
Alchemist from Another World

In the long tunnel of time, due to an unexpected experiment, a young scientist traveled to the distant past - that was the legendary glorious era of ancient India 800,000 years ago. There, the mysterious fusion of magic and advanced technology creates a strange world that far exceeds modern earth technology. Its exquisiteness and progress make people can't help but redefine the limits of human beings. What kind of mysterious force brought him to the end of this time and space? In this confusing world, he not only unexpectedly mastered the secrets of advanced magic, but also skillfully combined his scientific knowledge with the long-lost technology of ancient India. It was this unique fusion that started an unprecedented and strange journey for him. With the help of his wisdom and newly learned magic, he explores the mysteries of this mysterious era and while searching for a path back to the present day, he leaves his own footprints and becomes a bridge connecting the two worlds. During this strange journey through time and space and exploring the unknown, he not only witnessed the brilliant combination of technology and magic, but also experienced the spark of infinite creativity and wisdom of mankind.

Tsai_wen_hsi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 81: Undercurrent

In the central conference hall of the city of Giralda, the core members of the Hand of Brahma gathered together to discuss the battle that had just ended.

The leader of the Great Elder Malic's Wisdom department waved his hand to silence everyone: "Everyone, although we have successfully repelled the enemy's attack, this is just the calm before the bigger storm."

Akash nodded in agreement: "Yes, we must be vigilant. The power of seven men in black robes cannot be underestimated in the battle."

"The magic they use," Brigu added, "seems to be fused with some unknown power, which is different from our magic system."

Ebert frowned and thought: "This reminds me of some ancient legends, which may be related to lost magic."

The Great Elder's gaze swept over every member present: "Because of this, we must strengthen our vigilance. The six departments of Brahma's Hand must work together to prepare for the upcoming challenges."

At this moment, a messenger hurriedly broke into the conference hall: "Report to the Great Elder, we have just received intelligence that the enemy may be planning a larger-scale attack!"

There was an uproar in the conference hall. The Great Elder waved his hand to everyone to be quiet: "Everyone, now is not the time to panic. We must take action immediately."

He began to assign tasks: "Akash, you are responsible for strengthening the defense barrier of the academy. Saraswati, please coordinate the treatment and logistics. Ebote, you are responsible for intelligence collection and analysis."

Representatives from each department carefully note down their responsibilities. The great elder finally said: "Remember, we are the Hands of Brahma, shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting the magical world. No matter what kind of enemy we face, we must unite."

After the meeting, Ebert walked alone on his way back to his dormitory. The night was already dark, but the discussions at the meeting still echoed in his mind.

"Ebot," Akash's voice came from behind.

Ebert turned around: "Akash, what's the matter?"

After Akash looked around to make sure no one was nearby, he lowered his voice and said, "I have some additional information I want to share with you. But not now, and not here. We will meet in the secret room of the ancient book room tomorrow at midnight."

After saying that, Akash disappeared into the night, leaving Ebert standing alone, full of doubts and expectations.

After returning to the dormitory, Abbott couldn't sleep. He recalled all the details of the battle and tried to connect all the clues. The identities of the seven men in black robes, the mysterious magic they used, the upcoming large-scale attack... all these questions were swirling in his mind.

Just as he was about to fall asleep, a faint wave of magic caught his attention. Ebert sat up alertly and found that the magic communication stone on the bedside was glowing.

He carefully picked up the communication stone, and a strange and hoarse voice came out: "Heirs of the Water of Atri, you are stronger than we thought. But please remember, some powers will never be restored once touched. There is no turning back. If you insist on fighting us, be prepared to do whatever it takes."

The light of the communication stone suddenly went out, leaving Ebert alone in the darkness, his heartbeat racing. Where did this mysterious warning come from? Does the enemy already know about the existence of the Hand of Brahma?

Outside the window, a bright moon hung high, casting a cool light. Ebert stood in front of the window, looking at the magic tower in the distance. He knew that starting tomorrow, nothing would ever be the same again. No matter how many unknowns and dangers lie ahead, he and other members of the Brahma Hand are ready to face the challenge.

Because they understand that only by uniting together can they truly protect the city of Giralda, protect the hand of Brahma, and protect the entire magical world. The six divisions of the Hand of Brahma - the wisdom of Maliki, the water of Attri, the fire of Angiras, the power of Prasadiya, the healing of Purahu, and the law of Klatu - must work together to achieve success. Respond to the coming crisis.

As the night grew darker, the Magic Academy fell into a brief silence. But beneath this calm surface, undercurrents are surging, and a storm that could change the pattern of the magical world is about to come. The members of Brahma's Hand will become the key force at the center of this storm.

The next morning, Ebert came to the training ground of the Atri Water Department early. He took a deep breath and began his daily practice of water magic. The water flowed on his fingertips like an arm, but his mind drifted to the mysterious warning last night.

"It seems you didn't sleep well either." A familiar voice interrupted Ebert's thoughts.

Ebert turned around and saw Saraswati standing in the doorway. "Good morning, Saraswati. Why are you here?"

Saraswati walked into the training ground, and a faint green light glowed in her hands - the unique healing magic of the Purahu Healing Department. "I wanted to come and check on you. You seemed a little preoccupied after last night's meeting."

Ebert hesitated, but finally decided to confess: "I received a strange warning last night." He briefly described the message on the communication stone.

Saraswati frowned: "This is indeed unusual. Have you told the great elder?"

"Not yet," Ebert shook his head, "I want to discuss it with Akash first. He said last night that he had important information to share with me."

At this moment, a rush of footsteps came from the corridor. A member of the Angelus Fire Department rushed into the training ground with a look of panic on his face: "Ebert, Saraswati, come quickly! There is a crack in the eastern boundary of the academy!"

The two looked at each other and immediately followed the member to the east. When they arrived, Akash was already at the scene, repairing the barrier with the sealing magic of the Law of Klaatu department.

"What's going on?" Ebert asked, and at the same time began to mobilize water magic to assist Akash.

Akash looked solemn: "Someone is trying to destroy the barrier from the outside. This is not an ordinary attack, but some kind of magic that I have never seen before."

Saraswati immediately started performing healing magic on the injured students. "Could this be related to last night's warning?" she asked Ebert in a low voice.

Ebert was about to answer when he suddenly felt a powerful wave of magic power. He looked up and saw a huge magic circle appearing in the sky, and the figures of seven men in black robes gradually appeared.

"Heirs to the Hand of Brahma," the leader of the men in black robes said, his voice cold and threatening, "your era has ended. It is time to welcome the new order."

Akash stood up, magic power condensed around him: "Who are you? Why are you attacking the Magic Academy?"

The man in black robe sneered: "We are shadows from ancient times, a forgotten power. The 'lost magic' you call is just the tip of the iceberg of our power."

Abbott felt a chill coming over him. He remembered last night's warning and suddenly realized that things were much more serious than they thought.

At this moment, the voice of Elder Blishhan rang in everyone's mind: "All members of the Hand of Brahma, gather in the central square immediately. We must unite to face this threat together."

Ebote, Saraswati and Akash exchanged glances and moved quickly towards the central square. On the way, they saw members of other departments arriving, and the air was filled with tension and uneasiness.

When they arrived at the square, Elder Blishhan was already standing in the center, surrounded by the powerful mentor's ninth-level magic power. He looked around with firm eyes: "Everyone, we are facing an unprecedented threat. But please remember, the power of Brahma's Hand comes from our unity. No matter how powerful the enemy is, as long as we work together, nothing is possible Invincible."

Ebert took a deep breath and felt the determination and strength of his companions around him. He knew that a war concerning the fate of the magical world was about to begin. And they, the successors of Brahma's Hand, will be the core of this battle.

In the sky, the figures of the seven men in black robes became increasingly clear, and the dark magic they exuded shrouded the entire academy in a haze. Ebert clenched his fists, preparing for the upcoming challenge.