

Alessia a very clear and beautiful girl who lost her parents on their way to Kenya after being left with her aunt.Despite the pain of being an orphan, she has to face alot of challenges with her ruthless cousin and uncle who rapes her in the presence of the maid ..... *Incase you are interested in knowing more please keep in touch with me to the end*

Bernard_Edema · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR: Reconciliation

It was such a long day , evening came and picked us up from school but surprisingly,I , Nicole and Raphael who always turned the car into a market were silent through out the whole journey.Aunt Elvy kept on asking us why we were too silent all of a sudden, We all assured her that nothing went wrong and we were fine ,At home,we stayed in our after what happened apart from Raphael who was watching football in the living room.

ln my room l was writing my school homework.When suddenly there was a knock at my door.l wondered who that might be .l opened the door it was Nicole.

I wondered the bitch might have come to do in my room.She said that she had hatred for me but what she didn't know was that l hated her the more.

Nicole's P.O.V

l came to Alessia's room to apologize but l might not mean my sorry. Am doing it coz Rapheal asked me and l don't want mom to know about it.

Alessia's P.O.V

' Hi Nicole,What brings you to my room' l asked her trying to look so depressed.

' Won't you let me in ' Nicole asked as she rolled her eyes.

' come in'

Nicole entered and sat on my bed as she cross legged.l sat next to her .

'What brings you to my room?'

Before l could even say any other thing she shhhed me

' My mom really knows how to give love to the needy . Don't you agree.'

I knew she was trying to bring up some thing.

' Yes indeed'l answered trying to look un effected even though l was melting deep down in heart.

'Oh, Alessia.l didn't mean to insult you.By the way it reminds me am so sorry for what happened earlier.l was just taken up by anger.You know how taken l am sometimes.'

l knew Nicole was making an act was may be doing it coz Rapheal asked her to do or she was up to something.That means l had to play along with her game .

' Nicole,it's okay .It was all my fault .If l hadn't knocked down your books this wouldn't have happened'

' Alessia, can we be friends'

' friends' l replied.

l was happy that after the humiliation Nicole came begging down on my knees. But the fact remind that Nicole was up to something.


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