
Side Story 01: Alex's Vengeance

*BBC News Channel*

"Hello U.K. I am Barbara Scott and I will be giving you the latest news on the story behind the Dursley Family of Surrey. On the outside this family was reported to be a perfectly normal household. Neighbors had nothing bad to say about the family at least all but one of the family."

"You couldn't meet nicer people. Petunia's garden won the Regional Best Garden Reward for 5 years in a row. They recently got back from a trip of sorts and I saw that they no longer had that delinquent of a nephew with them. Good riddance. The boy was nothing but trouble." Said one neighbor who now request to go unnamed

"Now that was an interesting interview but let's look at this delinquent nephew of theirs. Harry Potter, orphan who lost his parents due to drunk driving, was left with his mothers sister after his mothers death when he was only 15 months old. Neighbors report that he was always a troublesome child. that they could tell from his 'shifty eyes and twitchy fingers'."

"Petunia took in the child out of the goodness in her heart. She already had one child to look after and then another being dumped on her just because her sister and her husband were drunks. Hmph I wouldn't have blamed her if she took him to an orphanage but no Petunia is too nice for that. They weren't even receiving any money to support the boy. What was her reward? A boy always causing trouble, always stealing things, and always bullying Dudley" A member of the Surrey Book Club says who also wishes to now remain nameless.

"After an interview with the schools staff it is reported that Harry was a liar, thief and bully."

"We constantly had to get onto him for stealing things from other children not to mention the injuries he caused to others. His grades as well showed he had no interest in the school work. If it wasn't for Vernon talking to us he would have been expelled." Said the now former principle

"I once did a house call to the Dursleys. Their nephew had bruises and accused his Uncle and Cousin for the injuries. But a different story was confirmed by the Dursleys. Apparently it wasn't the first time he would injure himself and tell others he was being abused to get attention." The school nurse reports.

"No one had anything bad to say about the Dursleys but plenty to say about their nephew. But is that all what really happened? Recent findings brought to light paint a rather different picture. Twenty Seven children reportedly bullied in young Harry's class. Twelve of which he is accused of injuring personally but after talks with the children we found out something different"

"I walked into class and found Dudley stealing from Brenda's purse. I wanted to report him but him and his friends threatened to hurt me and I was scared. Later in class Brenda said her purse was missing and it was found in Harry's desk only the money was gone. Harry got in trouble and I saw Dudley and his gang laughing about it." One student reported

"I tried to be friends with Harry I really did but Dudley and his gang started bullying me a lot. They kept telling me I shouldn't be friends with a freak like him and the only way they would stop is if I stopped trying to be his friend. I wasn't the only kid who they bullied to stay away from Harry." Another student reports.

"Dudley and his gang hit me and then told me I would have to blame Harry for it or else they would break my finger the next day. I'm so sorry Harry" A student says through her tears.

"That is some of what was reported from students in Harry's School. Was Harry really a delinquent? An anonymous tip to our police showed crimes of Vernon and Petunia Dursley. Vernon Dursley had been embezzling money from his workplace, Grunnings Drill Corporation, for near a decade. Estimated numbers of the theft go up to half a million pounds. But this isn't all as it was found that Mr. Dursley was also lining his pockets selling secrets to their competitors. Mr. Dursley was sentenced to 15 years for this alone but that is not included the time he has to serve for a crime we shall get to shortly."

"We received an tip of the greatest crime one could commit against our Queen, Treason." Says one Timothy McGee of MI6. "We take these reports very seriously and had a warrant out as fast as we could. What we found was even worse than what we thought"

"Officers report to searching the household of #4 Privet Drive. They made shocking discoveries. One such discovery was the cupboard under the stairs. Inside caked blood was on a small mattress along with mildew and mold on the walls. This was Harry Potter's bedroom. A shocking report to such a normal and nice family. Though of course not as the skeletons in this families closet continue to grow. An account under the name Lily Evans was found on Petunias computer, Lily Evans was the maiden name of her deceased sister. The account linked up to an anonymous account in China. Reports show lucrative amounts of money being exchanged between the Chinese account to the Lily Evans one and money from the Lily Evans account would be transferred into Vernon Dursleys bank account. Along with a few encrypted files showing routes of our navy, classified designs for our artillery, and even code to by pass our systems."

"Let's stop and talk about Lily Evans for a moment. Lily Evans married James Potter in 1979. James Potter was the son of Sir Charlus Potter who was Knighted for services to the Queen in WW2. Now Vernon and Petunia told their neighbors that Lily and her husband died from drunk driving but evidence shows there were no cases of drunk driving the night they were reported to have died. In depth reports actually show that James and Lily were killed by terrorist on October 31, 1981. James Potter living up to his fathers legacy was helping fight these terrorist. Harry was left orphaned and found on Dursley's doorstep on November 1st 1981. The account for Lily Evans was made 6 months after Lily Potter's confirmed death."

"Bank transfers show that Petunia and her Husband were receiving 1000 pounds a month from the Potter bank account for Harry's upbringing, which proves the allegations that they received no monetary aid false. The diary entry's found were disturbing to say the least and of course further cemented that this family's normal and nice household was anything but. Entry's show that from age four Harry had to start doing the chores around the house, not some but all. At five he was made to cook and tend to the garden as well."

|Vernon didn't get the promotion today. Has to be that Freaks fault! Vernon is the best worker they have of course he should have gotten that promotion! Him and his freakiness has been the bane of this family ever since we took him in. The only thing that makes us accept him even marginally acceptable is the money we receive to spend on my little Duddlikins~ He is such a good boy teaching that freak his place. After messing up my husbands promotion he doesn't deserve to eat for a few days. Maybe that will finally get him to stop being such a burden!| One entry of Petunias Diary.

"Even the family not in the house have had dark ties come to light. Marge Dursley, a respectable and upstanding citizen as acclaimed by her neighbors, was found to own an Illegal breeding farm for bulldogs and running a dog fighting ring. Her dog Ripper had to be put down due to his aggressive nature that Mrs. Marge Dursley installed into him."

"We found her 'training' her dog ripper to attack small dolls in the shape of what we confirmed was Harry Potter. The dog then proceeded to attack the closest officer while Mrs. Dursley tried to escape." Said one officer involved in the raid

"Vernon Dursley has received another 25 Years for child abuse and neglect for a total of 40 years, Marge Dursley Sentenced to 17 years and a fine of 100,000 pounds, Dudley Dursley was enrolled in St. Brutus Home for Criminally Insane Boys along with his friend and accomplice Piers Polkiss. Lastly Petunia Dursley for Crimes of Treason was given life imprisonment. To Harry Potter. We hope you find happiness and we at BBC News wish you the best of luck"


Three years into Vernon Dursleys sentence he was found bound and gagged behind the boiler where he died of dehydration. A year Later Marge Dursley committed suicide in her cell by hanging herself. Petunia Dursley was found to have been given the Blood Eagle three years into her sentence. Dudley Dursley couldn't find work after adulthood thus turned to crime and is now serving 25 years for assault, attempted murder, and robbery.

This is a take out of APTHP. At first I just wanted to make it so the Dursleys only neglected Harry but when rereading and going through comments I decided Tragedy brings about either the Best or the Worst in characters. That and I love making the Dursleys suffer!

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts