
Ch 4

Eventhough i couldn't move my neck nor eyes, I had a glimpse of the mess that was Gan Gang Ja's body. This dweller was dragging my motionless body through the puddle of blood to the newly formed tunnel, it wasn't there when we were scouting the area just hours ago. The only source of light was the residue of my fire and suddenly I felt bright light in the corner of my eyes. It was coming from those dwellers, but it disappeared as fast as it accrued, but soon, loud noise followed something similar to the movement of the heavy stone plates. As the group progressed forward, the path itself was closing, and it didn't feel as dwellers were responsible for it. It was as earth crust was moving on its own free will. For a brief moment, I completely forgot about the situation I was in, a brief moment filled with amazement and sincere interest. Up to this day, there were no reports or mentions of dwellers possessing the same ability as humans. For a second, my brain was trying to analyze as much information as it was possible, such valuable information, it must be reported to higher ups. If just if the "Eruption" would happen with the tunnel filled with such dwellers, the consequences will be dire. Thoughts and possible ways to escape were popping one after another shred of hope to survive rouse inside of me. But it was instantly crushed, as if this dweller knew or could feel what I was thinking, tightened its grip around my ankle. Sudden realization hit me like a storm, there is no way I will live through whatever they have prepared for me. My mind was in such an obscure state, I wanted to cry, scream, fight, look for help, beg for my life. Fortunately, enough well for my mentality at least in about 20 minutes or so complete apathy was the absolute state of my mind.

(Right what SRA is doing to all the captured dwellers? torture and experiments will i share the same fate?)

 I felt every bump and rocks and soon after the entirety of my back was covered in bruises. I have completely lost track of time and the fact that i couldn't move even a single muscle of my body didn't help.

Utter darkness, the only thing that was keeping me sane was an apparent heated conversation between those three dwellers. Both their movements and arguments were halted. I felt a heavy punch to my face and passed out.

When I woke up i couldn't move, my limbs were restrained and my entire body was pinned down to a stone of some sort. Without realizing it I have started to scream, dweller entered right away. It leaned closer to my face and was staring in my eyes for quite some time and as I could understand smiled at me. But instantly I felt the tip of a cold and heavy object on my knee. Then it started to move, back and forth slightly lower my knee, slowly cutting my flesh. The pain was unbearable I was screaming with all I had but unfortunately, it was just a begining in a moment blade reached the bone and such a  disgusting feeling when it started to scrab and crush the bone. However, the blade wasn't sharp enough nor heavy enough to cut or break through the bone, so the dweller just stopped. Blood was pouring like a waterfall, I have started to feel dizziness and pain gradually fade away. Trying to focus on what's going one i saw dweller holding a heavy-looking hammer in its hands. My feet were fixed in the position pointing upwards, it came closer and swing hummer backward and smashed my right feet with all its might. a moment shorter than a fraction of second felt like a few minutes, first a feeling of hard heavy object crushing toes into the feet and bending feet in a different direction and compressed to a messy pulp. This time i couldn't even scream saliva was pouring out of my mouth like the water of a completely filled cup and futile attempts to grasp some air. It was as all the airflow escaped from the lungs i couldn't breathe. One word Agony. Soon after the second strike followed, right in the spot where the cut was and a third one and a fourth one and so on. This dweller mercilessly was crushing my bone hit after hit. After so many repeated hits, I finally fainted from all this pain. such a well-desrved peace a break from this unending pain and fear that it would end any time soon.  Deep in my sleep, I was hiding from the reality of torture i have prayed to stay here as long as possible, but the nagging and tremendous pain pulled me back to the real world. I have opened my eyes, and it seems I was no longer restrained well except the color with a chain. Ignoring pain i took a sitting position on the edge of the stone. Obviously, the pain was present but surprisingly it wasn't as strong as I would have imagined. But looking at my right knee and the emptiness where the rest of my leg was, made me puke. I was sobbing unconsciously, no matter what I could stop sobbing. apparently, it was way too loud since a dweller entered the room right away. It was that red-haired dweller, fear of the next torture made my body shiver. It was as experiencing paralyzing gaze once again, not a single muscle was listening to my comand nor I couldn't ignite the fire. As it was getting closer body was shivering more and more uncontrollably. When it was in a point-blank it grabbed my cheeks and squeezed them slightly so my mouth opened on itself and poured some viscid liquid. After emptying the jar it simply walked away.

(Was it food? what the fuck is going on?)