
Alex McCall (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction)

Read as Alex Scott confront the problems that A mysterious God has thrown to him although Alex did ask to come to this world.

VoidDraggon · TV
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11 Chs

Chapter 3 - High School

I woke up to Scott poking me like he was checking a corpse if it was still alive. "Scott, leave me alone." I grumble.

"Schools in 20 minutes, I am leaving Stiles is driving me today. So you can have the car today." He says as he exits the door.

I quickly ran upstairs, showered and changed in record time. I decided that I would be late on my first day so I cooked up a massive breakfast as I was really really hungry.

The breakfast was nice, and when I got to school I quickly got my timetable from the office and went to my first class of the day English Lit.

I walk through the door, and said "Sorry Sir, I couldn't find my keys this morning."

"I'm guessing your Alex, Go sir next to Cora." He says as he points toward the back. Nobody was sitting near Cora.

As I walk over there, I noticed that Allison has settled in and was sitting one row in front of my brother. It looked like everybody was here with the inclusion of me and Cora.

As I sat down, Cora asked "So when's our first date, Romeo."

I was shocked because I didn't expect for her to take the initiative concerning our bond. With excitement I replied "Wanna skip School this afternoon and Go on a little date to the beach where we can walk and talk."

"Hey, great idea Alex. All of us can go, Lydia can come as well." Stiles says.

"I'll only come if Allison can come." Scott says in a hurry.

I look towards Cora apologetic, she just smiles and says "It's a date then."

The rest off the morning flew by rather quickly, the lessons were rather boring as Scott, Stiles and Myself outside of working out studied so we could be ahead on our Subjects.


"Okay, I'll take Cora and Scott while Lydia and Allison go with Stiles. The drive is an hour away, and we need to stop by home to get our swim wear." I say towards everybody as we were huddled up in a circle in the parking lot at lunch.

Everybody just agreed and went off to their designated cars.

As soon as we got into my car, Cora turns around and asks "Who's pack are you in?" While looking at Scott.

"I'm not in any pack!" He said getting annoyed.

I start driving towards the Hale mansion so Cora could get her swim wear.

"Okay, who bit you then?" She carries on asking him questions.

"How did you know I was bit? And it wasn't by a Person it was by a wolf with red eyes." Scott says.

"Because you smell like us, and a Feral wolf isn't what we need running around now that the hunters are in town." Cora says looking towards me.

"I get that doesn't get your help if he is not apart of your pack, but fill him in what he doesn't know. You have enough time, we got an hour and 10 minutes till we are at the beach." I say smirking, this is because I am helping Scott so he doesn't create so many mistakes and isn't so Naive.

As soon as I pulled up to the house, I saw Derek came out of the House with a scowl on his face. He looks towards Cora and said "You bit another one!? Do you know how fucking reckless that is! There is only two of us, we cannot handle two pups." His voice was starting to get loud and Cora step back but raised her head as her eyes flashed red.

I choose this point to get involved "Derek, back off! She is our Alpha she can do whatever she wants, besides it's not her that bit my brother it was a feral Alpha wolf." I say as I step in-front of Cora.

Derek then was weird but smiled and stepped back, "You two are quick to accept the Mating bond." He whispered.

"What do you mean?" I ask abit confused.