
Alchemy’s Rebirth: The Saviour of Humanity

The novel follows the journey of Ye Tian, an alchemy emperor reincarnated 10,000 years into the past when the human race faces extinction. With his second chance, Ye Tian uses his knowledge and alchemical skills to save humanity. He forms the Vanguard team, led by the formidable Fist King, to combat the threats from outer territories. As Ye Tian develops revolutionary alchemical techniques and refines arrays to strengthen human bodies, tensions rise with outer territory races. The Vanguard becomes feared as "human demons" for their prowess in battle. Meanwhile, Ye Tian's development of the Holy Ascension Pill and refining techniques transforms low-level humans into formidable warriors. Surprises arise when the refining array strengthens Chu Zheng and transforms Devine Fist into an Emperor-level powerhouse. Recognizing the danger of revealing such power, Ye Tian keeps it secret to avoid attracting Emperor-level enemies. As the human race grows stronger, they face challenges from the outer territories and the dangers of hidden enemies. But with Ye Tian's leadership and the strength of the Vanguard, humanity stands united against all threats, determined to secure their survival and future.

Malvellida · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

chapter 73

Chapter 73: The Aftermath

With the defeat of the sorcerer and the dispelling of the dark magic that had threatened the realm, a sense of relief washes over Ye Tian and the Vanguard. Yet, amidst the celebration, there is a somber awareness of the toll that the recent battles have taken on both the land and its people.

As they emerge from the sorcerer's fortress, they find the forest around them transformed, its once vibrant beauty marred by scars of battle and decay. Trees lie shattered, their branches twisted and blackened by dark magic, while the ground is littered with the remnants of the sorcerer's minions.

In the wake of the conflict, villages and towns across the realm are left reeling, their homes and livelihoods destroyed by the sorcerer's wrath. Ye Tian and the Vanguard vow to aid in the recovery efforts, offering their assistance and support to those in need.

Yet, even as they work to rebuild, whispers of unrest and dissent begin to spread among the populace. Some question Ye Tian's leadership, citing the recent hardships as evidence of his failure to protect the realm. Others fear that the defeat of the sorcerer may have only been a temporary reprieve, and that darker threats still lurk in the shadows.

Determined to quell the growing unease and restore hope to the realm, Ye Tian embarks on a campaign of diplomacy and outreach, seeking to unite the fractured factions of the realm under a common cause. With his allies at his side, he travels from village to village, offering aid and counsel to those in need, and inspiring others to stand together in the face of adversity.

As the days pass and the realm begins to heal, Ye Tian's efforts bear fruit, and the people of the realm find solace in his leadership and vision. Though challenges still lie ahead, they face the future with renewed hope and determination, knowing that as long as they stand united, they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way.