
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

vs Clementine.


"Hmm this is certainly interesting"

Ainz expressed as he watched the city of E-Rantel in chaos. The boy that was with him was fast asleep back in the camp they set up. It took a bit longer than expected to arrive at the city so in the interest of the boy's health Ainz set up camp for him to sleep, however he immediately sensed large amounts of Negative energy and had to check it out, he quickly cast a barrier around the camp and put the boy in a deep sleep via a spell and stationed some undead to guard him and moved towards the negative energy.

Looking over the city from the top of a building he observed an army of undead wreak havoc throughout the city, adventurers did their best to defend the citizens but it seems that they were slowly being overwhelmed with the exception of a few skilled ones who defend The adventurers guild that seemed to be filled with people, it looked to be the only safe location in the city.

"saving this city guarantees my Orichalcum rank and maybe even Adamantite rank"

With that in mind, he. He proceeded to jump down and started to cut down and undead he met and savings the civilians, it. Was important that they see him doing heroic acts that way his Orichalcum rank will be given to him with no complaints.

Bodies of adventurers laid strewn across the ground with a few being piled up and Clementine using them as make shift chairs. She was currently at the gates of the cemetery, this was the best place to be since any competent adventurers would be able to realize the source of the undead was the cemetery, it was the perfect place to have all her prey come to her.

"man are all the adventurers here trash?"

She asked to no one in particular, on her hand she held a viciously pointy and sharp blade that she twirled around her fingers as means to satiate her boredom, the scores of adventurers beneath her had done nothing for her, they barely managed to have her wet, although there was one particular caster that screamed his lungs out, his voice almost sounded feminine but even then it wasn't enough.

"Oh! Khajit's plan is finally taking shape"

She exclaimed as the dead adventurers suddenly began to move and slowly stand up. Their wounds hadn't healed, and the way they moved was sluggish. They had become undead. More skeletal undead began pouring out the gate, and she was forced to stand as the bodies she used as seats began to move as well.

Jumping up, she then landed on the wall of the cemetery and got a nice view of the city and the chaos. Fires had sprung up everywhere, and sounds of fighting and screaming echoed into the night. A smile made itself known to her face.

"it was always better to hunt my prey anyway"

She prepared to jump down however the undead that were filling the streets that lead to the cemetery were suddenly mowed down by a spinning projectile that cut threw the air at speeds inconceivable by the human eye, generating enough wind and shock to completely destroy the undead skeletons, the spinning projectile slammed onto the wall and got stuck on it, it was a great sword and it had slammed right beneath her. Looking at the direction it came from, she saw a tall man in black armor and Red cape, it was full plate mail covering his whole body.

"Oh a strong one appeared!!"

She smiled widely, she could tell at a glance that he was not weakling however he was nowhere near her level, the slightly strong are the ones with the most confidence and once that confidence is broken they produce the most satisfying screams. She jumped down and landed at the exact spot she was seated on earlier.

"Are you the mastermind of this incident?"

His voice was oozing confidence and assurance, she guessed he had no doubt in his mind that he would defeat her, she caught herself getting aroused at the mere anticipation of what is to come.

"and if I am?"

"Then you are my foe"

"Humph! Arrogance is the downfall of many"

"the exact same words apply to you as well"

"you got a got a lot of balls to say that to me, and you'll regret it."

With her mood now ruined, Clementine undid her robe and let it fall to the ground revealing her sexy and lithe figure, Ainz simply took a stance that had his great sword parallel to ground and pointed at her, if anything this was a learning opportunity after all he has zero close combat skills so he needs a teacher even if they're involuntary.

The silence that befell them had caused the background noise to be ever apparent. However, both of them ignored it as they focused on each other. Clementine thought to test the waters a bit. As an Adamantite level fighter, she had full confidence in her abilities.

She moved, and she sped forward with a swiftness, fluidity, and grace of a cat, closing the distance between her and her opponent, fast. Ainz swung his sword as she had made it close to his range however she quickly ducked her head avoiding the swing, however Ainz stopped the blade mid swing and swung it down following her head and aiming for a shoulder, clementine quickly side stepped to dodge before jumping back to her original position dodging another swing at her torso.

'That great sword is pretty large, yet he holds like it was a twig, this getting me excited!'

She thought in excitement as she observed, she had initially thought that he was only bit strong and that it would be light work but it looks like this was actually going to be a bit rough but that was fine, his defenses look impenetrable thanks to the plate mail but she can already see through it and has a proper plan of attack.

"what's wrong aren't you going to attack?"

"Rushing to you own death is never good by that I mean you, if you want me to kill you so badly I'm happy to oblige, just ensure that your screams are enough to make me hard."

"Ah so you're a man?"

"What? No, I am a woman. Getting hard also applies to women you know"

An odd feeling of exasperation washed over her as her excitement was suddenly ruined. She scowled and decided not to entertain this fool any longer. Taking out two of her especially sharp daggers, she prepared to go in for a second attack, another trial run before going for the kill.

Ainz noted her change in stance the moment she took out those daggers, she didn't seem to be carrying anything else with her as such he theorizes that she was mostly likely someone who relied on agility and speed, she was closer to an assassin in terms of class. This meant she'll most likely go for his weak points, which are the joint in his armor and the open visor of his helmet.

Clementine spun one of her daggers in her hand before opening the space between her legs wide. She crouched a bit.

"martial art: ability boost"

She said before she sprung forth in a great burst of speed quickly reaching her opponent in a second, Ainz reacted by swinging his blade at her torso however she bent backwards dodging his attack and bypassed him completely, she immediately halted herself as soon as she was behind him and turned in a swift motion, she aimed her dagger at the back of his knee, aiming to cripple him and make it impossible for him to run. However, the leg came straight to her as Ainz delivered an impromptu heel kick. Seeing this, she quickly dashed back, avoiding the kick to her stomach.

"Oh now we're getting somewhere, but I'm going to need you to be faster than that if you want to break my defense"

"is that a challenge?"

"Take it how you will"

Clementine needs not to be told as she crouched down in a feline like stance bending her back inward whilst lifting her rump higher.