
Akasha no Me

Sirius Chishiki, an 18 year old boy with an extremely potent abnormality, was blamed for something he didn't do and was hated by everyone, including his family. On the day before Graduation Ceremony in his school, he was summoned to another world. Soon he will discover that this world is crying for a savior. The other world, however, will have no idea that its savior will save them with his strongest weapon: His Love For Knowledge.

muhammed_ismail · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Arc 1 - Chapter 2 - Eye Of Akasha

Pulling his form towards the voice source, Sirius found himself in some sort of a room. It was huge, with lots of rune circles on the ground. He looked around him, searching for the voice that called for him.

Sirius: [Interesting...]

Kneeling down, Sirius started to examine the circles around him. They felt familiar for some reason.

Sirius: [Oh. Yes, that's right]

The same circle was there in the King Ophelius' castle. In fact, two of them were there. One was below Sirius and his classmates when they first appeared in the castle, and the other was beneath the black portal that teleported him to this specific location, right in front of the temple.

Sirius: [So those rune circles are actually summoning magic apparatus, similar to an elevator, but it can teleport you to specific locations]

However, there was something that didn't add up in Sirius' mind.

Sirius: [The Princess Serena's face was twitching slightly when we were summoned it was barely noticeable, and she was panting heavily when the black portal was formed...]

It was true. She was exhausted. This meant that was the one responsible for creating those summoning circles.

Sirius: [If that is so, then there are two confirmed conclusions to this: One, Mana is the equivalent to an individual's stamina. And two, Mana is likely connected to a person's lifespan. The more it is used, the more life force is used, and the shorter the caster's life is. One of those conclusions is the right one]

As he said this to himself, a small smile appeared on Sirius' cold face.

His delight in life is to 'know the unknown', and 'know the yet to be known'. He believes that knowledge is the true path to evolution, no way around that logic inside Sirius' mind.

??: [Chishiki-dono! Over here!]

Snapping him from his daydream was a familiar voice. It was the vampire butler that called for him. Sirius saw the vampire marching rapidly towards him, before he took his arm, and pulled him.

Sirius just let himself be pulled. It's not like he is insane to let himself be caught by those lunatic humans that tried to kill him moments ago.

Sirius: [What is going on? And who are you?]

??: [I will tell you everything when we are safe]

Asking the figure these questions while being dragged through countless corridors and turns, Sirius was given the confirmation of an explanation when the dire situation they found themselves in is solved.

After a full minute, both Sirius and the vampire butler found themselves in another grand room, similar to the room with rune circles that Sirius found, but with exception of the fact that there was no rune circles to be found, and it had furniture.

Well, if what he's seeing in front of him can be called furniture.

Everything, including the bed, was made out of solid rock, even what appeared to sofa and chairs were made out of rock.

The only exception is that the bed had white sheets of bed clothes placed on it, coupled with a pillow.

Yes. One can roughly conclude that the bed was the only logical piece of furniture in this room.

Sirius: [Now, can you tell me what is going on?]

Sirius then spun towards the butler, who didn't respond to him as he was busy placing the red haired woman on the bed. After doing said task, he turned around towards Sirius, and bowed to him.

??: [My sincerest apologies, Chishiki-dono. We didn't mean to summon you in the inappropriate way]

Sirius: [What do you mean?]

Sirius' confusion and interest perked up at this exclamation.

If his memories were not flawed, which he obviously doubted, he was summoned in the castle of the King of the Shaddai Kingdom, before being thrown out in the most humiliating and absurd way a sane person can imagine.

So what was that butler saying?

??: [Forgive me. Allow me to explain]

Straightening himself, the vampire butler started to speak once again.

??: [We needed help against the Heroes. So we tried summoning someone from another world using Dimensional Teleportation. Unfortunately, the humans were also in the middle of this process, and it was more unfortunate shortly afterwards]

Sirius: [How so?]

??: [For starters, the Mana required for a spell as complex as this was enormous, but we managed to overcome this obstacle, only to be faced with another obstacle, in the form of the humans summoning Chishiki-dono and his classmates]

Sirius: [I see. So you are trying to say that their own Dimensional Teleportation Magic summoned my class at the same time you guys tried to summon me]

??: [Precisely]

Sirius: [And I suppose this had some drawbacks to it]

??: [Indeed. Sadly, you, Chishiki-dono, were summoned by two different places, which caused distortions in space and time. Normally, this would result in the erasure of someone's existence, but Chishiki-dono miraculously survived, though at the cost of having your Mana Core being completely destroyed, which plagued you with the Mana Deficiency Syndrome, resulting in your inability to use Magic]

Sirius: [I see...]

As the butler explained the situation, Sirius closed his eyes to take the time to ingest all the information that he had received.

Apparently, he was supposed to have the ability to use Magic, but that possibility no longer exists due to the teleportation accident that Sirius was in the middle of.

To Sirius, it was like being pulled from two opposite sides. This happened to his Mana Core. It was 'pulled' until it shattered apart, forbidding Sirius from using Magic.

??: [Huh. I'm quite surprised. You aren't startled by this situation as I expected]

Sirius: [Well, I have seen more than enough to know that I am in another world. For instance, I was summoned by humans like myself only to be thrown away like disposable garbage, then I ended up in a forest infested with Goblins that can shatter trees apart, and finally I ended up being subjected to a near death threat by my own race. So it is not farfetched to say that being unable to use Magic due to an unintentional mistake is not an impossibility]

Sirius sighed while scratching where the scar that this sword wielding blonde man originally was before it was instantly healed, and raised his arms to his sides, showing his tattered blue school blazer, with both the trousers and the undershirt miraculously surviving the insults of the Goblins that he encountered in the forest in front of the temple he was currently inside. It was rather annoying but there was nothing to do about this situation.

Sirius: (Actually, maybe there is a way around it. Currently, I'm using 11% Brain Capacity. It is 1% higher than the normal human brain usage, but still is powerful, for normal human standards, that is. If only I raised it to 15%, then I can--)

??: [Hm? Chishiki-dono, are you alright? You're spacing out]

The butler snapped Sirius from his thoughts, causing said human to direct his attention towards him.

Sirius: [First off, I would like to know how and why did you specifically summoned me]

Sirius asked the one million dollar question in a rather awkward situation.

??: [Well, you were summoned by our mistress using the Summoning Magic Circles in that other room]

Sirius: [What mistress?]

??: [This mistress]

Seeing the butler pointing at his side, Sirius followed direction of the butler's pointed finger, only to see the same unconscious red haired woman that was held by the Goblins that passed him in the temple a few minutes ago.

Sirius: [She has...Red hair...Just like me...]

Muttering under his breath while brushing his crimson short curly hair, Sirius approached the woman in front of him.

??: [This is our mistress. The second daughter of the Demon King Brahman Armageddon-sama, Hestiaca Armageddon, and I'm her humble butler, Plagus. I'm pleased to meet your acquaintance, Knowledge Master]

The butler introduced both the woman and himself, but Sirius paid him no attention, as he was busy with examining the woman, who happened to be the daughter of the King of Demons, that was panting heavily in front of him.

Sirius: [What happened to her?]

Plagus: [Well...She was the one that tried to summon you, so she expanded lots of Ether to do so]

Sirius: [Well, she failed, and the cost was a disadvantage at my own part]

Plagus: [I'm terribly sorry]

As the situation was being explained even further, Plagus had to apologize to Sirius about the whole incident that costed the human his ability to use Magic, bowing in an extravagant manner to Sirius.

Dismissing this matter for the time being, Sirius resumed his examination on the female demon.

Sirius: [That is indeed exhaustion due to overuse of Mana...Or Ether in the case of demons. This actually proves my theory that Mana is the equivalent to either a person's stamina or life force. Most interesting]

As Sirius mumbled those words, he resumed his examination of the woman.

Sirius: [Let us see. Rapid heartbeat rate. Accelerated blood travel in the bloodstream of the circulatory system. And minor symptoms of cold. All of this is a result of exhausting her reserves at such dangerous rates. But I think I can fix this]

Sirius then placed his hand on her chest, right in the middle of her ample breasts, before a pale purple light illuminated from his hand, and eventually, the same light lined the woman's body. Slowly, but surely, vitality began to return to her pale looking face, and her rapid breathing and heartbeat started to regulate themselves, and she stopped sweating as well.

What Sirius did was use his limited telekinetic powers to regulate the journey of the bloodstream inside Hestiaca's body, which in turn resulted in regulating her heartbeat and caused vitality to return to her fatigued body.

As Sirius finished his treatment, he began noticing Hestiaca's figure.

An elegant, beautiful, attractive dark skinned woman to the extent that it reminded Sirius of brown sugar. Her slender body was covered by a beautiful crimson dress that reached to just above her ankles. Her legs were covered by black boots with relatively short heels, which Sirius deduced that they were like this to prevent movement hindering, and above her ample, yet not oversized chest was what looked like a tattoo of a single black Magatama located in between her collar bone and chest.

If it wasn't for the black sharp nails that resembled retractable claws, and the abnormal shape of her canine teeth, Sirius would have immediately called her a human.

Sirius: [I better check her retina too. It is a possibility that overuse of Magic Energy resulted in eye damage as well]

As he neared her to check on her eyes, Sirius suddenly heard a moan, before witnessing Hestiaca's eyes slowly open themselves up.

Hestiaca: [Mm...Eh?]

As she fully opened her light orange eyes, Hestiaca blinked upon seeing an unknown human, whose face was inches away from her own. The only logical reaction to this was...

Hestiaca: [KYAA--MMPH?!]

She screamed at top of her lungs, but stopped midway when Plagus placed his hand on the red haired black skinned girl.

Plagus: [Shh! The Heroes will hear you if you shout!]

Hestiaca: [Who...Who is that?! Is that a human?!]

Plagus: [My lady, have no fear. This is Chishiki-dono that you summoned to save us]

Hestiaca: [Eh...?]

As Plagus introduced Sirius to the now awake Hestiaca, the female in question had her face immediately twist into that of disgust, as if she had stepped on a plankton that got stuck onto her shoe.

Hestiaca: [He's disgusting! He tried to violate me! Send him back!]

Plagus: [Hestiaca-sama! You do realize that this is impossible with both your current Ether level and the current situation that we're having at hand, don't you?!]

Sirius: [I did not violate you. I just healed you from having a sever fever due to abnormal increase in blood pressure and body temperature. Also, is this a way to greet someone, especially considering what you have done to me?]

Hestiaca simply waved off Plagus' attempt to make her feel safe by asking to send Sirius back, to which the former replied with a negative response, and the latter denying the false accusation thrown at him while explaining what he exactly did.

And even though his face was as cold as ever, his cheeks were twitching slightly, presumably from annoyance, considering that he didn't need the insult to add on the disadvantages he is in right now.

Hestiaca: [Who are you to demand an apology, human?! You were planning to violate me! You were about to touch my Magatama! I'm the one who should be demanding an apology from you!]

Sirius: [No, I did not intend to touch your Magatama. I was checking on your body condition because your body temperature was abnormally high, and your sweat glands were releasing enormous amounts of sweat, which meant that you suffered from a high fever]

Hestiaca: [I was okay! I didn't need your help!]

Sirius: [Also, I am the one who should be demanding for an apology, considering the fact that you destroyed my ability to use Magic. In addition, you were the one to summon me, and now you want me to go away? I would say that you are wasting you Magic energy]

Hestiaca: [Nonsense! I don't believe you! Also, your way of speech is creepy, just like Voodoo Dolls! As expected of a wretched human! You are so disgusting!]

Plagus: [Hestiaca-sama! Please stop! This is rather disrespectful to Chishiki-dono!]

Hestiaca: [I don't care if it hurts his feelings or lowers from his dignity! He's just a trash of a human! Besides, why isn't it a strong warrior instead? Or even an army of Goblins?! I bet it will be millions of times better than scrawny human!]

Sirius: [Now you are being rude...]

Hestiaca: [Why you...!]

Plagus: [Please calm down! That's enough!]

As the verbal fight continued between Hestiaca, whose weapon was badmouthing, and Sirius, whose weapon was extreme calmness, Plagus stepped in front of the two, a vein popping on his forehead.

Plagus: [Hestiaca-sama! Even if he looks like this, Chishiki-dono is actually a strong person in his former world! He is the Knowledge Sage!]

Sirius suddenly felt out of place as he was praised for literally nothing. In that moment, however, something inside of him clicked.

Sirius: [By chance, you guys think that I have some sort of superpowers that are great enough to take down those Heroes?]

Plagus: [Why yes! You have proven it even further when you healed Hestiaca-sama with your powers! After all, in your original world, you were able to take down a massive amount of people and make them retire by your sheer knowledge!]

As Sirius heard this explanation, realization struck once again in his head.

Sirius: (Well, he is not wrong, but I do not have combat-based powers when I am using 11% of my brain capacity, so...)

Sirius: [I hate to present the bad news for you, but under...Specific circumstances, my combat powers are sealed at the moment, so I cannot assist you in combat. This rumor about me retiring others from their carriers was actually a test of intelligence, nothing more nothing less]

Plagus: [Test...Of...]

Plagus' shoulders instantly slumped down. His face that was so bright with enthusiasm froze for an instant, before it was replaced by a gloomy expression upon hearing the last of Sirius' speech.

Plagus: [We're doomed...We're so doomed]

Hestiaca: [See?! I told you he's useless!]

Sirius: [So you summoned me just to have insults hurled at me? How generous of you]

Plagus was imagining the shapes of their graves, with Hestiaca insulted Sirius even more, where said human simply remarked once again on the rudeness that was fired at him.

Goblin Soldier #1: [Plagus-sama! The situation is dire!]

A Goblin Soldier, one of those that were accompanying Hestiaca when she was unconscious after attempting to summon Sirius, called out to Plagus while looking at what resembled, in Sirius' eyes, a rectangular TV screen.

The screen displayed the Heroes that met Sirius at the entrance of the temple.

The muscular man was shown crushing the head of a 2 meter cyclops with a single punch, causing the head of said Demon to burst into blood and brain matter, before his body fell lifelessly on the floor.

??: [Heh! Piece of cake!]

??: [As strong as always, Alphonse]

Alphonse: [Aww~ Lara-chan! You're gonna make me fall for you all over again!]

Lara: [Just watch out, you idiot! Behind you!]

Right after the praise, the only woman in the group of those Heroes, Lara, scolded the muscular guy, Alphonse, before shooting dozens of arrows from her bow, where said arrows passed beside Alphonse, nailing down the massive hornets that were moments from stabbing the muscular man.

Alphonse: [Thanks a bunch, Lara-chan~]

Lara: [Hmph. Idiot]

??: [Can you two stop your lovers quarrel?]

Lara: [Robert! For the last time, we're not lovers!]

The blonde man with sword and shield, Robert, expressed his annoyance at the babbling of both of his comrades.

Alphonse: [Alright, leader! Ha!]

Alphonse kicked a Goblin with a kick that broke the sound barrier, causing it to blow apart.

Robert: [I thought I told you not to call me 'Leader'. Hm!]

Robert stabbed his sword through a Pterodactyl-shaped Demon, before yanking his sword upwards, bifurcating the demon vertically in half.

Lara: [It's actually a surprise seeing you being able to fight despite your inexperience with Magic, Alphonse]

Alphonse: [Really? Thanks for the praise, Lara-chan! But in my opinion, I think what counts as a surprise is the fact that we found the Demon King's second daughter in the same dungeon that Tino decided to go to in order to become stronger!]

As Alphonse exclaimed this, he patted the head of the young boy that was accompanying the group of three humans.

Tino: [I-I will do my utmost!]

Lara: [Teehee~ Tino sure is cute, isn't he?]

As the young boy replied to them, Lara expressed her delight at Tino's cute child-like gesture.

Alphonse: [Anyways, she's here, right? The Demon King's daughter?]

Robert: [Yes. This information was confirmed according to the Hero Guild information network, but to think that she would escape in a place like this...This was something barely noticed]

As Robert said this, Sirius, who was watching them from the Magic screen, glanced silently at Hestiaca, who was shivering slightly, before he shifted his attention once again to the screen.

Alphonse: [Imagine being summoned by the Royal Army after succeeding in this SSS-Rank Mission. Our ranks will rise up! And we can become Royal Soldiers!]

Lara: [I really don't see what is special in working in the Royal Army as a soldier. It's really troublesome]

Alphonse: [Well, not for both me and Robert]

Alphonse expressed his excitement over a promotion, with Lara shooting it down with a negative response.

Lara: [Still, are you sure about this, Robert? I mean, she's the Demon King's daughter, and we have Tino with us]

Afterwards, Lara expressed her worry about the young boy with them, taking the issue of facing the Demon King's daughter.

Robert: [It's fine. After all...She only have one Magatama, so it's no issue]

Sirius: [Magatama...?]

As Sirius heard Robert mutter those words, his attention was once again shifted towards Hestiaca, who was now biting her lower lip while covering the Magatama tattoo that was on her chest. He then shifted his attention once again towards the screen.

Lara: [I see. You have a point]

As she said this, Lara shot a multitude of arrows at a group of Demons, followed by Alphonse sticking his knuckle duster in the skulls of three Goblins standing behind each other in a line formation, with his other free hand squeezing on the neck of a fourth Goblin, before the head of said Goblin popped off his shoulders, rolling violently in the air before falling on the ground.

Robert then charged with his sword drawn in a straight stab motion, before he kicked off the ground.

Robert: [Aerial Needle!]

He then charged at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, tearing apart a horde of Demons of different races, causing a massive amount of limbs and blood to scatter across the dungeon's floor. Robert then stood straight once again, before taking a stance with his sword.

Robert: [Grand Breakthrough!]

A miniature hurricane bursted from Robert's sword, skewering apart even more Demons in the path.

The insult was relentless, merciless and absolutely despicable to watch.

Sirius' eyes widened slightly at the scene. While it may look that humans should do that against Demons, since a world like this is a Kill or be Killed type of world, there was something off. Even in video games this would be completely illogical to comprehend.

Goblin Soldier #1: [Hestiaca-sama! We will place ourselves as well in the frontier!]

Goblin Soldier #2: [Yes! We will do everything in our power to bring them down!]

The three Goblin Soldiers stepped forward and declared their intention to delay Hestiaca's inevitable fate.

In Sirius' eyes, it was suicide.

Plagus: [No! You Guardians are our last stand! If something were to happen to you, who will protect Hestiaca-sama?!]

Goblin Soldier #3: [Plagus-sama...We Guardians are well aware that we can face death in the battlefield, especially when we have joined the Demon King's troops. So please don't stop us]

Plagus: [But...]

??: [Father! Let me fight too! I want to protect Hestiaca-sama as well!]

As Plagus, in vain, tried to stop the Goblin Guardians from walking to their death, a younger and smaller Goblin kid tried to join in as well.

Hestiaca: [Bubby! You can't! You're too young for that! And this is very dangerous!]

At this, Hestiaca patted the boy on his head and shoulder, trying to see his mind off the matter of fighting.

Goblin Soldier #3: [It's fine, Hestiaca-sama. The battle pride of my son is rather admirable. Please respect his wishes]

The Goblin Solider simply patted his son's shoulder, a proud expression plastered on his face due to his son's courage.

Goblin Soldier #3: [Alright! Let's move, men! Let's go, Bubby!]

Bubby: [Yes, Father!]

The three Goblin Soldiers marched outside the room, with little Bubby behind them, with a small wooden club in his hands.

Moments later, they were right in front of the Heroes, swords brandished to fight for the sake of their master.

Goblin Soldier #3: [Halt, Heroes! This is as far as you go!]

Alphonse: [Oho! Fodder one-Magatama Demons are now taking a rather brave stance! What a joke!]

Goblin Soldier #2: [Prepare yourselves, Humans! We're going to protect our mistress from you even if it costs us our lives!]

Alphonse: [Oh yeah!]

Goblin Soldiers: [Guhk?!]

As the Goblin Soldiers declared their intention to sacrifice their lives for saving their master, Alphonse swung his foot in a horizontal arc cutting the three Goblins in a one swift motion from the lengths of their waists, giving them an instant death.

Their quick departure to the afterlife caused a shocked look to form at Sirius' cold face, with Hestiaca placing a hand on her mouth, with her eyes wide as saucer plates from the sheer horror of witnessing the death of her kin right in front of her.

Alphonse: [Ugh...Honestly, Weaklings like you who survive...]

The muscular gorilla crushed the skull of one of the deceased Goblins under sole of his boot.

Alphonse: [...Annoys me the most]

A terrifying expression that suited a villain was plastered on Alphonse's face, a dark look that could send the shivers down the spine of the bravest of warriors, an aura that imitated the moments of fear before death.

Lara: [Oh! There's still one left!]

Bubby: [Uhh...Father...]

Lara commented on the presence of Bubby, who was shivering immensely upon witnessing the death of his father in front of his eyes. All the bravery and willpower that was overflowing inside of him vanished in an instant the moment he witnessed the death of his father and his colleagues right in front of his eyes.

It was too much for a kid, and now he was forced to see it.

Robert: [Surround it so that it won't escape. Tino, kill it]

Tino: [I-I will do my utmost!]

As the four Heroes cornered the horrified Bubby, Tino stood with his sword brandished in his two hands.


Tino: [Hiya!]

Bubby: [Ack!]

The scared Bubby threw his club and ran away, only for Tino to slash at his back, causing the young Goblin to fall on the ground as his back bursted in blood.

Tino: [I did it!]

Robert: [It's not dead yet! Hurry up and finish it off properly!]

Robert ordered Tino to kill the crawling crippled Bubby, who was a mess of blood, snot and tears. Tino then kneeled on the ground and proceeded to stab Bubby in the back with his sword repeatedly.

Bubby: [Augh! Ack! Kuh! Gah! L-Let...Let me...Go...!]

And no matter how much Bubby pleaded for mercy, his body was stabbed over and over and over, causing a pool of blood to form underneath his bloody body, and with each stab, the pool enlarged even more.

Robert: [No matter how low and pathetic the class is, show absolutely no mercy for those who can't understand our justice! Don't ever hesitate to kill those imbeciles!]

Robert's roar shook Hestiaca and her Demon companions. Their fear completely overwhelming their senses.

To Sirius, however, it wasn't fear.

It was something else. A plethora of emotions blending like a mix of syrups placed together in one bottle.

Sirius: [No way...Those...Those are the Heroes of justice?!]

Rage, Shock, and...

Sirius: [Illogical, but...Logical at the same time. Interesting]


Under normal situations, a person who is a fanatic in Isekai genre would expect to see that Humans are the good side, and Demons are the bad one, but this isn't the case at all.

Sirius: [Interestingly though, this is not the time to be amused]

Yes, because this situation now... It's the complete other way around.

Hestiaca: [I'm going to surrender myself]

Plagus: [Hestiaca-sama?!]

Sirius: [Hm?]

Hestiaca stood up, her hair shadowing her eyes that was spilling out tears, and declared raising the white flag to the Heroes that were about to find her, causing Plagus, who the tears found their way to the corners of his eyes, to stand in front of her, which, as a result, caught the attention of the only Human with them.

Hestiaca: [If I did this, there is a chance they might spare you]

Plagus: [No, Hestiaca-sama! If you did this, you will suffer from a fate worse than death!]

Sirius: [Do not be an idiot. They did not show mercy to even the Goblin child that they massacred. How do you expect them to spare them? If anything, then you are wasting your own life, placing something as precious as this on the line, only for it to vanish in vain]

Hestiaca: [Tch! Then what the hell do you expect me to do?!]

With Plagus warning Hestiaca about her fate that would result from her action of submission to the Heroes, and Sirius' harsh words, Hestiaca shouted at the human, who didn't even flinch from her rage.

Sirius: [Plagus, is there anything we can use to repel them?]

Plagus: [There is nothing that we One Magatama Demons can do. We are so weak compared to even Guild Heroes]

As Sirius asked about the possibility of the existence of a method of defense, Plagus immediately shut him down, showing him the single Magatama located on the left side of his collar bone. The last two young male Goblins that were with them also showed him the single Magatama on their shoulders.

Sirius: [I do not need to read your minds to know that there is a way to protect yourselves, let alone myself as well, against those creatures. So hurry up. Each second we are wasting here facilitates our inevitable fate that is death]

However, Sirius didn't even buy it. He knew that there was something that they had, even without using his telepathy.

Plagus: [W-Well...There's nothing other than 'that' to use...]

Hestiaca: [Plagus!]

At that note, Plagus relented under Sirius' demand, causing Hestiaca to try and desperately stop him.

Sirius: [Hurry up. Say it]

Relenting in front of Sirius' persistence, Plagus took a deep breath, before speaking.

Plagus: [The Insignia]

Sirius: [The Insignia? What is that?]

Hearing the rather familiar name in a foreign world, Sirius inquired about its definition.

Plagus: [The Insignia is a power given from a Demon of the Royal Family by sharing their Ether Core with the opposite gender. The power obtained depends solely on its wielder's deepest desire. With Chishiki-dono, we can expect an extremely potent ability]

Sirius: [If you had something like that, then why did not you tell me about it earlier?]

Plagus: [Well...That's...]

After Sirius heard the explanation of this mysterious ability, he asked the million dollar question, which in turn caused Plagus to hesitate, as if it troubled him, before he decided otherwise and braced himself.

Plagus: [You...You won't be able to return to your original world forever]

Sirius: [Hm?]

After hearing the answer, a question mark appeared above Sirius' head.

Plagus: [The Insignia is an unbreakable contract between Master and their Manservant. By splitting their Ether Core's essence, the Master makes the person that is going to be the Manservant bound to their world forever, and Hestiaca-sama refused to reveal this because she didn't want you to be bound to a decision that you don't want]

It all made sense to Sirius now.

They are already in a dire situation, which would force to accept this foreign power, but by doing so, he will be stuck to this world forever, and won't be able to return home ever again.




Sirius: (...Home...?)

His mind suddenly raced upon saying the word 'Home' inside his head.

What was that home of his? And where was it to begin with?





Sirius: (Tch!)

Clicking his tongue inside his head, he realized that it was stupid to think twice about this matter.

He then turned around, facing Hestiaca.

Sirius: [Do it]

Hestiaca: [Eh?]

Hestiaca couldn't believe what she heard.

She then saw Sirius marching towards her, a serious look replacing his cold one, before he grasped both of her arms with his hands.

Sirius: [Hurry up! We do not have much time left!]

He repeated his request, which confirmed what Hestiaca had just heard.

Hestiaca: [W-Well...I don't care what happens to you next, though]

Sirius: [We will never know what will happen next unless we try, and honestly, I do not care about you having One Magatama or even a million. It is not conventional to me]

As he said those words with his trademark cold expression, Hestiaca realized that Sirius was trying to cheer her up, even if his method was awkward.

This made a smile crack on her face.

Hestiaca: [Very well. Close your eyes]

Sirius: [Very well]

As Hestiaca demanded this, Sirius complied, before he felt slender hands with long nails caressing his face. Judging by the position, Sirius deduced that she was shorter than him. While he was 175 cm, she was 165 cm, 10 cm shorter than him.

He quickly dismissed these thoughts when he felt her warm breath nearing his mouth. His body shivered slightly at this sensation, since it was the first time he ever felt something like this.

However, suddenly...

Sirius: [Augk...Ghk...]

He moaned in pain as he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left eye. It was then that he realized.

She had bit into his eye.

Not a moment later, he felt his entire body got on fire, as if a massive fever was suddenly inflicted on him, and in the same instant the heat came, it was gone, replaced by another sensation.

Warmth. Vigor. Absolute Power.

His left eye bled profusely, and he could swear that he felt something break inside of him.

Sirius: (I see...This is it, right.....Grand Mama...?)

His shackles...Are finally broken.

Sirius: (Raising brain capacity to 15%...)

And just like all shackles, he broke the shackles of his promise, and decided to use the dormant power inside of him alongside that new external power blazing in his body.

It. Is. On.


Alphonse: [Great job, little guy! You had it all done nicely!]

Lara: [That's right! You did well, Tino!]

Back with the Heroes, Alphonse and Lara were praising Tino, who was walking behind them with his sword drenched in the blood of the now deceased Bubby, whose corpse was now extremely mangled to the point where no one will be able to distinguish his shape at all.

Tino: [Yes! Thank you! I want to hurry up and become a great Hero like you all! So that I can help my parents who did everything in their being to raise me!]

Shackles breaking sound, yet the Heroes didn't seem to hear a thing at all.

Lara: [Teehee~ Tino always respects his elders, right?]

Tino: [Yes! I will do my--]

??: [Aerial Needle]

Tino: [Best--]

The sound of something crunching, then the sound of another thing hitting the ground.

The Heroes noticed this noise, causing them to spin around, before seeing what caused the noise, which caused the confident smiles on their faces to change into an expression of absolute unadulterated horror.

Right in front of them stood Tino, his bloody sword in both hands, except this time, however...

Tino: [...]

...His head was right beside his legs, an expression of shock plastered on his face that was spilling blood from everywhere. His eyes, his nostrils, his mouth and his ears.

Lara: [...Huh?]

Alphonse: [What the...?]

Robert: [What?]

As the Heroes were stunned from the death of their new companion, another event was occuring in the deepest room in the dungeon.

A look of amazement and surprise found itself on Hestiaca, Plagus and the two child Goblins.

Plagus: [Such power...]

Right in front of them stood Sirius, his arm extended towards the Magic Screen, but that wasn't what was different.

Aside from the massive aura of power and dominance surrounding him, Sirius' left eye had a drastic change.

It was dark blue instead of ocean blue, with the sclera being completely black, and numerous white helixes spun rapidly around the dark blue iris of said eye.

Now...It will be no longer the same for All Creation.

The Eye Of Akasha has just released itself for all to see.

Sirius: [Time for a counterattack]

And its master was known as...Sirius Chishiki, The Knowledge Sage.