
Ainz Having fun in the New World

Momong gets transported to a new world alone with Shalltear and Albedo ,no Nazzarick but he does have the staff of Ainz Ool Gown with him, what could this mean? ........ Ainz X Albedo X Shalltear Ainz has a non-undead body Ainz didn't alter Albedo’s settings to love him so none of that remorse he has about it in canon bur he did removed that part about her being a slut Ainz becomes daddy Ainz in the future. I will try to write a good story that isn't ridiculous, the will he divergence from Canon not alot but enough

Xinum_Sensational · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

chapter 9

"Mou Lord Ainz why does she get to stay with you while I'm going back to that dirty village"

Shalltear crossed her arms and pouted as she complained at the unfair circumstances she's been given, while she has grievances about staying and managing carne Village she wouldn't really say no to a request from her lord, the reaction she had right now was more of an attempt to appear cute and further seduce her master.

"Do not worry Shalltear, I will visit regularly plus the fortress should be enough to meet your standards of living"

Ainz spoke to ease her worries, though he did find her to be cute. It has been around  3 days since he arrived at the castle, Currently, they were at a high-end inn recommended by the king, and thanks to being special guests of the king they didn't have to worry about the duration of their stay, although Ainz found it hard to accept this so he went back to carne village and used a cash shop item to make the spell [create fortress] indefinite usually the spell only lasts a few days but with a cash shop item He could easily bypass that restriction.

Currently, Ainz was wearing a full set of plate mail armor colored black with gold lining edges and a crimson red cape, he looked quite like a veteran warrior with a great deal of experience.

"Shalltear acting like a child is beneath you as a guardian and besides it's not like you don't understand why you're returning to carne village unless I underestimated your ineptitude. then again your body matches your childlike attitude "

Albedo chided the vampire while also adding an insult, Ainz has not had much contact with women but and has tried to understand them from the interaction of these two he found out that it was a fool's errand to try. He couldn't understand their relationship are they hated enemies or best friends, they seem to get along fine when it was night time and try to seduce him but during the day it was a different story

-frenemies perhaps?-

Speaking of seduction He feels that he will most likely end up giving in, he tries his best to resist but Shalltear and Albedo are top-tier women in fact Albedo is his type, and it's only a matter of days until he lays with them but if that were to happen what would he say to his friends? What excuse would he give for defiling their creations?

A small tinge of anger Rose within him as he bit the inner part of his cheek, he can't really blame them for choosing real life over a game, logically they weren't at fault but logic has no play when it comes to emotions and nothing could help it. He tightened his hand balling it into a fist. A better question he should be asking is how will he satisfy the two women. A Virgin like him with hardly any experience with women has no way to satisfy women.

"A worthless hag like you could never understand the charms of a petite beauty like myself your only selling point is those utters that are sure to sag in a few years."

Shalltear bit back returning the insult causing Albedo to frown as a purple aura radiated off her body however, she was able to reign in her anger before placing her delicate hand near her mouth and speaking with a condescending smile on her face.

"Jealousy is not a flattering look but I suppose not everyone can be as well endowed as I  perhaps instead of Jealousy you should ask for advice"

Albedo's response caused the vampire to take a critical hit, Shalltear had no response to return and that hurt her pride, all she could do was seethe and cope, that condescending smile infuriated her to no end.

"Fucking gorilla I'll kill you!!"

Without a rebuttal to refute Albedo She defaulted to insults,  worst part is that she had actually thought of asking the Succubus for advice on how to grow her chest but now she can't her pride would never allow it.

"go ahead and try miss small tits and see what happens"

The red and purple aura drowned the room leaving Ainz once again confused,  well he did tell them to bicker all they liked once they were out of the castle but then again he'd like it if they were civil, a shame he can't go back in time and switch them with Sebas or Yuri Alpha so he was stuck with them. Speaking of which he wonders about their current numbers, Shalltear being alone is not ideal though he gave her a world item He still feels anxious about the whole ordeal not to mention him going solo as an adventurer doesn't feel right no doubt he needs more people he can trust he has to work on figuring it out the staff of Ainz Ool Gown perhaps there's a reason why he was teleported with it and not the whole of Nazzarick since the staff is connected to the entire structure as a guild weapon.

-maybe use the gold to summon some Hanzos for the time being-

He thought before turning his attention to the woman who was having a heated verbal discussion.


Ainz coughed With an unusually loud noise to get their attention both women immediately stopped their squabble.

"Although I enjoy your friendly banter, we have things to do  so please get on with it."

"Yes Milord"

The both of them gave a bow and ended their spat.

"Good now Shalltear you know what to do in carne so I'll leave it in your hands  though it might be difficult to have the people warm up to the undead I trust you can handle that"

"I shall do my best Milord"

Shalltear kneeled and responded with her right hand on her heart expressing both her determination to the task she has been given and her loyalty.

"very good I expect nothing less"

"then goodbye for now lord Ainz perhaps when you visit we could spend some quality time together as a reward for my work?

The vampire put on the most sad face she could muster tugging at the heartstrings of her lord but Ainz showed no reaction outwardly, he had learned to keep his poker face plus a day ago he had learned that his Overlord title still had effect despite being a living being and that helped control his emotions making his body less expressive.

"Very well"

With that said a gate opened behind Shalltear before she walked through and the gate closed leaving Albedo and Ainz In the room. There was a rather long silence once Shalltear had left creating a somewhat awkward atmosphere.

"Uhmm lord Ainz"

Albedo spoke as she tried to lessen the awkward mood of the room.

"Yes, what is it?

He asked.

"My  lord, are you sure it's wise for each of us to operate alone?"

Albedo expressed doubts, there were only three of them as such only one person could do some tasks, Shalltear was to go and develop carne village and improve its current standard of living, with the undead they had free labor plus the king has been generous enough to give them some reward in the form of "territory reform aid". Ainz could guess that the king was trying to gain his loyalty by being generous towards him, Ainz himself didn't mind this as long as he lived a life free of trouble. The gold given by the king wasn't much but it should at least get Ainz started on developing carne village that's what the king said anyway.

Albedo insisted that the territory of her lord must resemble the greatness of her lord Ainz but because she was going to handle administrative matters here and Ainz was going to be an adventurer as a way to get some funds, the matter of developing Carne village was left to Shalltear.

"I see your  point and  I have been having my doubts as well, I think it would be beneficial to use a small amount of gold to summon some Hanzo  to act for us in the shadows, what do you think?"

"Yes I agree as well Milord, they would most useful in gathering Intel and help us cover up some things as well"

Albedo agreed while Also heaving a sigh of relief, she was having a hard time thinking of a solid way of gathering intel without personel, she could do it easily but that would involve placating the nobles and she would rather not do that so she felt relief after all no man shall touch her beautiful skin except for her darling lord Ainz.

"Good I shall inform Shalltear later but for now I'll be heading to the adventurers guild also make sure to get the best out of those items they may be useless to us but that doesn't mean we can't make a profit from them"

"Of course my lord I'll try my best to gain as much profit as possible"

Albedo lowered her head and took Ainz's instructions to heart. Ainz had figured that selling a few items would be quite the efficient way to gain funds but at the same time, it would be pretty slow as they could only sell a single item at a time so he let Albedo handle that while he tries on being an adventurer.

"very well then I'll see you later today, I'll be off"

Ainz opened a gate and was about to leave, he didn't want to leave through the normal way as he didn't want his adventurer persona to be tied to Albedo, before Ainz could step into the gate  Albedo spoke.

"Uhm lord Ainz."

Her voice was soft and gentle as if trying not to anger her lord, she had her hands clasped together and a small blush was visible on her face, she had the image of a shy maiden trying to ask a request of her significant other.

Ainz had turned his head to look at her but was momentarily stricken by the somewhat innocent image she portrayed, he had no idea that she could look so cute as well, aside from her usual sexiness she had this side to her as well.

"Y-yes what is it?"

"Well, Milord since you promised Shalltear a reward…"

Albedo paused as the reddening of her cheeks increased, she was hardly what you'd call shy but asking a request directly from her lord made her somewhat bashful and somewhat hesitant as she feared he might reject her request, so she often tried to find words to articulate so that whatever she says will be more appealing to him and make him more inclined to agree.

"I was hoping that if I'm able to complete my tasks you would offer me a reward of my choosing as well?"

Ainz was a weak man mentally as such Seeing Albedo's pleading eyes he could not find it within himself to reject whatever she ask he could not tell if she was doing it on purpose or just naturally like that but regardless she was very adorable.

"of course whatever it is you want I'll grant it to you"

He said with a great deal of confidence that even Surprised him, after answering Albedo and agreeing with her request Ainz used a gate to exit the inn and appear in a nearby alley before making his way toward the adventurers guild.

-hopefully, I don't have to start at the bottom ranks- the

He thought as he walked and took in the sight of the capital, it was much better than a village that was for sure but Ainz could hardly be blamed for putting that comparison at the back of his mind because he once again was trying to appreciate how brightly the sun was shining today, hailing from a world where the sun was blocked by the clouds, The wonderful feeling of seeing the sun every day just by stepping outside without the need to wear a gas mask was still quite fresh.

-if there's a beach here perhaps I could visit it and bask in the sun-

He mused while he walked with a rather slowed pace taking his time. His thoughts eventually lead him to the idea of a vacation, he hardly had one back in his world so once he has established a stable footing in this world and has everything is settled he could have a sort of vacation with both Albedo and Shalltear

-spending some time at the Beach, swimming and enjoying other beach-like activities-

It was at this moment that a rather lewd image -lewd by his standards- flashed in his mind, a clear picture of Albedo and Shalltear in extremely provocative swimwear, the image was enough to have Ainz halt his movements before a tinge of pink hue colored his cheeks of course with his helmet nobody saw this.  

In all honesty, he ought to get over his hesitation and just do it already, currently, they aren't  NPCs anymore nor are they children but instead adult women capable of thought, they can make their own decisions, and it's abundantly clear what decision they have made so is it right for him to torture them and deny them what everyone wants. His body responds to their advances yet his mind is shackled, shackled by the memory of his friends. He doubts that they are in this world but if they are what would they say? Would they be disgusted with his behavior?

Shaking his head and let the thoughts fade at the back of  his mind before Marching forward  to his destination


A/N: hope you like the chapter, still trying to stack up but I thought I'd post since it's been long enough.

if you like the story pay pal me for faster releases 2$ is enough for 2 chapters

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Xinum_Sensationalcreators' thoughts