
New Home

I walk out of the village and on to a rode with less houses and more rode. I walk on the grass on the side of the rode listening to my music, when a dark green transport rumbles by me. The bouncy squeaky trailer on the transport, reminded me of the old van that I had seen on the way out of town. It's weird I have been in school for almost three months and I've never seen that van, but to see it two days in a row and at the some time and place.

The thought of it creeps me out, I instantly wake a bit faster then I normally do. Maybe it's new people that just moved in tone and has a rout-teen. It's nothin creepy at all, I'm just over reacting but, just Incase when I get to the house I will inform dad right away.

I'm almost at the house, I'd say another ten minutes and I'm at the house. With my headphones in playing and I'm practically jogging, I have a weird feeling and look back at the traffic heading my way. It was that van, the van I had seen in town, rolling down the hill behind me. The shock of seeing it was freighting and my instants push me to full on run, it telling me to run for my life.

I tern and ran as fast as I could, I didn't care if I had a heavy book bag or my head phones was falling out, I had to run, I had to stay away from that van. At the moment I started to run I could hear that the van piked up speed going down the hill. "Oh my god, who speeds down a hill". I run faster, as fast as my body and longs could make me go.

I'm out of breath really fast and the van is right behind me, I stub my foot and slam my face to the sandy gravel. For a second I thought maybe it's not after me and just messing with me and go on by. I hear brakes "squeeaak" I instantly try to get up and run again, but two hands grab my book bag and palls me up and back. I elbowed and scream, a hand comes over to cover my mouth but I slip my arms out of my bag shoulder straps and try to run again. I scream and get two feet and some one grabs a big hand full of my hear, then palls me back. A big hand and a white cloth covers my face.

I try to get away but the big arms and body was too strong for me. The cloth had covered my mouth and nose, i couldn't avoid the offal smell. I felt lite headed and week the more I fought, the more weaker I become. So much so that I couldn't find the strength to stand anymore. My vision slowly was getting smaller and smaller on tell it was black and I was unconscious.

I can see black but I can still here everything around me. The man had picked me up and put me in the van then the van starts to move. As the van drives away a different man ties my lags and hands behind my back. The two guys in the front seats loafing, and two guys sitting in the back. The two in the back has my iPhone listening to my music. I drifted off into a black empty space, I don't dream I can't here anymore, I go into a log deep sleep.

I can feel someone carrying me somewhere like a princess being rescued, with my eyes that are to heavy to open for me to look and see around me, and my body is too stiff and heavy to fit back. I can here people's voices bouncing off the walls as if I'm in a huge factory. The person that was carrying me stopped, he put me down on the ground then leans me against a caged wall. He puts changes on my wrist and ankles, then close a gate then walks away towards other voices.

I fall back to sleep, not knowing where I am or what situation I'm in, I'm to tired to care. I wake up to the sound of a air horn echoing through out the building. Then a mike is terns on and a man talks " wake up everyone get up and get to work." I open my eyes at the same time as I here a klick, and I see that I have been put in a dog cage and the door had been opened for me to get out. I crawl out with the canines on my hands and feet, I stand up and stretch my cramped body out from sleeping in a dog cage all night.

After I'm done I look around the room, it's dark there's dog cages all around. A big fans in area, men with big guns waking around. A big group of girls with canines like mine, there's got to be about 20 of them in a lineup. I had to the line, too see what's going on. I whisper to the girl In front of me, "what is this place and where am I" the girl looks back at me with a sarpries look on her face.

She looks at me up and down then relaxed her expression, "don't talk, do what they tell you, and play follow the leader for a while, on tell we get to the caves, ok". she terns to face the same as the others " what caves" I blared out, she tarns to face me fast "sshh" with a finger to her mouth then waves for me to follow.

We had into an old elevator after a man makes us grade a digging tool, then shuts us in. The elevator takes us down into a dark cave more like tunas, like a ant home. A man pushed us and yells "get moving and get to work", after we get out he puts the gate down and goes back up. The girl grades my sleeve and walks me to a side of a wall. "I can't see that well, what's going on", still holding me sleeve so I knew where she is "we have to do what these people say and they will feed you, it's ok, you'll get use to the dark". She puts both hands on my shoulders and faces me head on. I can barely see but I think she's smiling at me to make me feel better.

"what do we do down here" I look around, "you use this" she grabs the old shovel in my hand "dig and try to find something warth manny, like gold or metal stuff like that". I tern and dig at the wall, "why" she starts to dig and talk "I don't know, maybe it's a rich old guy too greedy for his own good". Rocks piyals at my feet, I put them in a big container behind me, as I had seen the girl beside me do. My eyes are almost adjusted to the dark, i look at the ground where the container is, It's on a tran track. "It really is like a gold mine here" I tarn to the wall and start digging again.

It feels like I've been down here digging for a long long time. It's hard to tell because it's so dark with nerdy no lite. My stomach hurts from hunger and, my body hurts from digging for a long time. I go to sit down and sleep but someone grabs my arm and pulse me back up, "it's almost time to stop just hag in there for a little longer ok, just portend that your working". I look to see who it was and it's that girl from before. I stand just barely moving the shovel to the wall, she stops to look at me "I didn't get your name, I'm Alexis".

"I'm Roseanne, nice to meet you and thanks for helping me" Alexis smiles "it was good to meet you too, your different I like you" I stop and look withe a confounded expression "how so". She tarns her head and giggles "most girls freak right out when they wake up" she giggles again, "you don't ". Alexis looks at me for a answer "oh I was freakin right out, just in my head", she giggles then goes serious "that's good, you can't lash out here, the last girl that did that got shot".

I stared with shock, so surprised I couldn't move or tok. When I get the nerve to say something a mike comes on "stop working, had to the elevator and come up" Alexis stops and grabs my sleeve again and we had to the elevator. "Can we be friends and look after one another" she looks back at me just before we get to the elevator "ya I'd love to be friends with you". I can't believe i have to go to a place like this for me to get a friend, I don't think I've ever had a friend before?

We get up on ground level and it's dark, but not as dark as the tuneless we most have been down there all day. I put the shovel back then I fallow Alexis "where are we going now" I whisper to her. "Man I'm beet" Alexis smiles "ya me too, we're going to what I call a pan, we stay there for the rest of the day and for the night". We walk in a big fenced in area, there's the dog cages again. I look up and see a big metal building on the other side of the fence.

There's a metal porch with two men with guns slowly passing, staring down at us, seeing if we're going to do something against them. I follow Alexis she stops and looks up, I do the same a man has a bin of food and dumbs it on us. The other girls darts for it like hungry dogs, I picked up what it seemed to be a hall thing of bred but it's got mould all over it. Alexis walks up to me "oh that's a good one you should eat that up well you can", she has a hand fall of stall carots "but it's got mould on it".

she gives me a sad look "ya, they give us their leftovers, you'll have grab it, when you get it" she gives me a wary look. I eat the bred with a bitter face, "come sit with me" Alexis jesters to a dart pile. We sit and eat, Alexis talks first "how old are you, where you from"? " "I'm from a city called Valour, what about you". Alexis lens back against the dart pile then stars at the dark stary sky "there going out that far ha," she looks tired but I can't tell if it's from working all day without food or tired of this place in general.

she noticed me staring "oh um, I think I'm 15 and I'm from Stokerton", that place is a hour drive from my home town. It's weird that I've been there before and to think that she lived there. "You think, you mean your not share how old you are?" Alexis sides then looks at the sky again "it's because I've been here so long, and it's hard to tell what time it is, forget what day it is".

"oh, have you tried going home", she sits up fast and looked at me with a scared look. "You would get shot the moment you get cot", she looks up at the men with guns on the metal porch. A mike terns on "ok, time to go to bed", Alexis gets up brushes the dart from her ragid pants then looks down at me "come on let's go". She gives me here hand, I grab it and try to get up, then I noticed that Alexis is trying really hard to get me up of the ground. Ones I get to my feet and follow I look at her profile, I hadn't seen it before because I was too scared to nodise. It was not that she was playing around or that I'm really heavy but, Alexis is really week and skinny too skinny.

Her close are all torn up and mitch-matched, also all dirty, her hare is all in nots and greecy from not being washed. She's been her for two years or so and she looks like that, is that what I have to look forward too. We get to the dog cages she puts her hand on one and I nodise that she has calisis on and sores on her rist from the chanes. "You sleep in this one beside me ok" I snap out of my staring at her rists, "we have to sleep in them".

"ya didn't you wake up in one before you met me", ya I did wake up in one and I did feel that man put me in it. "Ok" I bend over and cruel in and sort of lay down, it wasn't big enough to stretch all the way out. As everyone else gets settled more men come out and locks the cages. They all get done and had in "Alexis are we in a sweet shop?". There was a silence, the lites tern off and it was completely dark I couldn't see a thing. I didn't care, I was to focused on where Alexis was, even though I couldn't see her I till started longing for a answer. "Yes, you are Roseanne, I'm sorry, try to get some rest".

I hear resilience where she is, like she had tarn to face away from me. I do the same to find a comfortable position to get to sleep in. I close my eyes and I dream, I dream for the first time in a long time. The dream was of home for some reason, most likely because I want to be there, and not here in a cage with chanes on me.

I dream of me walking home from school, I get in the front door and mother come to me with a big hug. Then offers me a nice big chocolate brownie cake, I was so serried I didn't know what to do, "want some sweetie" I look at the chocolate cake in my mothers hands. I chosen to go with it, and mother had us go in the kitchen, I sit at the table watching her cut the cake. Dad walks in "me too, me too I want one" I had expected mother to yell at him for acting like a little two years old.

"Of course you can have one, a nice big one", bad comes over and kisses her on the cheek and picks up the piece of cake then sits down beside me. I can't believe this is happening it's too good to be true, were all at the table eating chocolate cake that mother would not allow, dad acting like a two year old making me laugh so hard I can barely eat. Also mother not getting mad and yelling at anyone.

I love this best dream ever, I haven't seen it in so long mother smiling, bad being himself, me being happy in there presents. I'm brot back to reality by a horn going off and Alexis banging on my cage, "get up, get up, before the guards think you're dead". I open my eyes and get out as fast as I can, "good, you're up" I look around trying to remember where I am "ya". Loneliness and sadness filled my baby for I wanted to go home so badly. I follow Alexis to the line up, I'm more aware this time. Yesterday I was just scored out of my mind to nodise small stuff.

It's dark like last time, but I've gotten used to being in the dark by now. I grab a shovel and had to the elevator with Alexis and I nodise that there is another elevator but it's on the other side of the wood fence. Alexis grabs my sleeve and steers me away toward the elevator with the others. As we go down to the ant caves, how am I supposed to dig when my body is week from hunger.

We get out then Alexis leads me to a different spot then yesterday, more deeper with twists and turns. We get to a part where it opens up like a big hole, Alexis tarns to walk down the dart stars. I step to the ej of the plate form, then lend out to see the bottom. You could see different levels and holes were another tunnel starts, it really is like a ant home. If I fell from here it would be five stories down and you would die and kill the person you landed on too.

Alexis nodise my shocked and scored experience, she looks the same draconian as I am. "In the first week of being here, I avengered out and seen this," I tarn and seen here face all fall of sadness and pain. "I came out and lend out like you gust did", she looks up at the tunnels above us."a girl had gone up to the top and jump off and killed herself", she tarns to face me. "She was going so fast that when she dropped in front of me, she almost tok me with here".

She tarns to the long drop down "if your going to kill yourselves don't take others with you that are still fighting ok," she looks up at me. "I understand, I won't". "Ok, let's go before the gards show up", she tarns and heads back down the dart steps again. I followed, on tell we get to a tunnel with no one in it. Alexis tarns in then stops to face me "this is a good spot don't you think", I look around "ya, there's not much traffic here so we can take more brakes" Alexis smiles "yep, exactly".

We dig for a wile my body is week from digging and my stomach hurts and grows the hole time. Alexis stops slides her hand throw her hair then tapes me on the shoulder "let's take a break for a bit, sounds good". I stop and slam my but down on the dart "oh man I'm bet already, what time do you think it is". Alexis shrugs "I don't know, don't ask me I don't even know what day it is" we both berated out loafing at the same time.

The mike terns on and tells us to head back up the bay's over, Alexis and I stop then headed to the elevator to get to the pen. Because we went down deep in the tunnels it took some time to get back, when we finally got there we wore the last one to get on the elevator. As we go up I get the nerve to look around the elevator as it goes up to ground level. There's normally one gard in the elevator at all times but I nodisted that there was some guys in the elevator with us. I expectshily nodisted the guy standing beside me, he's a bit taller then me and was all raged up and derty like Alexis is. It looked, at one punt he was fit for a teenager but he's skinny, but the most that stuck out about him was is haensome fase and a big tattoo of a dragon swirled around on is shoulder. He noted me staring at him and look my way wide eyed, Alexis and I looked at him and smiled as to say hi. He smiled and raised his hand to wave but the garde yells "hey pretty boy eyes front", all three of use jump and straightened like a borde and faced the front.

The elevator stops and we head out, Alexis and I both stop and watch as the boys get out head to a different area. "Was it that we came up late that we got to see the guys" Alexis peels her eyes of the guys and looks at the elevator "ya I think so, they are in a bifrent sekshion then we are." We head to the pen and when we walk past the gate a girl jumps out of nowhere "hey I saved you some food, what took you so log", she looks at us with a pouty face. She had lite baby blue hair and it was short but the front was log and hug over her face. She also was derty like the others and skinny and small but she was shorter then me and fool of smiles.

She looks at me with a cereus look "Alexis how's this, by the looks of her, she's a newbe" Alexis and her both laf " E.V. this is Roseanne she came her yesterday and is a new friend," Alexis faces me "Roseanne this is E.V. a friend of mine." E.V. holds out her hand out to me "nice to meet you, her your probly hungry", she hands out the hafa rotation food to me and Alexis. "Ya it's nice to meet you too, and thanks for saving some food for use". E.V. smiles britly like a child, after Alexis and I are dune eating we all head to the dog cages. All three of use pike a cage next to one another to sleep in, with Alexis in the middle of me and E.V.

As we site in the cages whetting for the dime lites to go off, I think to myself of what has happened to me this past two days. I was takin from my home to work in this mine for anything that makes manny. For some person that no one knows how and big men with big guns, everywhere you look. My body is so sore and the lake of food is not helping me or my body. As I think that my stomach growls lowedly across the room. E.V and Alexis look wiredly.