
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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54 Chs

Chapter 30

Advanced Chapters at:


Another 100 stones to go and there will be an additional chapter.

Enjoy reading.


- Leon! Leon! - Esdeath tried to bring the boy back to consciousness.

Leon raised his head and the girl froze. His gaze was completely blank - he was looking at her, and tears began to flow from the young man's eye. Reaching out his hand and placing it gently against Esdeath's cheek, causing her incomprehension, he said...

- Sophie... - Leon uttered the name, after losing consciousness.

- Leon! - Esdeath laid the boy on his back and, opening the vial, poured the contents into his mouth.

At first nothing happened. The girl tried to check his pulse or temperature, but the guy was just unconscious.

- It seemed to be working. - Esdeath calmed down a bit and exhaled; everything had worked out and the guy would survive.

"But... who is Sophie?" - Esdeath's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw Anna along with Seria and the doctors carrying a stretcher.

- I hope you're happy now, Esdeath! - Anna addressed the girl in a menacing voice. - You nearly killed him!

The doctors ran over to the young man and began to carefully place him on the stretcher. They also went to the Fallen, who also needed medical attention.

- I admit it. I got a little carried away. - Esdeath agreed guiltily.

- That's an understatement for "carried away"! That's what you'll tell him if he wakes up. - said Anna, walking over to Leon's unconscious body and putting her hand on his forehead. - There's no temperature... Why are you standing up?! Get him to the infirmary! Seriu, you and Koro escort them. - Anna ordered the girl.

- Yes! - She saluted.

Seriu and the doctors began to carry Leon out of the arena, leaving the generals alone. The spectators began to disperse, realising that the fight was over. Esdeath wanted to follow the doctors, but then stopped and put her hands to her chest. She had almost killed her chosen one by forcing him to fight with poison in his blood. The girl got too involved in the battle, completely forgetting about her boyfriend's condition, and now felt guilt for what she had done. Esdeath wanted to apologise somehow, but until he came to his senses, it was impossible. But then a thought occurred to her.

- I'll take care of Leon until he wakes up.

That statement almost made Anna gasp for air. Her deputy had been forced to fight three teigu owners, and afterwards he had to fight for the poison antidote with the Empire's strongest general. Anna instantly had a response to that statement.

- Excluded. - replied the girl firmly.

- As if you could stop me. - Esdeath said with metallic notes in her voice.

- I don't know what's going on in your head. But after what you did to my deputy, I just can't let you near him. Not until he's back to normal. - Anna said, ignoring the tone of her interlocutor.

- I'm sorry..." Esdeath said quietly.

- Sorry for what...? - Anna asked the question, as she thought she had overheard.

- I'm sorry for what happened and I want to help Leon in some way. So I want to take care of him until he comes to his senses to apologise.

- You're sorry? - Anna was shocked, to say the least, for she didn't think the Ice Queen was capable of feelings such as regret. - There is something wrong here... There is another reason, and until I hear it, I will not let you look after Leon. - Anna demanded, realising that Esdeath had a different reason.

- He is... my lover. - Esdeath replied with a blush on her face.

Anna froze as if lightning had struck her, starting to blink stupidly. She wanted to say something, but her tongue just couldn't find the right words. Esdeath's words were taking a lot out of her, at this point Anna just pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Esdeath...in love..." - That fact just made her stop realising what she should do.

- We'll deal with it later... Better tell me, where did you put Murasame? - Anna shifted her uncomfortable topic as she needed some time to answer.

- What do you mean? I left him in the boxes. - Esdeath replied, folding her arms. - 'Didn't you pick it up?

- It wasn't in the boxes when we left.

- What do you mean it wasn't? It was there when I jumped into the arena. - Esdeath looked reproachfully and suspiciously at Anna, glancing at the box from which she had landed.

- Wait, I mean... Who took Murasame!


[Night Raid Base]

The atmosphere at the Raid base was heavy. After Shelly and Mein died, no one was having any fun anymore. Just when they thought they could get back to work, their comrades were killed on a mission... by the One-Eyed Demon. It felt like he was taunting them in this way. First killing Bulat, then catching Tatsumi, and then killing Main and Shelly. The paranoia had begun, and the feeling that this man was anticipating their actions made it seem more and more true each time. And it was beyond frightening. With Shelley and Mein dead, Najenda had given the necessary order - lay low. They couldn't afford to lose any more comrades.

Most of the Reid went about their business, but more often than not, training, especially Akame. However, they were no longer as inspiring as they used to be, giving the illusion that they were getting stronger. Leone's been drinking heavily; Lubbock's been replaced, he just walks around the base and checks his threads, not trying to peek at the girls; Tatsumi... he just doesn't know what to do, and blames himself for the deaths of his fellow soldiers, even though he's not really to blame; Akame is constantly training and improving; Chelsea just does her job, going into town, catching up on the news and getting information.

And on one such day, Chelsea brought a flyer announcing that the One-Eyed Demon would be fighting the Fallen. This news surprised everyone, and Leone, Lubbock, and Chelsea decided to go and see the fight after all.

So Akame and Tatsumi were sitting in the kitchen waiting for their comrades to return, while cooking a meal. At that moment, a happy Leone runs into the kitchen.

- Akame! You won't believe what we got!

Akame gave Leone an interested look, and the girl grinned contentedly and stepped aside, letting Chelsea pass, who was holding a katana in her hand with a smile on her face. Akame grabbed the sword and immediately pulled it from its sheath. It was him, her teigu, Murasame. Then Najenda walked into the kitchen along with Lubbock.

- But how! - Asked a surprised Tatsumi. - He's supposed to be...

- I don't know why, but Leon fought against the Fallen without a teigu. And when the opportunity arose, Chelsea simply snatched the sword from the lodge.

- However... he didn't really need it. - said Lubbock.

- What do you mean? - Najenda clarified.

- He defeated the Fallen... three teigu wielders... without the teigu.

That news made everyone tense up. Even without a teigu, this man was still incredibly strong. Najenda tried to use Revolutionary Army Intelligence to find out more about him, but he just appeared out of thin air.

- And that's not all. - Leone continued. - He also fought on equal footing with Esdeath herself. I have no idea how to defeat this monster.

- I will defeat him. - Akame said, looking at the blade of her teigu.

- Akame, I understand, but..." Lubbock paused, "He's already defeated you once, and this time he defeated three teigu owners. And though he fell unconscious in the end, he held his own against Esdeath for a long time.

- I agree with our pervert. Even I have no idea how to do it. - said Leone.

- No matter how strong he is. He's still human. There's a heart beating in his chest. And if that's the case, I'll kill him! Avenge all those whose lives he took.

Everyone immediately cheered - Murasame's ability to kill a person with just one scratch was no joke. Therefore, Akame was the only one who could kill the One-Eyed Demon. She's the trump card of the revolution.


"It's that forest again." - Leon thought as he stood in the middle of the path.

The same forest surrounded him. Tall trees whose leaves covered the sky, casting shadows on the ground. The trampled path that led to that ill-fated building. But there were changes, too - the sounds of birds singing and the wind swaying the branches of the trees. Looking up at the sky, he saw birds flying overhead. It was different, and that scream that called to him was gone. However, that was what was frightening.

- Schönes Wetter. (*Good weather.) - turned to the lad.

Leon turned around in surprise and wanted to grab his katana, but he didn't have it. In front of Leon stood a rather elderly man, wearing a strict black suit and the same colour hat.

- Hab keine Angst. Es ist nur ein Traum. (*Don't be afraid. It's only a dream.) - he began to reassure. - Vielleicht der letzte Traum an diesem Ort. (*Maybe the last dream in this place.) - the man paused and also looked up at the sky, and then shifted his gaze to Leon. - Lass uns einen kleinen Spaziergang machen?" he suggested.

Leon looked suspiciously at the strange man, but remembering the question, he answered anyway:

- Natürlich, warum nicht. (*Of course, why not.)

The stranger nodded and walked down the path with Leon. He was silent for a while, but then he asked a question:

- Und wie? Magst du diesen Ort? (*So? Do you like this place?).

- Es ist schwer zu sagen. Es ist nur ein Wald. (*It's hard to say. It's just a forest.)

- Es ist lustig. Nun, ich werde mich nicht verstecken - das ist dein Unterbewusstsein. (*Funny. Well, I'll keep it to myself - it's your subconscious.)

- Es ist ziemlich... ruhig hier. (*It's pretty... quiet here.)

- Du kennst, Leon, du bist eine ziemlich starke moralische Person. Du warst schon immer so. Und Sie sehen, ich bin nur hierher gekommen, weil Sie ohnmächtig wurden und es eine Lücke in Ihrer psychologischen Barriere gab. Ich wollte dich früher treffen, aber leider... (*You know, Leon, you're a pretty strong moral man. You've always been like that. And you see, I only came here because you passed out and there was a gap in your psychological barrier. I wanted to meet you earlier, but alas...)

The strange man interrupted when they reached a stone fence hung with wire. After running his eyes along it, the man turned left and addressed Leon:

- Lass uns gehen. (*Let's go.)

- Wie heißen Sie?

- Ich... du kannst mich Richard nennen. (*I... you can call me Richard.)

Leon and Richard reached the gate, and the sign was still in place with the same name, "Lebensborn". They were still closed, but Richard, walking up to them, took out a key and unlocked them.

- Wie?... (*How?...) - Leon asked.

- Sehr einfach. (*Very simple.) - the man replied, and then went through the gate.

Leon followed Richard. The man walked along the path, while the young man looked round the grounds.

- Erinnerst du dich an diesen Ort? (*Remember this place?) - Richard asked.

Leon wanted to answer, but he was interrupted by a shout.

- Leon! Leon! Schau hier! (*Leon! Leon! Leon! Look here!) - shouted the girl.

- Sophie, du kannst fallen! (*Sophie, du kannst fallen!) - the boy shouted back.

Leon turned round and froze. There was a girl of about twelve or thirteen sitting in a tree, shouting to a boy who looked to be fifteen.

"It's... because I..." - Leon thought.

- Ich sehe, du hast dich selbst erkannt. (*I see you recognise yourself.)

Leon was no longer listening. The young man watched as he, still very young, told off the girl who had already come down from the tree. Walking up to them, he wanted to touch them, but they just vanished.

- Nein... Nein-Nein-Nein-Nein-Nein!!!

Leon burst out of his seat. He remembered... remembered what he was made to forget.

Reaching the building, he slowly opened the door and walked inside. The entire corridor was covered in blood, with the bodies of scientists, Lebensborn employees, and SS soldiers lying everywhere. Walking down the corridor and stepping over the corpses, the young man looked for the operating theatre, and when he found it, he went to the door and took hold of the handle with trembling hands.

The door began to creak open. Stepping inside, Leon saw what he had been so afraid of. He was lying young, crouched in a fetal position, holding the hand of Sophie, who would never call him again....

Leon sat down on the nearest chair and covered his eye. He remembered all the emotions he had experienced that day - horror, anger and grief. The young man covered his face with his hands and tears came from his eyelids. Clenching his palms into a fist, he punched the wall so that it cracked, just to calm his anger.

- Also... jetzt erinnerst du dich?

Leon opened his eye. He was no longer in the operating theatre, but in the park, sitting on a bench under a tree. Richard was sitting next to him and expressed no emotion, just stared into the distance.

- Ja... ich erinnerte mich. (*Yes... I remember.) - Leon replied, lowering his head.

- Möchten Sie es mir sagen? (*Would you like to tell me?) - Richard asked.

Leon remained silent for a while and just kept staring at the ground. He was remembering all those events that had started six years ago....


Leon was only twelve then, he had a family: his mum, his dad and his little sister... Sophia. It was only the beginning of July then, his parents had given their children money and sent them off to run to the bakery to buy something for themselves. When Leon and his sister returned, they saw policemen walking around outside their house and people crowding around. And when they were able to approach, they saw their parents...dead. Sophie had always radiated nothing but joy, her mother even called her "little sunshine", but that day she cried all the time, calling for her mum and dad, not believing they were dead, and Leon tried to comfort her as best he could.

Apart from their parents, Leon and Sophie had no-one else, so they were moved to an orphanage. Realising that his sister was his only family, Leon looked after and cared for her all the time and every time he was afraid of losing her like his parents. So they spent three years in the orphanage, making friends, getting into trouble and just living - it was quite peaceful times. Until the military came. They lined the children up and started checking each of them, looking for pure-blooded Aryans. And Leon and Sophia were one of them.

The Lebensborn Children's Home was a very different orphanage from the one they had grown up in. Boys and girls were divided into separate rooms and were only allowed to see each other when they were free from medical examinations and lessons. At Lebensborn, the children were made into "true Aryans". Sophie did not like it there at all, she always said when she saw Leon that she wanted to go back to the old orphanage, but he could only say: "It's all right, you have nothing to be afraid of".

When the scientists who worked with the children succeeded in breeding "true Aryans", they decided to move on to the next stage - "crowned". Creating invincible super-soldiers who would lead the Third Reich to victory. Interestingly enough, they tried to create such soldiers under the Kaiser during World War I to change the balance of power in favour of the German Empire. But the loss of the Entente countries forced to freeze this project, until the Nazis came to power. Experiments resumed, and now the scientists of the Reich were going to do what the scientists of the Empire had failed to do. Leon was forced to go through many experiments, but in the end they got what they wanted - they got the "crowned one".

Leon was kept in a room with barred windows and an iron door. He kept asking and begging the doctors to let him see his sister, but all he heard were prohibitions. And one ill-fated night Leon heard a scream that he would have recognised from a thousand. Sophie was calling out to him, asking for help. So he pretended like he was really sick, letting out heartbreaking screams, and as the door to his room opened and the doctors prepared to give the guy medical attention, Leon ran out of his cell in a flash and ran towards the scream. The staff and guards tried to stop him, but with his newfound speed and strength it was almost impossible. And when he burst into the operating theatre, he was confronted with a sight he could only see in a nightmare. Sophie, surrounded by doctors and scientists, was lying on the operating table, blood flowing from her mouth and empty eyes like tears. When the scientists saw the guy, they immediately started backing away, covering each other. It was not surprising - it was at that moment that Leon's left eye lit up with blue fire for the first time. Emotions overwhelmed the guy. He went to his sister's body and took her hand, believing that she was still alive. But...she wasn't.

That night, all of Lebensborn was stained with blood. Scientists, doctors, staff, soldiers - Leon killed everyone, leaving no one alive. Then for him, everyone who worked in that orphanage had to die. And when no one was left, Leon returned to his sister's body and, taking her hand, lay down beside her and did nothing more.

It was only a day later that the soldiers arrived at Lebensborn. And the sight before them made most of them vomit - a heap of torn bodies and a sea of blood. Then they found a single boy lying next to the corpse of a little girl. However, despite the incident, the leadership of the Ahnenerbe was not going to abandon the project, they preferred to quietly hush it up and try again. Leon during that period was like a doll: he neither ate nor drank, and was just in a depressed, paralysed state, but the top of the Ahnenerbe was not going to get rid of him. He was one of the few children who could become "crowned" - a super-soldier. By any means necessary, but they had to make the kid a loyal soldier of the Reich.

It was already perfectly clear to the scientists that Leon had a psychological trauma. Professional psychologists tried to work with him, but it was like a wall. There seemed to be no solution to the problem, but soon it was found. Only not in Germany, but in Japan.

Unit 731 - a special unit of the Japanese armed forces, conducted research in the field of biological weapons and experiments on living people. Scientists from the Ahnenerbe would never have sought help from Japan if it weren't for one professor, Ikozawa Nokuro, who was involved in research into mind manipulation. Initially, the Aenerbe leadership tried to invite the professor to Germany, where he would change Leon's mind, but the professor, as if knowing who he would have to treat, said in response that they should take the boy to Japan. The idea of taking the "crowned one" to Japan for treatment and study at the same time seemed absurd, but they took this step when it was proved to them that even if the Japanese pumped all the blood out of the "crowned one" it would not help them. After all, only a pure-blooded Aryan can become "crowned".

As a result, at the age of sixteen Leon was sent to Japan, where they were engaged in his treatment. Ikozawa Nokuro, as was agreed, was to manipulate the mind to change Leon's memory and make him a loyal soldier of the Reich. And the man fulfilled their request, while not refusing to try to indoctrinate Leon with additional knowledge - mastery of katana, archery, etc., as well as knowledge of traditions, culture and history of Japan. However, because Germany was preparing for war, all the knowledge indoctrinated into Leon's brain was directly related to war, refusing to indoctrinate him with the theory of a racially pure state and the superiority of the Aryan race.

In fact, what happened next was what happened next. Leon obeyed the orders he was given without question, serving the Great Reich. Until the portal incident.


- "Es gibt nichts Schlimmeres, als Menschen in Ihrer Nähe zu verlieren. Dieser Verlust, was zu solchen Schmerzen im Herzen und Angst in der Seele gibt, dass Gott bewahre jemand es ein zweites Mal zu erleben." Es scheint, als wären dies deine Worte. (*"There is nothing worse than losing people close to you. It's a loss that creates such pain in the heart and anguish in the soul that God forbid anyone should experience it a second time." I think those are your words :)

"That's right... I said them to Sera as she mourned for those she'd lost."

- Antworte mir, Leon. Jetzt, wo du dich daran erinnert hast, wie du dich fühlst? (*Answorte me, Leon. Now that you've remembered everything, how do you feel?) asked Richard.

- Verlust... Als ob ein Teil meiner Seele von mir gerissen worden wäre. (*Loss... As if a part of my soul had been torn away from me.) - answered Leon.

- Aber zur selben Zeit. Du lebst noch. (*But at the same time. You're still living.) - Richard pointed out.

- Als meine Schwester starb... schien die Welt für mich nicht mehr zu existieren. Aber ich wollte keinen Selbstmord begehen - schließlich wollte meine Schwester es definitiv nicht. (*When my sister died... the world seemed to no longer exist for me. But I didn't want to commit suicide - after all, my sister certainly wouldn't have wanted that).

- Was wirst du tun, wenn du aufwachst? (*What will you do when you wake up?)

- Ich... werde ihr Grab aufstellen, um sie zu besuchen. (*I... will... put a grave for her, so I can visit her.)) replied Leon, and a sad smile appeared on his face.

- Dann lass uns gehen. Es ist Zeit für uns. (*Then let's go. We have to go.)

The terrain changed again. It was night, there was not a cloud in the sky, and it was possible to see the stars that glittered in the sky. And also a house that Leon knew well - his family home.

- Gehen. (*Go.) - Richard said.

Leon opened the door and stepped inside. He didn't really remember the house he had lived in with his family six years ago. On the threshold there was a shoe cabinet and a wardrobe for outerwear, going further there was a living room, in the middle there was a wide table, on the walls on both sides hung paintings.

"What am I even doing here?" - Leon wondered.

- Leon? Leon, bist du das?

Leon froze, he knew which room the voice was coming from. Walking to the door, the young man took a deep breath before stepping inside.


The girl was lying on the bed, covered by a blanket, looking at Leon with concern.

- Leon, warum weinst du? (*Leon, why are you crying?) the girl asked.

He came to her, wiping away her tears, and, sitting down on his knee, began to stroke her head.

- Von einem Albtraum geträumt. (*Nightmare dream.) - Leon replied, smiling gently at her.

- Ich mag keine Albträume, sie sind beängstigend. (*I don't like nightmares. They are scary.)

- Ich auch. Warum schläfst du nicht? (*I too. Why don't you sleep?)

- Ich habe Angst. Hier ist es dunkel. Was ist, wenn ein Monster erscheint? (*I'm scared. It's dark here. What if a monster appears?) replied Sophie, covering herself with a blanket.

- Er wird nicht erscheinen, weil ich dich beschützen werde. (*He will not appear because I will keep you safe.)

- Kannst du mich wirklich beschützen? (*Will you really be able to protect me?)

- Ich werde dich auf jeden Fall beschützen. Jetzt geh ins Bett. (*I will definitely protect you. Now go to bed.) - Leon asked, gently covering Sophie with a blanket.

- Leon. - she turned to him.

- Was ist?

- Du bist mein liebster älterer Bruder. (*You are my most favourite older brother.)

Leon went up to Sophie again, and after kissing her forehead before going to sleep, he left his sister's room, closing the door behind him.

Leaving the house, Leon walked over to Richard, who continued to stand in the same spot.

- Das ist das Mindeste, was ich tun kann. Aber ich hoffe das hilft dir ein wenig. Leider ist es Zeit aufzuwachen. (*This is the least I can do. But I hope it helps you a little. Unfortunately, it's time to wake up.)

- Danke... Aber trotzdem. Wer bist du eigentlich? (*Thank you... But still. Who are you really?)

- Ich... nun, du kannst mich nennen - Person aus Träumen. (*I... well, you can call me - Person aus Träumen.)

- Danke... - Leon thanked him once more before he disappeared in a white flash.


Leon's eye began to droop. Looking up at the ceiling, he immediately realised he was in his mansion. His first thoughts were of the dream he had had. Remembering the details, a smile appeared on his face - he was able to meet his sister, albeit in a dream.

After lying down for a while longer to get his thoughts in order, he was about to get up, but felt something resting on him. Looking at his chest, Leon's eyes almost went wide.

- ?.. - Leon could only squeeze out a laugh at what he saw.