

"It's like a big slumber party!" commented Yang as she landed on the sleeping bag next to Ruby, who was busy writing a letter.

"I don't think dad would approve of all the boys, though" Ruby remarked in reply

"I know I do!" Yang began to purr as she watched some of the shirtless guys. At least until Jaune walked passed in a onesie pyjama, and waved towards Yang when he noticed her, only to get a groan from Yang as she rolled her eyes before returning her attention to Ruby.

"What's that?" She asked eyeing the letter her sister was writing

"Oh, just a letter to the gang back at signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."

"Aw, that's so cuuuuute!" Yang commented, only to get pelted by a pillow that Ruby had thrown at her face while complaining.

"That's very sweet of you Ruby" Arthur commented with his eyes slightly glazed over as he approached Yang and Ruby in a pair of red pyjama pants and a yellow T-shirt with his right arm wrapped in bandages and wearing the same glove he had been wearing throughout the day to hide his red rash like skin.

"Thank you. Though It still feels weird not knowing anyone here" Ruby complained

"Well, there's me, as well as Jaune, and I'm sure you could become friends with Blake quickly enough."

"Blake?" Ruby asked, hearing the sound of a match being lit causing her to lift her head to see the same black haired girl who had helped her during the incident with Weiss earlier in the day. "That girl…"

"You know her?" Yang asked also looking over

"That would be Blake, we introduced ourselves during Rubys…" Arthur began to say only to get a glare from Ruby before he could finish "Nevermind…"

"Yeah, she saw what happened, but left before I could do anything." Ruby added

"Well, now's your chance!" Yang said as she dragged Ruby towards Blake. Arthur just staring at them with a small smile before he began to look around the ballroom at the large group of people which was slowly starting to get him nervous. Deciding it would be an idea to clear his head Arthur walked towards the entrance of the Ballroom as silently as he could, hoping not to wake anyone up.

Stepping out of the ballroom Arthur walked towards a bench under a lonely tree in the middle of the courtyard to take a seat and clear his head. Once he was seated Arthur turned his head towards the sky as he stared at Remnants shattered moon.

"Ashe…" Arthur muttered, reminiscing about his last few moments with her, which were possibly the happiest moments he had ever had up to that point in his life. At this moment his mind wandered to the moment when Ashe's heart had stopped completely as well as the strange light he had produced that forced that dark sludge from her body, which brought a question to his mind "What was that light?"

"I wonder…" Arthur muttered as he closed his eyes and began to recall the sensations he had felt when he had miraculously saved Ashe from the brink of death. Concentrating on the memories of the miracle he performed Arthur slowly began to fall into a state of meditation. If one looked at Arthur at this moment they would notice that his body had begun to release a dim white glow which could easily be mistaken for an aura. Yet if one looked closer to his surrounding they would notice that the Grass was beginning to slowly grow, while the branches of the tree began to move closer to Arthur as if trying to sap up as much of the light as possible.

Ruby had noticed Arthur leaving the ballroom earlier thinking he was going out to clear his head, but after an hour she began to worry. Exiting the ballroom Ruby notice a dim glow coming from one of the benches in the courtyard, sitting on the bench was a young man from which the glow originated. "Arthur?" Ruby asked as she got a better view of the man.

Her voice breaking him out of his trance. Blinking a couple of times Arthur opened his eyes and noticed the dim glow coming from his hands that was slowly getting dimmer completely. "What was that? You are glowing. Is it your semblance?" Ruby asked sparkles in her eyes.

Arthur remained silent as he stared at the dimming light "No, I do not think so. I do not know actually. That is the second time that has happened to me now…" he explained as he remembered the first time that light had appeared, becoming wary of the light when he remembered that his body had disintegrated when he had used it on Ashe.

"I wonder…" Arthur muttered as he brought out his Tome and flipped it open to his stats page.


Name: Arthur Fielder

Titles: ???, Child of the record, ???

Race: Human/???

Current world: Remnant 2-01b

Age: 18 (Chronological) 16 (Biological)

Hair: White, Black tips

Eyes: White

Height: 6,O

Weight: 90

Aura: Black and White

Semblance: Unawakened


Saviour of the Damned (F) / Vita (H) / Mortem (G) / Cross (G) / Aura Control (G)


Blessing of the Records(G) / Blessing of Death (C) / Blessing of Life (H)


"So that is what it was…" Arthur muttered

"You know, there's still nothing on those pages, right?" Ruby asked as she peeked over his shoulder to see what he was reading. "It does have writing. It's just it won't let you read it." Arthur explained to a confused Ruby.

"The book decides who reads it? That is so cool." Ruby said as she bounced up and down still staring at the Tome in Arthurs hands still trying to read it, to no avail. "So, what's it about?"

"I don't know, things have been hectic the last few days that I only really briefly looked at the first page" Arthur spoke as he turned the page onto a blank gold page titled "In Memor…iam?" Ruby muttered surprising Arthur as she had just read out the title on the page.

"You can read it?" Arthur asked getting a nod from Ruby in return.

"That's the only thing on it, I can't read anything else" she said getting a nod from Arthur as he said "Yeah there's nothing on this page. I wonder why?"

"What does 'In Memoriam' even mean? It's not from our language that's for sure" Ruby asked

"It's Latin, it means 'In the memory of'" he explained "Huh, never heard of it" Ruby muttered when she heard of 'Latin'

"Well, Latin is a very archaic language, it was used by an empire called Rome where I'm from. It's not really used nowadays though, it more of a historical subject of study. But it makes sense you wouldn't know about it, it's from a land far, far away from here."

"So, you're a history buff then?" Ruby asked getting a smile and a shaken head from Arthur.

"No, far from it. Someone important to me taught me how to read it, she taught me a lot of things." Arthur said as he looked up to Remnants broken moon 'Ashe…' he thought.

"Wha!?" Ruby muttered in surprise getting Arthurs attention as he turned to her to see what surprised her. Following her gaze Arthur turned to his Tome and saw that on the two pages were elaborate drawings of a young girl with grey hair a bright blue eyes. On one page was a drawing of the girl resting her head against a black haired boys shoulder while light shone down on them as their clothing and hair seemingly fluttered in the wind with lifelike movements. On the other page the girl was lying on hospital bed crying as she held onto the black haired boy who was disappearing into golden particles which seemed to come off of the page.

Ruby stood staring at the pictures, fascinated by the seemingly moving 'Pictures' until she noticed small droplets falling onto the pages that quickly vanished as if they were absorbed into the pages of the book, not even leaving a stain.

"Ashe…" Arthur muttered as tears streamed down his face as one of the pictures morphed into a portrait of the girl. Gripping the book tightly Arthurs tears began to come out even faster as he saw the familiar smile of Ashe as her portrait stared lovingly at him.

Arthur brought his hand to the cheek of the portrait which closed it's eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Arthurs hands on its… Page? Throughout this whole process Ruby was silent as she watched the sight of a book, a full on book, having the capability of creating its own images that can move as if they were alive.

It was then that the portrait opened its eyes and stared directly into Rubys own. The two sapphire blue orbs stared at Ruby as the portrait opened its mouth and seemed to say something, but no sound could be heard. Yet Ruby fully understood what the girl on the page had said 'Take care of him'.

Ruby of course not knowing how to react at the 'Living' book just stared at the portrait of the girl who was now smiling at Ruby before she turned to look at Arthur as her portrait began to fade away and returned to a blank gold page.

"Goodbye Ashe…" Arthur muttered as he closed the Tome and stared into the starry sky, tears slowly falling from his eyes. Wiping his tears from his face Arthur took a deep breath before looking towards Ruby with a sad smile.

"Arthur…" Ruby began to say but paused when she saw his sad smile. "Let's go back, we need to rest for tomorrow." She said deciding not to bring up what has just happened.

Arthur didn't say anything as he slowly stood up from the bench and looked up once again before he began to head towards the ballroom with Ruby next to him.


"Oh, and what has is my little sister doing sneaking out in the middle of the night alone with a boy?" Yang asked with a teasing tone as she watched Ruby walk towards their bedrolls with Arthur who's eyes were bloodshot as if he had just been crying.

"What's wrong Arthur? Did Ruby reject you?" She asked as she looked between Arthur and Ruby. Soon getting a round corgi shaped pillow to her face for the second time this night.

"Yang, Not now…" Ruby said as she looked to Arthur in concern while also thinking 'that girl… who was she? And that boy… he looked a lot like Arthur just with black hair? What happened to him?"

"…by… hello, earth to Ruby, you there?" Yang said waving her hand in front of Ruby who was too busy thinking about what just happened to realize her sister was there. 'Arthur, what happened to you?' Ruby thought as she awoke from her daze when Yang began to shake her.

"Wow, you have fallen hard haven't you?" Yang asked, not fully grasping that what was happening did not involve such feelings.

"It's not like that. Just, just go to sleep. I can't explain what happened; I think it had to do with his past? I'm not sure." Ruby said releasing a long sigh as she began to get comfy in her sleeping bag.

"Fine, you keep your secrets. It's only a matter of time before I get you to spill them, I always do." Yang said with a smug grin.

"They're not my secrets to tell, honestly I don't even know what happened. It was weird, his book drew a picture on its own, the picture could move, and I'm pretty sure it asked me to do something. It's weird." She said confusion evident in her voice.

"Sounds, Mystical." Yang replied as she looked to the black and white book by Arthurs side before also getting into her sleeping bag and lying down.

"Goodnight, Ruby"

"Goodnight" Ruby replied


Okay so your getting three chapters today, don't expect any tomorrow (The 18th). I might release if I can get one done. But I wanted to get a few thing announced (Authors note next chapter) that I wanted to get your guys opinions on.

So enjoy... Don't expect this to happen alot.

Also gonna try just releasing chapters when they are done. Aka, no backlog, so if I haven't written I won't post anything, this lets me keep you guys up to date, and should I want your opinions on things I can have them inputted much earlier than usual.