
Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao

An ultimate warrior, the one and only Alchemy Emperor, Ling Han, had died in his quest to achieve godhood. Ten thousands years later, and he, with the "Invincible Heaven Scroll", was reborn in the body of a young man with the same name. From then on, winds and clouds moved, as he set himself against uncountable geniuses of this new era. His path of becoming a legend has begun once more. At all eras, and underneath the heavens, I am the strongest!

Flying Alone · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
3789 Chs

In the darkness, even the Heaven Demons felt that their senses were greatly affected. They could not see, hear, or sense anything that was more than 30 meters away from them.

This was inconceivable. For those that had reached their level, they only needed to release their divine sense, and they would be able to even accommodate a whole planet in the range of their senses. And now, all of a sudden, their senses were restricted to a diameter of around 30 meters, which naturally was something that they had difficulty to adapt to.

There was nothing they could do about it. So what if they were peak stage Heaven Demons? They had only grasped the Regulations of the Netherworld, so how could they possibly be a match for the present Ling Han?

This was being overwhelmed by his superiority in Regulations.

Ling Han brandished the two swords like a thousand-armed guardian deity. Sword Qi danced unhindered, and blood spurted in all directions.