearts, this happens to dumb living beings that are unaware of the mana they have in the air. Goblins are generally green creatures that plunder villages, play games, kill men and rape women a real monster. After I left the forest it was not difficult to find civilization, when I left it all I saw was a huge line of carriages, I walked to the beginning of the line to see where it led, at the beginning of the line I found a large open gate with 2 guards protecting the entrance to a city, when i was entering the city one of the guards stopped me and said to you timidly "show me your identification miss". With a micro expression of surprise I said "Ah an identification, sorry I am a traveler I don't have one yet". He smiled nervously and said "Please come with me, I can make your identification if you want". A man probably 175cm and 63kg with black hair, silver armor apparently new, shy personality, probably 17 years old job, seems to be weak does not pose any danger to me, so I replied "yes, thank you very much". I closed my umbrella and kept it inside my sanctuary without anyone seeing, we entered a room next to the gate and asked him "Are you going to make my identification?". When I asked this question, his pupils dilated and his nervousness disappeared and he replied with a tone of excitement "No, it's not me, who is going to make your identification is the vice captain of the imperial guard, she is very beautiful, strong and intelligent" . With a cynical smile I said "it looks like you really admire your vice captain". With a slightly sad face he said "yes I really admire her". After leaving me in front of her office door he said "I will wait for you here, just come in and she will make your identification". I said "Thank you" and went into her office. In a room of approximately 25m² there she was the vice captain of the imperial guard with long black hair wearing a silver armor without any scratches, sitting in a chair with her eyes closed but she does not appear to be sleeping, it does not seem to me to be dangerous, so I I sat on a chair in front of her desk and rested my cane on top of my thighs and said "Hi, I would like to make an identification for myself". She opened her eyes, very beautiful dark eyes just like mine before she became a goddess, she looked like a really pretty Idol, but less pretty than me, so she said "what is your name? Would you be the daughter of some nobleman? ". I was born a long time ago, but the only thing I forgot was the name given to me by my parents, what name should a goddess like me use? After thinking for a while I said, "My name is Alice Brightes, and I am not the daughter of a nobleman" I don't remember my name, but I remember that name, a name also given by my parents. She took a piece of paper and started to write some things, some of her nails were bitten, she looks anxious or she must be waiting for something or someone, so I asked "What's your name, vice captain? You seem to be very anxious to see someone, could you tell me who are you waiting for? ". She made an angry expression, dropped the brush on the table and said, "Who are you? How do you know I'm waiting for someone? Are you a spy in any country?" I gave a cynical smile and replied "As I said before, my name is Alice Brightes". She got up from the chair and quickly took her sword out of its scabbard and pointed it at me and said "How do you know I'm waiting for someone?" I did not expect all living beings of that era to be so bold, I started to get a little irritated by the ignorance of these creatures and said "Do you know that you are committing a sin? Sit down and put away the sword and let's talk". She became calmer still more alert, she said "Sin? I don't understand anything anymore, what are you?" I sighed and said "It seems like you don't know anything at all, the fact that you want to face me is a very serious sin never do it again, and you asked me who I was, right? I was just curious but if you don't want to tell it all right i won't go there, just finish making my identification so i can leave "It seems that people don't know that i'm a goddess, what an ignorant civilization. Then she put the sword away and sat down again and said "I prefer not to tell you who I am waiting for, your identification is ready, just show it to the gate guards that they will let you pass, they are a silver coin for identification" . I took a gold coin out of my sanctuary and handed it to her and said "It looks like we will be good friends in the future, you can keep the change". I got the ID and when I was leaving her room she said "My name is Marie, Marie Edelvaisse". So I smiled and replied "See you another day Marie Edelvaisse". Marie Edelvaisse Vice captain of the imperial guard, wearing new armor, bitten nails, beautiful black hair and dark eyes, a really beautiful person, but I am more beautiful. After leaving the room the novice knight was waiting for me, I showed him my identification so he let me enter the city, the city of Claed, the capital of the Empire.

As soon as I entered the capital, I felt a little uncomfortable, for someone who hardly left home to see so many people is still a little tiring. I never liked going out to places full of people, I can't just look at people, I looked at people from head to toe as if I was looking inside them taking out any information just by looking, I did it naturally, but with many people start to tire my brain and make my blood pressure go down, completely uncomfortable. "I'm going to kill everyone" I let out loudly as I searched my purse for my only object that I keep outside the sanctuary, my book of spells. My spell book had everything I had studied about alchemy, magic and curses, with the knowledge that anyone could kill everyone in an instant, it was the only object in my bag, I didn't have much to look for in it. of it, I looked inside my sanctuary and inside the bag but I didn't find it. As I looked into my bag, a cute girl carrying a basket full of flowers, but less cute than I called me and said "Hi girl, would you like to buy a flower?". A girl apparently 135cm and 38kg, short purple hair at the shoulder and dark purple eyes, wearing a light brown knee length dress a little longer than mine and with a white long sleeve blouse underneath with a bow yellow in the dress at chest height. "Yes, I would," I said with a smile. A seemingly innocent girl in my eyes, how innocent is she? With an innocent smile she stretched out her left arm carrying the flower basket to the right side of my waist and said "Please choose which one you want". While I was choosing the flowers I wanted to buy, this little girl was stretching her right arm to put her hand in my bag that was on the left side of my waist. I knew she would try to do this so I said "You are a very cute girl, you don't have to do this to get money, there are much easier ways to get more money". She quickly scooped up her left arm and placed it on her back and said with a smile on her pale face "Huh, what was that so suddenly?". I stopped pretending to choose the flowers, looked her in the eye and said "You don't have to rob me to get money". With a desperate smile she said "I don't know what you're talking about". I rested my hands on top of my cane and said "When I said I wanted to buy a flower you took the basket to my right side, taking my attention from the left side, but that would not be enough, you put the roses in right side of the basket, the red color attracts people's eyes more than the other colors, a really good strategy ". "Now could you tell me why you did this?" I told her as I held a rose in my left hand. She grabbed her dress and lowered her head. A very intelligent girl, if she cries in the position she is in now people will attack me, if she starts crying I will kill her, but if she answers me ... "My mother is very sick, I need money to buy her medicine otherwise she will die, that's why I am ... ". A young and intelligent girl, but she is innocent, I will help her. She will certainly be a big help to me. With a restrained smile, I said, "I'm going to save your mother, take me to her." The girl who had a sad expression on her face crestfallen almost as if she were going to cry. After what she heard, she quickly got up, released her dress and her expression changed, she looked at me with a surprised look for a few seconds, but then she looked at me. it showed a smile of genuine happiness, a smile that I remember seeing only a few times in the distant past, a past that never comes back. She hugged me and said, "Are you really going? Thank you very much, thank you very much." While I had just entered the capital, there was something that already aroused my curiosity, a beautiful girl who could not cry.

The girl held me for a few minutes, until I pushed her lightly and said "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alice Brightes a goddess, nice to meet you". She looked at me with surprise on her face and said "A goddess? Ah, sorry! My name is Angelina Hortência, the pleasure is all mine". With a smile on my face I said "Now that we have just introduced ourselves, please Angelina take me to your mother". Then Angelina held her flower basket with both hands and said "Yes, this way please". As we walked I asked her "Angelina, how old are you? Do you want me to take the basket to you?" As we continued to walk he replied "You can't carry it, you use a cane, and if you end up hurting yourself" "Oh, you don't have to call me Angelina, call me Ange or Lina and I'm 12 years old". I took the flower basket out of her hand and placed it in my sanctuary and said "I am a goddess, a deity, of course I can take a flower basket". With surprise on her face she said "What did you just do? Are you really a goddess? Incredible". With a smug smile I said "Of course I am a goddess, I put your basket of flowers in my sanctuary". An intelligent and innocent child, Angelina was that kind of person, but she was also a little curious. "You are a goddess, but why do you use a cane?" As we walked I replied "I was asleep for a long time, my senses are still not very sharp, so walking is still a bit complicated". I asked her "Lina, are we there yet?". As I said it, I felt someone passing quickly by our side, someone wearing a black cloak trying to hide their face, but I saw it. A man passed quickly by our side, a man with green eyes and pale skin like a ghost. Lina doesn't seem to have felt anyone passing by, so as we walked she said "we got to my house". Lina's house was a little far from the city center, but we finally arrived, a house with a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom, a simply normal and comfortable house for two people. When I entered the room at Lina's house, I could already see her mother. A woman with long purple hair and pale skin lying in a deep sleep, I took a chair that was next to the bed and sat on it while watching her sleep. Lina also came into the room and asked me "Alice, can you save my mom?" "Of course I do" was what I answered, but without my spell book it gets a little tricky to help her. Before I started crying, inside my sanctuary there were two men stealing my treasures, I think they were the ones who stole my book, but let's put aside the magic book for now and focus on saving Lina's mother. I got up from the chair and asked Lina "Lina, what was the medicine that her mother took?". She quickly left the room and came back with a bottle in her hands and handed it to me "This was the medicine the doctor gave my mother" she said when she handed it to me. When I took the bottle in my hands I started to analyze the medicine with my senses. Inside the bottle it smelled like chloramine (NH₂Cl) and a liquid with no color like water, in my opinion this seems more like a cleaning product than a medicine, on the label of the bottle it was written 'Use once a day, use more than that can lead to death ', when I finished reading the label I said to you loudly "Does it really work?". "Yes!" Lina let out after hearing me questioning myself loudly. I handed the medicine to Lina and asked "Where can I buy a house?" With a puzzled expression and a little sideways head she asked "huh, a house". With a small smile I said "yes, a house". After what I said she lowered her head and said "Didn't you say you were going to help mommy?" I told her "I need to go to a bigger house, so that I can save your mother and to examine the medicine". I walked up to him and put my hand on his head and said "You are a good girl, all you do is save your mother and this is a good thing, you will help me find a home so that I can also help your mother? ". She raised her head and said "Thank you for helping Mum too, I will help you find a home".

After examining her mother Lina took me to the place where I could apparently buy a house, a kind of medieval real estate. When we entered this establishment there were 3 receptionists, two serving two customers and one waiting for a customer. I went to the receptionist who was not answering anyone and asked "Good afternoon, could you recommend a house for me to buy?". The receptionist who was a little distracted at the counter with one of her hands resting on her face was surprised by my approach and said "Good afternoon! Could I help you with something?" She was so distracted that she didn't hear my question so I asked her again "I would like to buy a house, I hope you can help me choose one". The receptionist put a smile on her face and said "Of course I can help you, I can offer you several options of houses, just tell me your requirements". I need a big house that meets my needs and gives me comfort, so I said to her "I would like to buy a very large mansion, do you have any of these to indicate to me?". Apparently this receptionist is a woman who shows her feelings well, after hearing what I said she was so surprised by my house requirements that she slapped her arm on the ink bottle to write and ended up spilling it on the reception desk and said " Sorry! Sorry! I'm pretty clumsy so I almost never answer anyone "while cleaning the counter. While she was cleaning I said "It doesn't bother me, as long as you can help me okay, I can wait". "Thank you" She said after hearing what I said. After cleaning the counter she composed herself and said "We only have one house that meets your requirements, but the price of the house is uncertain, the house does not have a fixed price the only way for you to negotiate the price is with the owner of the mansion ". So I asked her "um, so who would own this mansion?" The receptionist made another face of surprise again and said "The owner of this mansion is Duke Julius Silver Leucophyllum, if you want to buy this mansion you must arrange the price to be paid in person with him". I didn't think that when I woke up I already had the opportunity to speak to someone with high political power in this human city. I took a bag full of money out of my sanctuary and placed it on top of her table and said, "Could you send a letter to Duke Silver to set the date for our meeting regarding the purchase of your property, as soon as possible?" I don't know if she expresses her feelings very well or she doesn't know how to hide her surprise. After making another surprised expression now when she received the money, she said "Yes! I will send your letter today and your answer should probably arrive tomorrow". "So I'll be back here again tomorrow, thank you," I told her as I expressed my real gratitude for her help. After thanking and handing over the payment to the receptionist, I headed towards the exit of the establishment where Lina was waiting for me, but before I could leave the receptionist shouted calling me "Girl! White-haired girl! You forgot your change!". So I turned to her and said "You can keep the change". After I turned back towards the exit the receptionist made a beautiful smile and said "Thank you!". When leaving the parking lot Lina grabbed my arm in order to help me walk and said "Are we going home?". While I leaned on Lina and my Bengal, with a smile on my face looking at her I replied "Yes, let's go to your house!".

When she arrived at Lina's house, apparently tired of walking all day, she said "You can sleep in my bed, today I'm going to sleep with mom, good night". It was almost twenty-three o'clock at night, a 12-year-old girl who worked all day was to be expected to be tired, and her mother from what I heard from Lina didn't wake up for two days was still in a coma. I rested my cane beside Lina's bed and sat on her bed while I watched them both sleep on the bed across the room and said "Good night". After saying good night to Lina and her mother I took the medicine that was next to her bed and my cane so I went to the kitchen at Lina's house to sit at her table and analyze the chemical properties of this medicine. I took off my gloves and took a stylus from my sanctuary and cut my wrist, spilling my blood on the table to make an alchemy circle. For me, blood is the best material to make an alchemy circle, blood reduces the chance of failure or breakage of the circle by 98 percent and for me it is cheaper than using mercury which is an extremely rare material to find, I that i've been alive for thousands of years i had a hard time finding mercury, blood has the same percentage of failure as 2% mercury, as i am immortal blood loss for me is not a problem so it is easier for me to use blood instead of Mercury. With my index finger on my right hand I drew a two-layer <analysis> circle on the table. The layers in an alchemy circle can be drawn as many as you want, but the amount you can activate depends on how much mana your body has, the layers in an alchemy circle are represented by smaller circles within other larger circles, the layers they serve to refine your result, the more layers the more efficient and easier to understand the results will be. Within an alchemy circuit in addition to the circles it also contains a star, the star in an alchemy circle serves to connect one layer to another and make your mana rotate within the circle activating all layers and sides of the circle, depending on your design star you can increase or decrease the speed of activation of the circle. You can also use Roman numbers in your alchemy circle, when the mana of your circuit runs out it breaks the circle and cancels the effects, so you have to end up redoing it again, the Roman numbers prevent your mana from leaking out of the circle of alchemy prolonged the time that it can stay activated. Surrounded by the largest circle in your circuit you can put a sequence of Roman numbers, depending on the sequence of Roman numbers you put can decrease or increase efficiency, the sequence you put has to close the whole circle, if you make a circle too big you will need a sequence that can be wrapped around the whole circle or else your circle will fail. Within my two-tiered circle I made a pentagram. After drawing the pentagram I closed my eyes and stayed with them closed for 10 minutes thinking about what would be the best sequence to put around my circle. After thinking I decided to put a very simple one, and around my circle I made a sequence of twice MDXXVIIILV to complete my alchemy circuit. "Simple is good" That's what I said after finishing drawing an alchemy circle. After drawing the alchemy circle, I put on my gloves and got ready to activate it. To activate an alchemy circle you need to release your mana towards the circle, the act of intelligent beings speaking normally already causes an automatic mana release, proportional to what they get from the air daily breathing, making intelligent beings without magic stones , the simple act of speaking usually directs the mana that you unconsciously take from the air breathing into the earth and the earth returns the mana to the air generating a cycle, but there are ways that you can direct your mana to other things. To direct your mana to something you just need to be aware of where you can place it, if you find something like an alchemy circle, curse marks, magic stones etc where you can dump your mana, you just need to say a few magic words in the direction to the place you want. Depending on the words or the language you speak, the amount of mana you target can increase or decrease, the words weigh when it comes to directing your mana. After putting on my gloves I took the medicine that I had left on the table and put it in the center of the alchemy circuit, then I got up from the chair and walked away from the table, holding my cane with my right hand and tapped it lightly on the floor without waking anyone and I stretched my left hand towards the alchemy circle and recited some magic words "with the absolute authority that I have over nature I command ... Mana that circulates in my spider heart ... Get out of my body cursed and walk in large quantities to my poisonous blood ". I sighed with a flushed face after doing such a shameful act, I sat back in the chair and rested my cane that was a little cold on my thighs and said "I just want to die" with a single tear running down.

I usually look and present myself as a kind and trustworthy woman in front of others, but that's not what I really am .... I made this story to show a face of mine that no one has ever seen .... the unreal me, someone who thinks coldly and logically to achieve the best result, someone who couldn't cry ....

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Ai_Reinacreators' thoughts