
The beginning

After long and tiresome journey through time era and place for reunite with my family which separates from me long ago, I got sent to the underground jail for accused stealing many of ourselves history goods which all long lost unfounded, but actually are my own possessions at the past.

They shackles my leg, they take my googles, ring, armour, helm, sword, greaves etc and throw me naked into dark, damp and cold underground jail. They are giving me a keyboard for typing my last word there, before the death is taking me forever, either because of hunger, exhausted or execution.

No one is trusting me, 73 years old man who still able to move as fast as young adult man as their legendary king who unite all nations at Six Nations War Age into United Nations of Great Zioun they know now. I can do all that regards to water magic blessings from Thorzían the legendary Golden Scale Ziorûz, and future guides from him, but after I find the way back to modern day, no one trust me, including my own little brother that separates from me when he still 6 months old.

With limited time and naked at dark, damp and cold jail without food and water, I'm typing everything at the provided keyboard, begin from several months before I get separated from my family until now as much as I can remember, only for earnest hope about my little brother can read it and come to rescue me before the death is taking me forever.

The keyboard have hologram screen as it turned on, so I'm begin to typing as fast as I can.

My name is albextus Suyorus Ridüs, second child of one sister and two brothers of Walixus Fudio Ridüs and Meiwä Vurq Ziodz. We live at apartment in outskirts of mega metropolitan Nerdus City. Nerdus City was built on single big human made island at east of gigantic metropolitan Qoriqi City, Xyonn Continent of Astereiei Planet, 4th planet of Torollorn Solar System.

I was born at 10th month and 22nd date, year 10277 Xieluz as one of Twiqo Ziorûjin heir. It's equal with October 4th 1978 at Earth. At 4 years old I'm only a naughty boy who spent my days with my family and friends. At that time you still not there, my little brother, but I'll tell you my daily life at that time so you can confirm that to our sister later.

Yävagalhu mîm'nodiqer advrâsta mattu yasasdu bayâsüva, hradya sänvhi bayâsüva, nakstragalvu nìvu kavalu bayâsüva (wish luck and success always be with you, the peace always in your heart, and may the stars is always guarding you) -Kingdom of Stronghold Zioun's parting words

Note, terms and brief history explanation:

Twiqo Ziorûjin was magical ring of Ziorûz pair, one of our most precious history items. Only direct descendant of first son of first king of Kingdom of Stronghold Zioun (who unite 8 kingdoms and 4 republics at Xyonn Continent roughly 13330 years ago) can wear Twiqo Ziorûjin without getting burned by unseen fire curse. Although 2024 years after King Aéron Ixios Ridüs unite all existing nations at Astereiei into United Nations of Great Zioun, the nation changes into republic thus Twiqo Ziorûjin heir not as king anymore, the ring still passed from father to his first son, one after another at Ridüs main family.

Ziorûz is legendary magical creatures shaped like serpentine dragon with backbone fin and rainbow stone colored scales. According to folklore, they can control weather, peek into future, riding the wind, breathing water, water vapour or blowing blizzard. Ziorûz was considered as only near omniscient and omnipotent creature we ever meet, a real near god and goddess.

All constitutions placed by king Aéron Ixios Ridüs still valid for now, only with few changes in detail, that hold peace for roughly 12330 years straight and ensure everyone's safety, justice, health service, quality of food and drink, and prosperity, so everyone consider Ridüs main family as most popular, powerful and regarded nobles, although we now only ordinary people as they alike.

United Nations of Great Zioun was united nations made of Kingdom of Stronghold Zioun, Semi-republic nation of Qùrara, Republic of Ìxavêri, Dictatorial Republic Nation of Deuxèøn, Spartanist Kingdom of Narìvi and Military Naval Nation of Porüqa. It's official since roughly 4 years before Aéron's Peace Age and Xieluz Age begin at year 2020 Aé. Each age signed by new calendar. At beginning of Aéron Peace Age to few decades of first Xieluz Age, United Nations of Great Zioun is ruled by Dexeviartz (council of six rulers) but then changed into republic that ruled by President until now. It's govern all areas throughout this Astereiei Planet, as single world nation.