
AKEL DAMA: The Age of Demons.

The Era of humanity is being wiped away... Now what is left of humanity must fight to survive the new age of Demons. The world has evolved, now with Spirit Technology and an association of Jaegers, the rest of mankind must fight for their survival and take back their world. Fueled by rage and hunger for revenge, Raaya; the surviving daughter of Elara, wants nothing more than to take the forefront in this battle, to avenge the death of her whole family. To do that, she and her group of special Jaegers would strive to become strong, improve their abilities while aiming to defeat Abaddon, who seeks to bring the end of the world with the powers of the Blood Star. Can Raaya fulfill her mother's legacy and save the world? what is at stake to save a world that is ten years lost into darkness? join Raaya in her adventure of fighting Demons and finding magic.

unique2bliss · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
156 Chs


"you would need to find the core. Once you find it, destroy it but I must warn you, it might prove challenging to" Alia's blurry face informed.


Raaya's eyes furrowed into a contemplative frown. The illusion was like a maze, the center of the maze was the core that after as the powerhouse of the illusion. Destroy this core and the illusion would come crumbling down in shards of glass.

This was what Alia of informed her of. But this was easier said than actually done. The core was not just a crystal object sitting in the middle of the illusion waiting to be broken. It could be way more than that, depending on the person who as trapped in it. In other words, thee core to every illusion differ totally in terms of who was caught in it.

"How do it find this core?" Raaya asked