
Alchemist Amongst Gods

How he got there, the memory of his death a blur but despite that was glad to be in the Danmachi world the only thing left for him was to rise, go on adventures and experience his new life. This is my first fanfic a Danmachi FIC (chapters are rough but I improve) with a harem of 3 that's been decided.

LesserCodex · Anime e quadrinhos
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54 Chs

Fighting The 15th Floor

"I can't believe you and on the first date, no less," Lilly sighed as she closed her book, her face still flushed.

"We didn't go that far if you're wondering, we just got frisky is all." That was as far as he wanted to go about the date.

"I'm confused. Did the date do well? It seemed like it, but you looked hurt all over. Did you get into a fight?" Bell asked, tilting his head.

At that point, Lilly, Enki and Hestia froze, looking back at his stupid, stupid, punchable face.

"I'm gonna tell him," Enki flashed a grin, "well rather about the birds and bees."

"What? no, don't you dare ruin him!" Hestia blocked his path.

He raised his brow at her defending tone. 'I guess feelings still linger on huh, I don't care doesn't involve me anyway,' he shrugged and turned.

"Whatever. I'll shower and then we can go to the dungeon," he shrugged and went back upstairs. He was in too much of a good mood to let anything bring him down and was more excited to see Ryuu again.

[Orario Guild]

"Uh-huh well besides what's in the manual be careful of minotaurs, hellhounds and Ligerfang the former two are the most common you'll find with Ligerfang being an uncommon encounter and the much rare crystal mantic which is resistant to magic so if you find one go straight in with brute strength."

She said in a monotone voice, the slight smile on her face never fading when staring. After a while, though, Enki got flustered by the intense warmth radiating from her.

"Thank you for that. I think that's everything covered. I'll be going then. See you soon."

"Mn, good luck," she waved lightly, her ears perking up and tail wagging.

'Man, I need to pet those,' he pulled himself out of his daze and got up to leave.

The thought brought a bit of excitement and more reason to focus on the dungeon, brimming with energy he and the others mounted Verde and the bird brought them down to the 14th floor in little time.

The monsters like before were many, but not enough to halt Enki and the others. The battles seemed more one-sided with him, spiking them with his alchemy and slashing, blasting and punching them to dusty.

Hellhounds were skewered and blasted with iron and flame alchemy. The rabbits took care of with close combat, with nothing but fatalities and brutalities. Decapitation, neck-snapping and more.

"Out of my fucking way!" He grinned, not knowing the pressure he exuded, forcing the monster rabbits that held the least bit of sense to turn and run while the weak-minded ones fell unconscious.

Which was a free meal from Verde's bird-brain perspective. If Enki wasn't as thrilled as he was, he would've noticed. The same for Bell, who was naturally happy and Lilly riding on Verde's back.

[Dungeon of Babel 15th floor]

-Clang! -Skrrrt!

Enki skidded across the bedrock floor right now. He and Bell faced minotaurs, 'Torrent!' He chanted the ground beneath him cracked erupting and an aura of water coated him.

He twirled his glaive and kicked off the ground. He swung down the minotaur, attempting to match its horns only for it to snap!

"Aaaargh!" it screamed, stepping back from the force. Enki didn't let up and stepped close into its space and grabbed its horns, jumped to knee it in the face and whilst in the air, turned and followed with a back-kick.

-Bam! -Thud!

The kick sent it slamming into a wall and as he landed, Enki reeled his glaive back and threw it just as the minotaur tried to regain its sense. The weapon pierced its chest, pinning it into the wall with a sickening crack!

"Hihi," he grinned ear to ear as the monster poofed his glaive embedded in the wall.

"Mooooh!" Another minotaur appeared behind a corner, swinging. Enki swerved and countered with his fist as the monster staggered before going for another. This one Enki took head-on and didn't falter, the water aura shielding him.

It turned into an exchange of blows until the Minotaur was disfigured and beaten to a pulp.


Just up ahead, the sound of a feline growl grabbed Enki and the other's attention.

"Is that a Ligerfang?" He was the one to ask. They each shared a look as if confirming.

It was practically a large Tiger, but it didn't make them drop their guards as it was a definite level 2 beast. More growls followed, and three more emerged from the shadows. It was clear they were waiting for them.

The three adventurers shared a look and nodded.

"Well then, shall we?" Enki flashed a grin, plucking his glaive out the wall.

"Kruuu!" Verde screeched, getting into a stance as Lilly readied her crossbow on his back.

[Hostess of fertility]

"Hiyaa! Tell me everything about it, Ryuu. How was it did you two do it?" Said an overly excited Syr, pushing her friend to spill the beans.

"I-I don't want to go into details because we agreed on it, but I can sum it up. I had fun, and it was a noteworthy date," she said, flushed with a small smile.

"Nya~ He did nothing to you, did he?" Anya's ears and tail swayed as she moved suggestively.

Understanding what she meant, Ryuu's face heated, and she turned. The two gasped in shock.

"On the first date!? I can't believe you gave him your chastity." Syr bawled out, surprised and jealous.

"Wow, he must be great Nya~" She gave a cheeky grin, "maybe I should go out with him."

"That's enough, you three," Mama Mia shouted to them. "We're opening up. Stop chatting."

"Yes, Mama Mia!"

'Why am I expecting to see him so soon?' Ryuu hummed with a small smile.

[Freya Estate]

In her secluded room, the goddess stared at her crystal ball; the image reflected Ryuu talking to her friends about her date.

"Ever since the pointy-eared bitch from Loki's familiar reactivated the church's wards, I can't watch Enki or Bell anymore."

Her displeasure was immeasurable. She knew well that Enki would eventually sleep with someone else and she raged, wanting to be the one by his side. To make him all hers. She huffed and waved her hand, switching the display to Enki and Bell in the dungeon.

"Ugh I feel like I've been blue balled no matter at least their potential is growing, oh is he developing a new skill?"

She mused, seeing an almost invisible wave emitting from him brushing against the mass group of hellhounds.

"A mental suppressing force, interesting," she chuckled, seeing the development of another skill.

She sighed and closed the crystal. "I need a shower."

She pulled off her robe, revealing her naked self, and slipped into the cool and warm water, her mind drifting into a daydream of what Ryuu it was like for Ryuu on her date.

[Dungeon of Babel 15th floor]


"Another one bites the dust," Enki hummed as in the place of the tiger monster was some of its skin. "This feels good."

He rubbed the fur, "should I update my look?"

"I don't think you need to change anything, Enki," Lilly said, picking up the drops.

"Minotaur skin, Ligerfang fur, and Minotaur horns. We have enough to make level 2 armour. Do you think we should give these to a blacksmith? I could use another knife. I'm not calling this one bad though," he waved his head, mentioning the black steel and obsidian blade he made for him.

"Maybe, but let's keep going, gulp," he drank a potion, healing his bruises and cuts before walking off.


"!" Everyone looked ahead of the path. A small pit of fear formed in their stomach.

Pink scales two large wings and a tail so fast and strong a monster at the peak on the fifteenth floor of a wyvern.

"Kruuu!" Verde screeched and kicked off the ground, charging at the wyvern. The monster roared, blasting fire at the Jack bird.

It blitzed past the flames appearing above it. It raised his talon to strike!


The wyvern's tail struck Verde out of the air. The bird grunted, getting up out of the rubble. "Bell, Lilly support!" Enki shouted, snapping them out of their daze.

'Torrent!' He ran to the wyvern with his glaive raised.

"Firebolt!" Bell shouted, a blast of fire and lightning shooting by Enki's side. The Wyvern roared, shooting its breath, attack matching Bells.


He jumped off the ground, ready to swing at the Wyvern's face just as he was about to. The monster prepared a breath. Attack, unlike the Hellhounds, Enki's instincts told him to block.


"Aah fuck!" The flame was intense, evaporating the aura of water enough to burn through his coat and armour beneath the force of it sent him zipping through the air.

"Enki!" Lilly ran to the small crater where he landed. 'it's so hot.' she got close to seeing a small evaporating pool of water, his left shoulder suffering from a second-degree burn.

"Firebolt!" Bell blasted the dragon as Verde distracted it. The flames landed, but it didn't flinch at the attack.

"Gasp!" Enki snapped out of it, his water aura covering him. The pain on his left side subsided as he got up.

"Here, take this," Lilly offered him a potion, which he took and drank gladly.

"Man, fuck this," he muttered, seeing Verde and Bell trying to take down the Wyvern.

Enki clapped and smaller his hands on the ground, creating spiked to skewer the Wyvern out of the air, but the damn thing was dodging just as the spikes came. Lilly tried to help, but her arrows were useless.

"Fine, then how about this!" Lightning coursed further around him, cannons forming beside him.

-Boom! -Boom! -Boom!

"RAAAAH!" the monster screeched as metal spikes punctured its body. Grinning at the monster's pain, he made more cannons, shooting an endless volley of metal spikes until he riddled the beast with spikes and fell to the ground.

"Hah," He fell back on the ground, "haha suck it!"

"You did it Enki. I didn't know you could make cannons like that!"

"Yeah, there's a lot I can do. Though I need to get my status updated."

"Hihi yeah I think we all should and it was a surprise seeing you create cannons like that," Lilly let out a small laugh before exhaling, "hah... wait a minute, where's Verde?"

The trio looked to find the bird drooling over the magic stone.

"Wait! Don't eat that, you stupid bird! Bell, stop him from eating the damn stone!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

LesserCodexcreators' thoughts