
Alchemy Frenzy

My past life: Ordinary. Mediocre. What I want in this life: Riches. Power. Influence. My goal: To be a prodigal son. A waste of youth with riches and power. Maybe even sidekicks. My name is Ye Lang, I’m an alchemist, and I’m also here to squander as much money as I can. author;Xiaoxiaosheng i will post this novel on royal road

jodex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Chapter 5 The earth is round!

The initial sensation surrounding the Thirteenth Young Master's extraordinary memory gradually faded.

After all, a strong memory couldn't compensate for all his shortcomings.

Now, another matter had taken center stage.

The Thirteenth Young Master was at a critical juncture in his life, facing the crucial decision of his future path and what kind of nominal profession he should pursue: scholar, civil official, or something else entirely.

The reason for a "nominal profession" was simple.

No one expected the Thirteenth Young Master to actively work in any profession, nor would they allow him to.

They merely needed a title for appearances, something that sounded prestigious – essentially, a matter of face.

Naturally, this decision rested with his parents, Lord Ye Chengtian and his wife, who found themselves quite troubled.

They were unsure how to handle this matter.

Given the Thirteenth Young Master's exceptional memory, becoming a knowledgeable scholar shouldn't have been difficult, even if he couldn't necessarily explain the knowledge he possessed.

Lord and Lady Ye didn't require him to explain anything to anyone, so they hired a renowned scholar to educate their son.

However, strange things began to occur.

After a short period of teaching, the scholar promptly submitted his resignation, urging them to find someone else.

He claimed his abilities were insufficient to teach the Thirteenth Young Master.

Initially, the couple assumed their son was simply dull and incapable of learning.

They hired another well-known scholar, but this time, the outcome was even quicker. Within three days, the scholar made the same request, asking the Ye family to seek a more suitable teacher.

This pattern continued with several subsequent scholars, none able to endure for long.

The duration grew shorter with each attempt, culminating in the last scholar who, after only half a day, with a look of terror and near collapse, uttered a single sentence to the couple:

"Your son is a prodigy beyond compare. I cannot teach him. Perhaps only the gods themselves are capable."

This situation alerted Lord and Lady Ye that something was amiss.

No matter how slow their son might be, these scholars were aware of the situation beforehand and should have had strategies in place. It didn't make sense for them to leave so quickly.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, the later scholars, being more skilled, should have lasted longer.

Why was the opposite happening?

Confused, Lord and Lady Ye questioned the Thirteenth Young Master, seeking to understand what transpired between him and the scholars that caused their strange behavior.

The answer they received shocked them, prompting them to immediately abandon the scholar-training plan and any expectations of their son becoming a nominal scholar.

"Thirteenth Young Master, today we'll learn about the origin of the continent. Before the Divine Era, the land was devoid of life. Then, the gods descended upon this world, bestowing life upon the earth and creating intelligent beings like humans, elves, dwarves, and beastmen."

"Among all the races, humans are closest to the gods.

We were created in their image, making us the most intelligent of all."

As the scholar proudly proclaimed the superiority of their race, the Thirteenth Young Master, who had been listening quietly, suddenly interjected:

"Humans were not created by gods.

That's just a myth. We evolved from apes, as explained in the theory of evolution."

The scholar didn't care to know what "evolution" was.

He was stunned by the young master's statement, a blatant questioning of the gods' existence. He immediately attempted to correct him.

However, while emphasizing the inviolability of the gods, the Thirteenth Young Master posed another question: Why can't we question them? Have you seen a god? Are you certain they even exist?

This prompted the scholar to pack his belongings and leave, fearing further involvement might endanger him.

The subsequent scholars faced similar challenges.

*The Thirteenth Young Master claimed the earth wasn't flat but a sphere, so large that its curvature was imperceptible.

He also stated that the sun was a massive fireball called a star and that we orbited it, not the other way around.

These pronouncements, to the people of this world, were tantamount to denying the existence of gods.

If the Church learned of this, they would surely take action, even considering the speaker's young age.

Therefore, upon realizing the situation, the scholars quickly distanced themselves, unwilling to invite trouble.

Lord and Lady Ye, upon learning of these events, turned pale and unanimously decided to stop inviting scholars. They feared the potential consequences of their son expressing more outlandish theories.

However, one thing puzzled them.

"Chengtian, where does he learn all this nonsense? He's never left the house,"

Lady Long Anqi said, perplexed.

Their youngest son, due to his unique circumstances, had never stepped outside the Ye residence and couldn't have possibly encountered such ideas.

"Indeed, aside from us and a few maids, the only other person..." Lord Ye Chengtian trailed off, a possibility dawning on him.

"Ye Lan Yu!"


Little Lan Yu looked at her parents in confusion, sensing their annoyance and wondering what she had done wrong that day.

"You little rascal! Your usual mischief is one thing, but why did you tell your brother such nonsense? You know he can't distinguish truth from falsehood, he believes everything you say!"

"What?" Little Lan Yu was still clueless, unsure which of her many pranks they were referring to.

However, after understanding the situation, she confidently declared:

"Dad, Mom, not this time!"

This incident led Lord and Lady Ye to temporarily abandon their scholar-cultivating plan, deciding to let the Thirteenth Young Master study independently to avoid further controversial pronouncements.

They collected a vast array of books for him, covering various topics, but with one strict exclusion: any book containing "seditious remarks."

Since the scholar route was unsuccessful, they decided to explore other options.

Perhaps their son could try being a lord of the empire, a role he would eventually assume anyway, even if he didn't personally govern, as the Ye family would assist in managing affairs.