

Alessia a very clear and beautiful girl who lost her parents on their way to Kenya after being left with her aunt.Despite the pain of being an orphan, she has to face alot of challenges with her ruthless cousin and uncle who rapes her in the presence of the maid ..... *Incase you are interested in knowing more please keep in touch with me to the end*

Bernard_Edema · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

chapter nine: At the dinning table.

l slept though the night was bit long which was of a great advantage to me coz l really didn't want to see Uncle Richard's face yet.Everytime l saw uncle Richard, it just reminded me of that fateful day that l was left alone with such an awful man . Even Leona wasn't there that day coz if she were there , she would have saved then.

Morning came but it just seemed so hard for me to get out of my bedroom it was lyk some strong bareer was in my room.This was all because l wanted to get out knowing that uncle Richard was already left her work .Sadly enough Nicole fetched me from my bedroom saying that l was needed in the sitting room.l just couldn't refuse so l bathed and dressed up then moved downstairs.

When l reached down , everyone was sitted at the dinning table which was placed at the end of the sitting room.'l thought aunt Elvy and uncle Richard would be gone for work by then' l whispered into Leona ' s ears.

When l looked at the clock face that was placed on the wall. lt was already 11:28am which meant that aunt Elvy and uncle Richard were late by 3 hrs and 28 minutes.

'Alessia, what do you mean.It is a Saturday'

That's when I remembered that it was a weekend.And uncle Richard and aunt Elvy are you remain home .

' Alessia,why are you standing there won't you come and join us' aunt Elvy called out.

' Yes aunt am coming.'

When l looked at the dinning table,asmile seemed to have appeared on my face even though uncle Richard was there .May be it was because l would have a peaceful breakfast .

First, l wouldn't be sitting next to uncle Richard.Secondly Aunt Elvy was around what would he do. he wouldn't even think of touching me in the presence of his wife .He wouldn't even dare to give me his irritating everyday look in front of his wife coz l hated it so much.

l moved with a lot of vigour to the dinning table and l looked for a seat 3 chairs away from uncle Richard.If it were possible ,l would have sat a hundred chairs away from him but it wasn't coz aunt Elvy's dinning table could only hold seven chairs.One thing l knew for sure was that uncle Richard wouldn't resist looking at me even after knowing that l didn't bother because my shield was around.I continued with my food until l was done with the last grain of rice,'what a relief.' l thought to my self

After my food ,l walked to the kitchen.l didn't want to get involved in anything to do with uncle Richard coz he had made me realize that every thing that glitters isn't gold.When l reached the kitchen, Leona was impressed but l couldn't figure out why she was so impressed that she even started clapping her hands.

'thanks so much for reading my book especially Sarah Juan thanxs for being my biggest fun l love you all Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!l hope you continue lyking my book more fun awaits . you just have to remain patient.'

Bernard_Edemacreators' thoughts