
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Devil's deal

Deep inside a forest close to the capital of chester kingdom. Five figures could be seen in the forest all of them where together seemingly discussing something.

"Are you sure attacking the capital when the witches are there is such a good idea? We are going to loose our forces with the witches fighting you Know. One of the men said".

"I don't want them to attack the capital fully I just need them to cause a distraction".

"A distraction for what if I may ask".

"That's non of your business, just do as I say

"You seem to have forgotten two things Lord Gvens" one of the Other men said to the man holding a sword.

"One, wendigos even though they are strong creatures, they don't grow on trees and the second thing is, well I don't work for you". The man with the antlers known as Fig replied.

"So until you intend to tell me what exactly you plan on doing the wendigos won't attack until I say so".

"There are fourteen witches in the capital currently and there's no way we can attack recklessly without Putting them on our trail".

"Oh so the great demon Fig is afraid of mere witches". Gvens said snickering

Fig laughed at Gvens comment as he approached the nobelman.

"You are a fool if you are not afraid of the witches of Une and a even bigger one if Kim the blood witch doesn't scare you. Unless you give me a good reason to change the plan we won't attack carelessly". Fig replied

"Sigh.. I'll sweeten my end of the deal, just help me with this, just this onece" Gvens said as Fig walked away.

The greedy demon heard this and was delighted to hear Gvens was willing to sweeten the already sweet pot.

Gvens had made a deal with Fig some months back. Fig uses chester for his experiments and test runs various diabolical experiments with the help of Gvens and in return Fig helps Gvens in crippling the kingdom enough for him to stage a coup. Just as iron sharpens iron, madness also sharpens madness. The game changer for everything had been when Fig had somehow gotten his hands on an amulet that could control monsters. It helped both of them get what they wanted faster but while Fig got everything he needs, Gvens still needed more time to take over the kingdom. When his son had died in Une during an emissary mission, Gvens almost lost his mind, it was a shame since it haboured his plan. And now since the person behind is pain was in reach he wanted to take his revenge and the kingdom will be his consolation prize. He threw a rench in his original plan and came up with a new one that will help him actualize his goals.

"How will you sweeten the pot" Fig asked Gvens curiously.

"What if you get to experiment with the body of a young and vibrant witch".

"Hmmm that sounds interesting, a live one"? Fig asked.

"No, dead" Gvens replied.

"Done that already and I can say it was fun the first 10 times" Fig replied with disappointment.

"But if you were to deliver her to me alive then I'll help you".

"No way, she's mine" Gvens replied.

"Oooh, it seems like it's personal for you" Fig replied

"But don't worry I'll make sure she gets special attention from me. Enough to satisfy your vengeful desires".

"No" Gvens replied once again

"Then we have no deal" Fig replied.

Gvens bit his tongue as he considered going on with his plan without the demons help, but with that many witches around, failure will be and understatement when describing the events that will transpire if he did things on his own.

"Wait"! Gvens called on Fig

"You get her alive but I'll be there when you want to start your project and will help in torchuring her"

"And risk you damaging the specimen, no way, and you seem to be getting what I do wrong, I don't torchure them I carrying out experiments, I'm not some savage that goes around putting holes in people for no good reason.

If I get the sample, the best I can do is give you front row seats to witness my work first hand, I can even give you some pointer if you want. But you won't touch the sample". Fig said as if referring to animals.

"Alright" Gvens finally agreed as he felt arguing with the demon was a waste of time he didn't have.