
The beginning in Boro's capital city

On a late evening, a young man was walking around the town in the market district, he looked around from shop to shop without much interest shown.

The young man was wearing a black coat, a black skinny pant which didn't hinder his movements at all, and red weird looking shoes. He wasn't tall nor was he short, around 1.80m and had 5 rings on his fingers.

He continued looking around until he arrived in front of a shop. This shop was the biggest one around the town, its name "Magic shop". In this shop you could buy pretty much anything, from daily necessity to military magic.

Once he saw the name of the shop the young man blew a sigh of relief as his eyes started shining with much more interest than he had earlier.

'I'm finally here'

After he entered the shop, the manager of the shop looked at the young man coming in and asked him with as much politeness as he could give.

"Good evening Sir ! How can I help you today."

"Uhm, I would like to see your new supplies of military magic you got this week as well as your section of magic summoning eggs."

At this point the manager looked at the young man in front of him, he looked around 18 to 20 years old but was asking to see the new military magic which only high ranked adventurers or soldiers could ask for. The manager named Robert, confused at this point, started rubbing his chin and then asked the young man

"For the magic summoning eggs I can take you there, but for the military magic i would like to see your ID if that doesn't bother you."

"Sure no problem. "The young man then extend his hand to Robert without anything in it and said.

"Here it is sir." As he was saying this, his ID popped out of nowhere on his hand. Robert wasn't surprised at all as he saw the rings of the young man before. He took the ID and started walking toward the magic summoning eggs (MSE) , once he and the young man were in front of the MSE, he told the young man

"I will check your ID and bring the catalogue of the military magic Sir ... Alex." then he walked away.

Alex now alone in front of the MSE looked around. They were around a thousand different eggs, from the size of a strawberry to the size of a hand and from black to white. He kept checking each and every eggs while murmuring " Some aren't too bad, I can see 2 Golden Ape, a Slime King, 6 Praying Mantis and a Red Dragon which all in all will probably sell well in an auction house or in the black market".

Normally someone wouldn't be able to see what type of magical creatures was in the eggs, but Alex was different, he as a High Adventurers has seen a lot of monsters and could see the resemblance in them and the eggs. It wasn't thanks to the size of the eggs, or the colors. It was thanks to the magical energy that the eggs gave off.

'Still I can't seem to get those 17 eggs, I wonder what those are'

As he was finishing inspecting the eggs, Robert came back with a catalogue in his hand and said in a cheerful voice.

"I didn't know you were the renowned adventures Alex, I finished checking your ID and took the catalogue, here it is." Robert then gave the catalogue to Alex as well as his ID back to him.

" Thank you, while you're here, I'm done checking the eggs and I would need you to start wrapping some of them for me."

" Sure it will be my pleasure to help you, just indicate which one you want and I will take them."

" Alright then, I would need those 2 ... this one ... those 6... this one too... those 3 ..."

Alex pointed at all the eggs his heart wanted until the 30 eggs he wanted were all taken care of, then without saying anything he sat down on a chair not too far away and started checking the catalogue. 'uhm, tons of new stuff this time uh. well i don't need those crappy sword and armors, and the magic spells in there are pretty much crappy too, still i can get those two spells i don't have yet, even though they aren't the best, there still alright for now.'

After finishing checking the catalogue, Alex then went back to the counter and said.

" Alright I'm done checking the catalogue, I would like the two new spells [Multiple small speed]

and [Multiple small healing]."

"I will take them here, wait a moment please." Robert then went back to take the spells, while he was gone, Alex looked at the counter and saw inside it different items, in there were a lot of different stuff, a few old but good swords, bow, armors, 2 runes, one black and one red, a lot of different pills ( healing pills, food pills, stamina pills, poison pills,...) and a few eggs with their types. Even though normal people can't seem to know what type of magical creatures are in the eggs, sometimes the eggs are dropped from monsters in which the subconscious tells us which magical creatures are in the eggs. In front of the eggs were papers with the information for the eggs.

[Egg : Red Wolf, lvl 7, Masterless]

[Egg : Goblin King, lvl 10]

[Egg : Goblin King, lvl 9]

[Egg : Lizardmen Knight, lvl 35]

[Egg : Vampire knight, lvl 25]

[Egg : Goblin, lvl 3] x 14

After 2 minutes, Robert came back with the two spells with much admiration for the young man in front of the counter, since he was one of the most dangerous man in the planet but also one of the most genuinely good person.

"Here are the two spells you've requested, if there is something else you need feel free to ask." He said with a wide smile

"Thank you, with all of that I will take the red wolf egg and all 14 Goblin eggs, And that will be all."

"Yes Sir, I will take care of the eggs right now."

"You can just take care of the Red Wolf, no need to look out for the Goblins."

"Yes Sir."

After wrapping the Red Wolf egg, the manager put all the items on the counter and started saying with much enthusiasm.

"Then, for the Red Wolf Egg, 50 gold, for the Goblins, 14 Gold, for the 30 MSE, 150 Gold and for the 2 new spells, 50 Gold each. All in all that will be 314 Gold."

After saying that, Alex handed a small pouch made in leather containing exactly 314 Gold as he already counted in advance how much he owned the manager, after paying, he put all of his new products inside the first one of his 5 rings except for the goblins eggs, which he put in the last ring and bid farewell to the manager.

Once outside of the shop, he looked at the sun which was almost out of view, and ask a few passerby the directions to the Mercenary Guild.

After walking for around 20 minutes, Alex arrived at the Mercenary Guild.


Clement_Monniercreators' thoughts