
Alchemist Amongst Gods

How he got there, the memory of his death a blur but despite that was glad to be in the Danmachi world the only thing left for him was to rise, go on adventures and experience his new life. This is my first fanfic a Danmachi FIC (chapters are rough but I improve) with a harem of 3 that's been decided.

LesserCodex · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Level 3 Enki is a Demi God?

Divine Aura - A body forever adapting, a perfect vessel after absorbing remnant divinity. And making it its power. If you exert your will over others, they will suffer in your presence. You are not a god but are not a man, something in between. You are immune to all abnormalities. Your divinity is small and needs time to grow.

"So we're all reading this, correct?" Enki spoke to the two goddesses as they all stared at the sheet.

Enki, with an excited smile, turned to Hestia. "how is this possible? Am I a demigod? It doesn't say demigod, I'm not either."

Hestia's expression was as hard to discern as her mind was currently in a clutter. She breathed out and spoke, "first let's level you up and then talk about this."

Enki wanted to press on but waiting wouldn't hurt him so he let her do it while levelling an option for development abilities came to him. One was "spiritual healing" and the other was "mage".

He opted for the mage's ability learning that it improved his magic "Torrent" by an extra 10%.

Enki Flamel

Level 3

Strength: I-0

Endurance: I-0

Dexterity: I-0

Agility: I-0

Magic: I-0

Hunter: I

Memory Retention: F

Mage: I

Magic: Torrent - When cast, a water aura will surround the host, increasing abilities by 80% Granting a fast healing factor and access to all water magic.

Skill: Alchemy - The ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter using natural energy with your own hands or a transmutation circle.

Divine Aura - A body forever adapting, a perfect vessel after absorbing remnant divinity. And making it its power. If you exert your will over others, they will suffer in your presence. You are not a god but are not a man, something in between. You are immune to all abnormalities. Your divinity is small and needs time to grow.

'So if I upgrade mage to H, then that's a hundred per cent increase to my abilities. Okay, I'll put that on hold right now,' he thought, turning to Hestia and Artemis, who sat across from him after putting his shirt on.

"So, can we please talk about this now?"

Hestia, sitting across from him, sighed, "I don't quite know for sure but, you are a demigod. I feel the divinity inside of you, which makes me more worried. This shouldn't be possible. None of us gods can have children.

And it's worse now that you have divinity because we can't remove it from you, as it will eventually grow back. Also, you are an adventurer. The dungeon won't allow it. If exerting your will and releasing a divine aura is the same thing or not. But this will become an issue if we can't find out the cause of this change."

Artemis was quiet all this time, pondering before the realisation struck her. "I think I know," Artemis said as all eyes turned to her.

"Inside Antares, when you came to save me, you merged and were linked. I remember you took control of the domain and set me free, allowing me to take back my divinity. But Antares was adapting and time was running short. When you sent me out, I had taken most of my divinity back. Most doesn't mean all." Artemis said.

Hestia, hearing the story, also faced Enki, realising what had happened.

"When you took control, and I left that remaining divinity moved towards you, while connected with Antares, your body made that remnant piece of divinity it's own." Artemis finished.

"You became a demigod through saving Artemis, this uh," Hestia groaned, covering her face, "I don't know what to do. When the next Denatus comes, we have to discuss this," Hestia spoke firmly.

"A new god in making. This will be hard, but I'm sure when the Denatus comes it'll be a secret amongst us gods. Enki, are you okay? You've been quiet." She asked him, worried about his thoughts.


Artemis worried also called out to him, "Enki?"

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm just thinking, what does this mean about my life? Will I live as long as an elf now? Longer?" Enki had been thinking about a few implications.

Mostly his relationship, if he lived longer, his time with Rose, would be short and minimal. It upset him partly. Realising he might forget her as time went on, but with Ryuu, things would be fine, as elves lived for a long time.

Hestia understood the reason behind his words and smiled softly, "probably as a Demi-god you'll live longer like elves, longer even. It's getting late and I think it would do us a lot of good if all get to bed and sleep.

Don't think hard about it. If we gods did the same, then we would miss out on what's in front of us."

Enki had more questions about the implication of this. Would the dungeon come after him if he unleashed his aura? Does he have new powers or Artemis's powers? But sleep sounded terrific right now, so after agreeing to return to this topic tomorrow, the trio went to bed.

There was an issue of where Artemis would sleep, but it was quickly solved by her sharing a bed with Hestia. Tomorrow Enki will add a floor to the church and also new rooms.

Enki, stripping himself down to his boxers, slipped into bed with thoughts running around in his mind. 'Tomorrow I should check up on Rose. I miss her. I wonder if she'd be fine with moving into the church with me?'

"This might be the right chance to ask about the previous god of alchemy. I need to see if I can tag along when the next Denatus arrives," Enki spoke aloud in his room.

He sighed, eventually falling asleep.


[The next day]

The sounds of the birds chirping and doors opening sprinkled throughout Orario Enki, after once again being slapped by the sun's light, groggily got out of bed.

"Mn," he groaned and stretched himself before putting something plain and grey on.

Walking out, he crossed Bell on the staircase, "morning Enki," he smiled and Enki responded with a grunt, heading downstairs. There he saw Lilly, who looked up from her book. Placing it down, she picked up two cups and handed one to him.


He let out a pleased sigh, "Ah, that's the stuff, thank you and good morning to you," Enki smiled, enjoying his coffee.

"Morning to you too. Hestia went to work. She left breakfast on the counter for you. Artemis went out with her and chat near her workplace." Lilly filled him in on what the others were planning to do.

"And what about you? I'm guessing Bell's going to the dungeon or out exploring the city," Enki said, the coffee taking its effects.

"I'm taking Verde out on a stroll, outside Ontario, he's been here for the last month, I think he deserves it, though he has plenty of space to move, also he laid a bunch of eggs," Lilly said walking down to the bird's room.

For Verde's room, before they left, Enki had connected to the space behind the church so the Jack-bird could walk out instead of being stuck inside. He just ordered it not to walk to the front of the church for its safety.

"Alright then, I guess I'll be heading to Rose's today. Hopefully, she didn't miss me too much," Enki said, going back upstairs to prepare himself.


Stepping out, Enki breathed in a breath of fresh air, "ah, time to check on Rose," Enki said, walking down the road.

As he went around, he heard some light remarks on monsters acting wild a month back 'makes sense that's when we faced Antares,' he thought, walking past stands.

Further down the road, Enki pondered on what the Chimera was planning, 'why did he want to force the monsters to the surface? Was it to destroy the city, or make an army? Not it could already make scorpion monsters of itself, so why attack Orario?'

"Bah, fuck it, it's dead anyway," Enki discarded the thought arriving at the front of Rose's house with a goofy smile, 'wonder if she'd let me pet her ears all day?'

He knocked on the door a few times and waited it wasn't until the drowsy voice of Rose came did he walk in.

She hiccuped, "come in~" slurring her words.

"Weird? Rose?" He called walking he went to the living room and saw the red-headed wolf woman at the table in her nightgown with two empty bottles in front of her and one in her hand.


"You!" she slammed the table, pointing her finger at him. Enki couldn't help but find her state funny. Her face was red, and she wobbled while walking towards him.


"I'm mad at you! You! asshole, *hick* you lied, a month my perfect ass," she slurred her words.

'It is perfect,' Enki agreed. "I'm here, though. Doesn't that count for something?"

Rose stood up, her face an inch from his. The sweet smell of wine reached Enki's nose. Rose pouted and went to hug him, leaning on him heavily. Enki supported and said nothing. She was upset.

"You said a month, and it has been a month and almost 3 weeks," she said, her tail swishing lightly, embracing the hug.

She sniffed him hard before continuing, "some guy came about 2 weeks earlier on a dragon, to report to the guild I heard from a friend and they mentioned you, by your title and that you and the Hermes familia would come in a month."

Enki let out a small laugh despite her growling and lifted her like a princess. She still pouted, her cute face flushed and tail wagging faster, showing she enjoyed it.

"I'm sorry Rose, I tried to get that dragon but they needed someone from the Hermes family with experience, with what they were transporting, and the documents along with it."

"Hmph!" she turned her head away.

"Aw come on," he said, walking up the stairs, "what will it take for you to forgive me? A kiss?" He said before picking her neck.

"No, I'm mad at y-you," she stuttered when he kissed her again, "you need to know there cose- seen, conseque-"

He said to her, "Consequences?"

"Mn! No kissing! No smooches! No making out! No hugs! And no sex!"

Acting shocked, he spoke, "well then, I guess they'll be no goodnight kiss then," he grinned, putting in her bed carefully he pulled the blanket over her.

"I *Hick* didn't say that." As he tucked her into bed, she grasped his hands. "Don't leave."

Smiling, he squeezed her back. "I won't," he said, sitting next to her.

"You forgot my goodnight kiss," she said, blushing more.

'I think I might like drunk Rose,' he thought and leaned in kissing her, "it's morning but goodnight, anyway."

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep holding tightly onto his hand.

Another one.

LesserCodexcreators' thoughts