"My Master wouldn't mind that, he would take care of..."
Instantly, Daisuke regretted those words and felt like slapping his cheeks.
His Master would take care of what? The man was already complaining about how unladylike Haruka was, and now, what was he saying.
Nit just that, how could he speak in such manner before the mother and daughter?
Who gave him the permission to give an insight of his Master's plan?
Seeing the confusion written all over the mother and daughter's face, he hurriedly put the teapot down and tried to turn his misleading words about.
"I mean... it doesn't matter. My Master encourages everyone to be a warrior in their own way," He said while trying to manage a smile that was worse than a frown.
Thankfully, Hana and Haruka who understood his statement in their own different ways, agreed with him.
Hana agreed that everyone should be a warrior, but she did not take it that everyone must hold a sword.