
Chapter 19: Farthery Naga

Slowly waking up Aizza blurry eyesight landed on the naga who was snuggling up close with a peaceful look on his face, she poked his face. His face scrunches up as he slept "Wake up, I wanna make food" Aizza says slowly her eyesight clearer than before. It took a while to wake up the giant snake man, he hisses at Aizza in displeasure "I am going to make food for us since I had a bountiful harvest yesterday" Aizza stated, Shuksess lifted his eyebrow in question but he let her out of his coils.

Aizza passed the egg to Shuksess, he hissed in delight as he holds the egg with a proud look on his face "I'll go get some firewood" Aizza stated before leaving, Shuksess kept his eye on his little egg. Aizza walked quite a bit away from the cave looking for some dead trees, it took a while as it is barely even sunrise. Pink light shines out through the whole forest as Aizza squinted her eyes as she scanned every tree and log her eyes lay upon.

Even if she ain't sure she would even get closer to the tree and sniff it to see how much life it had left, as the goddess of life she can tell how much longer any living organism will live for even humans have a set death date. For example, this glowing blue mushroom will only live a few more days and its uses are curing inertial damage to the liver with a few other ingredients it can be a lifesaver.

Every herb in this forest has its uses even if they are deemed useless by humans and monsters. Even red flowers that look like poppies have a sleeping effect on humans and monsters in this world. Aizza waltz up to a huge ash grey tree that was at the end of its life, it is only attached to the stump of the base with a few wood pieces. Aizza looked at the poor tree in sorrow, to be honest, everything on this planet is her babies since she made them from nothing even killing that scum bag from before hurt her fragile heart.

"May you rest in peace my sweet child" she whispered to the tree as the last of it life force drained out, gently stroking the tree before knocking it down with a powerful kick to the base. A loud snap was heard as the tree fall to the right cause a loud thud, making the nearby magical beast run away or fly away in terror.

Putting her gauntlets on she punches at the huge log breaking them into pieces, she holds her hand out as if she was about to slap but hit the middle of the tree logs to spilt them in half. Picking up all the firewood she put them away in her storage ring. Aizza walked back the way she came and started a fire outside the cave with her flame of life and the logs she got from the old tree, she set up a few other sticks to hold the Yellow-tailed Deer which has been skinned and gutted, controlling the tempter of her flames the whole Deer was cooked after half an hour.

"Shuksess come on out" She called for the naga who hold the egg lovingly, he sticks his tongue out to smell the roasted meat of a deer, he nodded his head in approval "I usually eat them raw but this is a nice change" He hisses out each word. Aizza nod thoughtfully as she cuts the meat off the bone for herself and Shuksess as he holds onto the one-foot size egg in his arms.

Putting his portion on a large leaf she gobbled down her share, Shuksess put the egg in his coils as he dug into his food as well not showing any manners at all as he ate like a starving animal. She can hear him hissing in delight as he ate "If you want some more I got a few more in my inventory" She let him know, his eyes sparkled. Bringing out three more Yellow-Tail deer Shuksess ate them in a blink of an eye, Aizza lightly laughed at the hungry snake.

"I'll miss you" he hissed as he holds the egg in his arms again, Aizza thought for a moment "If I had a way to bring you with me, I would bring you" Aizza stated truthfully. The naga kept holding onto the egg for dear life "I would be leaving soon before those humans that I came with come looking for me" Aizza stated, the naga nodded solemnly, a flash of light pass through his eyes for a moment "We could make a pact" He hissed, Aizza looked at him confused "A pact?" she question "Its when two individuals make a blood relationship and they both agree. It's like a master and servant relationship" Shuksess explained.

Aizza thought about it "So you are saying that I can say that I tamed you into my magical beast pet?" she asked not knowing how else to word it, Shuksess flicked his tongue annoyingly before nodding his head. Scratching her head "The sure, is it similar to what we did earlier?" she asks and Shuksess nodded again. Cutting her hand thick flood slowly flowed out of the wound, Shuksess did the same to his right hand and then they shake search hands, a yellow light appeared quickly before vanishing.

A new stats screen showed up, Pet status it read.

Pet Status

Current pet: 1

Name: Shuksess

Race: Naga

Age: 2078

Gender: Male

Str: 198

Def: 283

Spe: 305

"Wow, you are pretty strong, Even for body refinement" Aizza complimented, Shuksess had a look of pride spread across his face. "Shuksess has been seriously injured for the past century" He hisses out, shocking Aizza. She thought so that's why he is still at body refinement or was reduced to this state. Thinking about it carefully before asking "Was your cultivation level at saint before?" she asks curiously, Shuksess nodded his head "I was once the owner of these woods" He informs her.

Letting him carried the egg he follows right behind her, she would have to fly up and over the trees to see if she was heading the right way from time to time. There were a few beasts who wanted to hunt her down as prey but they all died by her hands or by Shuksess Tail whipping at them. He would offend check the egg after the fight to make sure it was okay.

It was almost sunset by the time they met up with the driver and her escort. The Hazel eyed teen drawn his sword as soon as he saw the naga following Aizza, her seeing this quick movement she quickly spoke "Don't kill him, I made a beast pact with him" she exclaimed as her arms are spread open to 'protect' the Naga from her escort blade.

He slowly lowered down the blade, smiling Aizza enters the carriage "Pass me the egg please" she said as she holds out her arm to take the future death god into a warm embrace. Shuksess passed her the egg with a pout on his face as he goes to the other side of the carriage, closing the carriage door she snuggled with the egg while cultivating he qi to her organs and bones once more.

After a few hours, she took a break feeling her body get more sturdy than it was before. Humming softly as she speaks to the egg "You will make a fine death god one day" she quietly tells the egg as she strokes it. It took a long while before they headed back into town and when they did they stop by the mayor's mansion, Aizza opens the door and hands the egg to Shuksess then she proceeds to pull some yellow-tailed deer out of her inventory and gave it to the Hazel eyed teen.

"Feed some to Shuksess and give the rest to the kitchen" she ordered in a stern tone, he nodded rashly as he quickly follows behind the servant that was slithering into the mansion with the egg. She stepped out of the carriage and paid the driver handsomely before taking off to the village butcher to drop off 10 yellow-tailed deer.

Walking into the shop a fierce-looking middle-aged man with a long black mustache eye widen upon her appearance "What brings you here today Mayor Aizza" He stuttered as he blinked wildly "I came to drop off some game I caught" Aizza replied as she drops ten bodies on the floor of the butcher shop, making his eyes bulge in shock "You are very kind Miss Aizza" he flattered her before taking the body to the back to be butchered and sold.

Leaving without another word Aizza left the shop and causally walked back to the mayor manner to do piles of paperwork.

There will be multiple uploads on the 13 of November since it's my Birthday. Also Happy Friday the 13th everyone :)

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts